2018年秋七年级英语上册 module 5 my school day unit 2-3新课落实课件 (新版)外研版

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1、Unit 2 We start work at nine oclock. & Unit 3,词 汇 点 睛,句 型 透 视,Unit 2,课前自主预习,开始上课,去上学,起床,吃早饭/午饭/晚饭,紧邻,Unit 2,休息一下,go to the playground,play football,go home,watch TV,go to bed,do homework,go swimming,play with,Unit 2,start work,get up,have,breakfast,have lunch,half past,Unit 2,In,watch,with,do my,go

2、to bed,Unit 2,1 get up 起床,观察 I get up early and go to bed early. 我起床早,睡觉早。,探究 get up 与go to bed相对应,go to bed表示“上床睡觉”这个动作。,词 汇 点 睛,Unit 2,活学活用,他通常早上六点起床,晚上十一点睡觉。 He usually _ _ at six in the morning and _ _ _ at eleven in the evening.,gets,up,goes,to,bed,Unit 2,2 house n. 房子;住宅,观察 They live in a big

3、house. 他们住在一所大房子里。,探究 house为可数名词,一般指人居住的建筑物。,Unit 2,辨析 house, home与family,Unit 2,活学活用,用family,house或home填空 (1)There are three people in my _ (2)Lets go _ (3)There is a big tree behind my _,family,home,house,Unit 2,3 sleep v. 睡觉 n. 睡觉,观察 I go to sleep at ten oclock. 我十点钟睡觉。 I had to sleep on the sofa

4、.我只得睡在沙发上。,探究 sleep作动词,意为“睡觉”;sleep 还可作名词,常用短语为go to sleep,与go to bed为同义短语。,Unit 2,活学活用,我七点钟吃晚饭,九点半去睡觉。 I have dinner at seven oclock and _ _ _ at half past nine.,go,to,sleep/bed,Unit 2,4 busy adj. 忙的; 繁忙的,观察 On Friday I have a busy day. 星期五我一整天都很忙碌。 We are busy doing our homework. 我们在忙着做作业。,探究 busy

5、为形容词,常用结构:be busy with sth.意为“忙于某事”;be busy doing sth.意为“忙于做某事”。,Unit 2,拓展 busy的反义词是free, be free 意为“空闲的”,相当于have time。此外,free 还有“免费的”之意。 例如: He is free today. 他今天有空。 The food in the supermarket is free today. 今天超市的食物是免费的。,活学活用,1. 单项填空 She is busy _ a model plane. Amaking B. make Cto make D. makes,答

6、案 A,Unit 2,2. 同义句转换 I dont have time today. I _ _ today.,am,busy,Unit 2,At eleven oclock, we have a break in the playground and I talk to my friends. 在十一点钟,我们在操场上短暂休息,我和朋友们谈话。,探究 break在这里是一个可数名词,表示“间歇的一段时间”,即短暂的休息,相当于rest。例如:tea break(在美国等西方国家,在办公室工作的人们常常在上午或者下午工作期间停下来休息一小段时间。人们可以在这段时间喝一杯茶或者咖啡,所以称为tea break,也可以叫作coffee break)。,句 型 透 视,拓展 break还可作动词,意为“弄坏”。例如:I break my bike. 我把自行车弄坏了。,Unit 2,活学活用,They _ a break and talk _ their friends after the meeting. Amake; to Bhave; for Cdo; with Dhave; to,答案 D,



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