2018高中英语 module 5 great people and great invention 课件 外研版必修3

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1、,Module 5 Great people and Great Invention,equal important look after philosopher philosophy ruler state teachings thinker treat war,In ancient China, private teachers traveled from state to s_ explaining their p_ Confucius was the most important of the ancient Chinese p_ Confuciuss t_ influenced so

2、ciety for more than 2000 years. Other important t_ included Mencius and Mozi. All three teachers believed in the i_ of kindness and good government. Menciuss ideas were very similar to those of Confucius, but some of Mozis t_ were very different. For example, he hated the idea of w_ and believed tha

3、t strong people should l_ weaker people.,tate,hilosophy,hilosophers,eaching,hinkers,mportance,eachings,ar,ook after,Answer questions : 1.How many ancient philosophers are mentioned? Who are they? 2. Who was the most important philosopher and in what way was he important? 3.What did they all believe

4、in? 4.Whose teachings were different from Confucius and in what way?,philosophers,Of Ancient china,Confucius,Old teachings of Confucius,To learn from time to time to apply what one has learned - isnt that a pleasure?,学而时习之,不亦悦乎?,2.To have friends come from far away - isnt that a joy?,有朋自远方来,不亦悦乎?,Me

5、ncius,Mozi,an idea that influences the way you behave _ to start an organisation or philosophy _ the feeling that something is true and exists _ when people obey laws and rules and do not cause trouble _ 5. to look after children until they are adults _ 6. give a lot of importance to _ 7. job _ 8. d

6、oing what he suggested _ 9. tell your employer that you are going to leave your job _ 10. someone who gives advice _ 11. having a lot of influence _,principle,found,belief,order,bring up,stress,position,follow ones advice,resign,adviser,influencial,Order, bring up, found, principle, belief, stress,

7、position, follow ones advice, resign, adviser, influencial,Scan the text for some important information:,551 BC,kindness, duty;order in society,72,372 BC,born good people were more important,83,476 BC,men were equal; Lovelook afer Hate,86,1. Confucius stressed the importance of the following aspects

8、 except_ A. Kindness B. friendship C. order D. duty 2. Which is NOT the right statement about Mozi? He was known for his unusual clothes and behavior. He hated the idea of war. All his beliefs were the same as Confucius. D. He believed all men were equal.,3. Which belief by Mozi was similar to that

9、of Confucius? A. We should love all human beings. B. The government shuldnt treat people badly. C. We should look after those who are weaker than ourselves. D. The government was most important.,4. Whats main idea of the passage? The author wants to make people believe in the teachings by thinkers o

10、f ancient. The author wants to introduce three influential philosophers of ancient China. C. The author wants to tell interesting stories about three important teachers in ancient China. D. The author wants to show the history of philosophy in ancient China.,5. Which shows the right order of time wh

11、en the three great thinkers lived? Confucius- Mencius -Mozi B.Mencius-Mozi-Confucius C. Confucius-Mozi-Mencius D.Mozi- Mencius-Confucius 6. From the text we can infer that_ A. Only in time of war could philosophers produce great teaching. B. It was not easy to find a state where people would follow

12、the thinkers teaching. C. Great philosophers must have been born in poor families. D. Influential philosophers wouldnt agree with each other.,Menciuss experiences,His father died when,and he was He became a student of and was then given.However ,when he saw thathe resigned.For many years,he travelle

13、d from state to state,teaching .He then became.He spent his last year.,Mozi was another teacher _ was very _._in 476 BC,he came from a family _was very poor.He became famous _ his unusual clothes and _.Mozi _ the philosophy called Mohism._ some ways,his _ were _ those of Confucius.For example,he con

14、sidered that government was most important.As a result,he spent many years _ to find a state _ people would follow his _.,who,influential,Born,which,for,behaviour,founded,In,beliefs,similar to,trying,where,teachings,Discussion,Which of the three philosophers do you like best? Why? I likebecause I th

15、ink,Homework,Write a famous person from ancient China,1.Bring up,1.The price has been brought up. 2.He drank too much and brought up his supper. 3.The school has brought up many good students. 4.A new plan was brought up at the meeting.,2.resign,resign from a job/office resign oneself to Not resign one


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