2018届高考英语总复习 unit 1 cultural relics课件 新人教版必修2

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1、,范文背诵: The Taj Mahal is considered to be one of the great wonders of the world. It was designed by a local architect in a fancy style. The Taj Mahal, decorated with many jewels and jewelry, was built in memory of one of the kings wives, which cost the best artists more than 22 years to complete.,The

2、re is no doubt that the Taj Mahal is the finest example of the late style of Indian architecture. Its a place that is worth visiting.,泰姬陵(The Taj Mahal)被认为是世界上的伟大奇观之一。它是由当地的一个建筑师设计,风格奇特。陵内由很多珠宝首饰装饰着,它是国王为了纪念他其中一个妃子而建造的,一共花了当时最优秀的工匠22年时间才完成。毫无疑问,泰姬陵是印度后建筑风格的典范。它是一个值得参观的地方。,1design vt.设计;计划;构思;n.设计;图案

3、;构思be designed _.为而设计/打算的_ design故意地;有计划地,.词汇与拓展,for,by,2fancy adj.奇特的;异样的;vt.想象;设想;爱好fancy _ sth.想要做某事 3decorate v装饰;装修decorate sth. _.用装饰 4belong vi.属于;为的一员belong _属于 5remove vt.移动;搬开remove._.从移开;拿走;从机构开除,doing,with,to,from,6doubt n疑惑;怀疑;vt.怀疑;不信_ doubt.毫无疑问;无疑_ doubt毫无疑问;的确 7trial n审判;审讯;试验_ tria

4、l受审 8debate n. & vi.争论;辩论_ debate正在辩论中debate _ sth.争论某事,(There is) no,on,under,without/beyond,about/on/upon,1rare adj.稀罕的;珍贵的;稀有的_ adv.很少;不常 2valuable adj.贵重的;有价值的_ n价值;值钱;vi.评价;估价 3survive vi.幸免;幸存;生还_ n幸存者_ n幸存,rarely,value,survivor,survival,4amaze vt.使吃惊;惊讶_ adj.令人吃惊的_ adj.(感到)惊讶的;吃惊的 5reception

5、n接待;接收;招待会_ v接受;招待;收听 6wooden adj.木制的_ n木头 7evidence n根据;证据_ adj.清楚的;显而易见的;显然的,amazing,amazed,receive,wood,evident,8entrance n入口_ vt.进入 9informal adj.非正式的_ adj.正式的,enter,formal,The castle of that dynasty was designed in a fancy style.One palace was decorated with carefully selected valuable and rare

6、 jewels and it had a beautiful entrance.To our amazement,it survived a great explosion once,which is evidently in doubt.,根据句意用框中所给词的适当形式填空 worth, evidence, fancy, survive, design, debate, decorate, select, remove, valuable1.There was not enough_ to prove that he had stolen the wallet. 2Who has been

7、_ to take part in the football match? 3The scientists have made a _ discovery.,4They _ whether the old building should be pulled down or not. 5It was not until he _ his sunglasses that I recognized him. 6His car fell into a deep valley. Luckily he _the accident. 7They are too _; I prefer the plain o

8、nes.,8The building has been especially _ to provide easy access for people in wheelchairs. 9The book is excellent, which is _ reading a second time. 10We were busy _ the house for Christmas. 【答案】1.evidence 2.selected 3.valuable 4debated 5.removed 6.survived 7.fancy 8designed 9.worth 10.decorating,翻译

9、下列必背短语 1用装饰 _ 2处于交战状态 _ 3少于 _ 4调查;朝里面/深处看 _ 5属于 _ 6而不是 _,.短语与运用,be decorated with,(be) at war,less than,look into,belong to,rather than,7寻找 _ 8作为报答;作为回报 _ 9看重;器重 _ 10拆开;拆散 _,in search of,in return (for),think highly of,take apart,【活学活用】 根据括号里的解释,用恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1Its silly to go out in such a burning d

10、ay.Ill stay home _ go out for walk.(instead of) 2Even under the best condition, we couldnt finish it in _ three days.(no more than),3A group of ten people was set up to _ the serious problem of water pollution in that area.(to examine) 4As a top student in his class,Tom is always _ by both the teach

11、ers and students.(to have a good opinion of) 5Can I treat you to a Chinese buffet _ your great help of my edition work?(as a response/thank to),【答案】1.rather than 2.less than 3.look into 4thought highly of 5.in return for,A survive B A比B活得长 survive sth.幸免于;从中活过来 survive on.靠存活下来,1survive v幸存,活下来;保存下来

12、;设法对付 注意 (1)survive本身已表示“幸存;幸免于”,因而不要加多余的in或from。,(2)当survive意为“比多活多长时间”时,用“A survive B by 时间”结构表示。 Tom survived his friend by ten years after the war. 战后,汤姆比他的朋友多活了十年。,完成句子 Mr.Green was the only (1)_(幸存者) who (2)_(在地震中幸存)He told us he (3)_(靠生存) a bottle of mineral water.Everyone said his (4)_(幸存) w

13、as a wonder. 【答案】(1)survivor (2)survived the earthquake (3)survived on (4)survival,be worthn. 值(仅限于少数表示钱数或某种代价的比喻性名词) be(well) worth doing sth.(很)值得做某事 be worthwhile to do/doing sth.值得做某事 Its worthwhile to do/doing sth.做某事是值得的 be worthy of sth./of being done/to be done值得(做)某事,2worth prep.值得的;相当于的价值;

14、n.价值;作用;adj.值钱的,注意 worthy可作前置定语,表示“有价值的;可敬的”,而worth不能。 Jacqueline may have been hired for her name and for her social relations,but she soon proved her worth.人们雇用杰奎琳时,可能是因为她的名气和社会关系,但是她很快就证明了自己的价值。,完成句子 The factory is worth _. The factory is worthy of a visit. The factory is worthy of _. The factory is worthy to be visited. Its worthwhile _the factory. 这家工厂值得参观。 【答案】visiting;being visited;to visit/visiting,by designon purpose故意



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