2018年高考英语一轮复习 unit3 tomorrow’s world课件 牛津译林版必修4

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1、Unit 3 Tomorrows world,. 立体记单词 快速识记 1. _ (n. ) 观光,游览 2. _ (vt. ) 控诉,控告;谴责 3. _ (vi. ) 起作用,正常运转 (n. ) 作用,功能;职能 4. _ (adj. ) 最重要的;首要的;主要的 (n. ) (公司或机构的)首领 5. _ (vi. & vt. ) 逃跑,逃离,逃脱;避免,避开;被遗忘,被忽视 (n. ) 逃离,逃脱,sightseeing,accuse,function,chief,escape,6. _ (n. ) 现实,事实_ (adj. )真实的,实际(存在)的_ (adv. ) 实际上,事实上

2、_ (vt. )意识到 7. _ (n. ) 展示,介绍;颁发;提交,出示_ (n. )礼物;现在(vt. )提出,介绍,呈现,赠送(adj. )现在的,目前的,出席的,存在的 8. _ (vt. )使惊奇,使惊诧_ (n. ) 惊奇,惊愕,诧异_ (adj. ) 惊奇的,吃惊的 _ (adj. ) 令人惊奇的 9. _ (adj. )自信的;肯定的,有把握的_ (adv. )自信地_ (n. ) 信心,信任,reality,real,really,realize,presentation,present,amaze,amazement,amazed,amazing,confident,con

3、fidently,confidence,10. _ (adj. ) 失望的,沮丧的_ (adj. ) 令人失望的_ (vt. ) 使失望_ (n. ) 失望 11. _ (adj. ) 有残疾的; 丧失能力的_ (vt. ) 使伤残,使残疾_ (n. )残疾 12. _ (n. )方便,便利;便利的设施或用具_ (adj. ) 方便的(反义词)_ (adj. ) 不方便的 13. _ (vt. )伤害,损害_ (n. )伤害,损害,受伤处_ (adj. )受伤的 14. _ (n. )操作人员_ (v. )操作;经营;做手术 _ (n. )手术;操作,disappointed,disappoi

4、nting,disappoint,disappointment,disabled,disable,disability,convenience,convenient,inconvenient,injure,injury,injured,operator,operate,operation,15. _ (n. )缺点;不利因素,障碍(反义词)_ (n. ) 优点;有利条件 16. _ (adj. )电的,电动的_ (n. )电,电流 17. _ (adj. ) 连续发生的,不断的;恒定的_ (adv. )经常地 18. _ (n. )重要性_ (adj. )重要的 19. _ (n. )惊恐,恐

5、惧_ (n. )恐怖主义_ (n. )恐怖主义者_ (adj. )恐怖的 20. _ (n. )印象,感想_ (adj. )印象深刻的_ (v. )给以深刻印象;使铭记,disadvantage,advantage,electric,electricity,constant,constantly,importance,important,terror,terrorism,terrorist,terrible,impression,impressive,impress,【语境应用】用所给词的适当形式填空 I was _ with his performance, so I had a quarr

6、el with him. To my great _, he should blame me rather than himself for his bad result. He was really _. (disappoint) Beijing is such an _ city that it often makes a strong _ on visitors and its sights never fail to _ foreign tourists. (impress) An _ man was taken to hospital, where the doctors found

7、 he suffered severe _ to the head and arms and they wondered who had _ him. (injure),disappointed,disappointment,disappointing,impressive,impression,impress,injured,injuries,injured,. 多维练短语 查缺补漏 1. _ 实现,成为现实 2. _ 值得做某事 *3. _ 使增强,使增加,使扩大 *4. _ 提出,提议 *5. _ 至于,关于 6. _ 实际上,事实上 7. _ 使鲜活、生动 8. _ 执行,实行,完成,

8、come true,deserve to do sth.,add to,put forward,as to,in reality,bring. . . alive,carry out,9. _ 从长远来看 *10. _ 最后但同样重要的 *11. give out _ 12. set up _ *13. compared with _ 14. look into _ 15. base on _ 16. all of a sudden _,in the long term,last but not least,散发;分发;用光;耗尽,创办,建立,与相比较,考察;调查;研究,基于,以为根据,突然,

9、17. come across _ 18. get away _ 19. blow up _ *20. hold on to _,(偶然)遇见,发现,离开,逃脱,出发,(使)爆炸,紧紧抓住,抓牢,【语境应用】选用上面带星号的短语填空 The woods and the newly-dug river through the campus _ the beauty of this world-known university. The State Council _ a new economic policy on the benefits of the farmers. The teacher

10、 _ the test papers when the bell rang.,add to,put forward,gave out,. 超级仿句式 模仿经典 1. Not only will he or she feel every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma, but the user will also experience the cold. (not only引导的倒装句) 【仿写】他不但在学校教书,而且还写小说。 _ in school, but he writes novels.,Not only does he teach,2. He o

11、r she will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement upon reaching the top. (upon/on doing sth. 一就;当的时候) 【仿写】我在校门口一见到玛丽就把钱还给她了。 I gave the money back to Mary _.,upon seeing her at the school gate,3. This kind of urban planning is in the long term cheaper and more practical, compared wi

12、th the way most urban planning is done today. (作状语的compared with) 【仿写】与她的姐姐相比,那位女士通过卖女士服装挣钱更多。 _, the lady earned much more money by selling womens clothes.,Compared with her sister,4. While we are very interested in RealCine, we will need much more information before we can make a decision. (while引导的让步状语从句) 【仿写】虽然我理解你的意思,但我还是不同意。 _, I cant agree with you.,While I understand what you say,5. It is believed that the new products will sell well in the future. (It +be+过去分词+that引导的主语从句) 【仿写】据报道李娜于2014年9月宣布退役。 _ Li Na announced her retirement in September, 2014.,It was report


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