2018年高考英语一轮复习 unit2 wish you were here课件 牛津译林版必修2

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1、Unit 2 Wish you were here,. 立体记单词 快速识记 1. _ (vt. & vi. ) 安排 2. _ (n. ) 沙漠 (vt. ) 抛弃,舍弃 3. _ (adv. ) 总共 4. _ (adj. ) 汹涌的;粗糙的;大概的 5. _ ( n. ) 前进,预先 (vi. ) 前进,进步,arrange,desert,altogether,rough,advance,6. _ (n. & vt. ) 提供,供给,补给 7. _ (n. ) 空气;大气层 8. _ (n. & vt. ) 计划 9. _ (vt. ) 观看;看待 (n. ) 景色;观点 10. _ (

2、n. ) 目的地 11. _ (vt. ) 出版;发表 12. _ (vt. ) 反射(声、光、热等);反映,supply,atmosphere,schedule,view,destination,publish,reflect,13. _ (n. ) 冒险;冒险经历_ (adj. ) 有冒险精神 的,大胆开拓的_ (n. )冒险者 14. _ (adj. ) 不舒服的,不自在的_ (adj. ) 舒服的_ (adv. )舒适地 _ (n. & vt. ) 安慰;使舒 适 15. _ (n. ) 保护 _ (vt. ) 保护 16. _ (vt. )使恐惧,惊吓_ (adj. )使人惊恐的,吓

3、人的,可 怕的_ (adj. )惊慌的,吓坏的,adventure,adventurous,adventurer,uncomfortable,comfortable,comfortably,comfort,protection,protect,scare,scary,scared,17. _ (adj. )让人疲劳的,累人的 _ (adj. )疲倦的,困倦 的;厌倦的,厌烦的_ (vt. &vi. )使厌倦;疲劳,累 18. _( vt. &vi. ) 探索;勘探 _ (n. )勘探者, 探险家 _ (n. ) 探险 19. _ (vt. ) 埋葬;埋藏 _ (n. ) 掩埋;葬礼 20. _

4、 (n. )美,美景;美人_ (adj. )美丽的,漂亮的 21. _ (adv. ) 官方地,正式地_ (adj. & n. ) 官方的,正 式的;官员,tiring,tired,tire,explore,explorer,exploration,bury,burial,beauty,beautiful,officially,official,22. _ (vt. ) 宣布,宣称_ (n. )通告,宣布,声明 23. _ (n. ) 和谐,协调,融洽 _ (adj. ) 和谐的,和睦的,协调的,announce,announcement,harmony,harmonious,【语境应用】用所

5、给词的适当形式填空 Ancient Greeks made many _ in philosophy, science, politics and sport. (advance) It is _ announced that quite a few _ have been punished for financial corruption. (official) _ historic sites is more important than repairing them after they are damaged, so it is necessary to educate the pub

6、lic about the importance of _. (protect),advances,officially,officials,Protecting,protection, As a nurse, she always tries to make her patients as _ as possible, but as a shy girl, she feels _ with strangers. (comfort) Many _ came here to _ the mountain. Without doubt, its worth the _. (explore),com

7、fortable,uncomfortable,explore,explorers,exploration,. 多维练短语 查缺补漏 1. _ 忙于做某事 2. _ 在黑暗中 3. _ 万一 4. _ 使某人想起某事 5. _ 生火 *6. _ 迷路 *7. _ 接近 *8. _ 是的家园,be busy doing,in the dark,in case,remind sb. of sth.,make a fire,lose ones way,get close to,be home to,9. _ 与和谐 10. _ 名胜 *11. at a loss _ 12. go on a trip

8、_ *13. in advance _ 14. even though _ 15. scare away _ *16. up close _ 17. make discoveries _ 18. be tired of _,in harmony with,places of interest,茫然,不知所措,去旅行,提前,即使,纵然,把吓跑,靠近地,有所发现,厌烦,厌倦,*19. in silence _ 20. in the open air _ 21. tower over _,安静地,沉默地,在户外,远远高于(周围的事物),【语境应用】选用上面带星号的短语填空 Many people a

9、re _ as to what to do in case of an emergency. I often _ when I come to a new city for the first time. Australia _ a lot of rare animals like koala bears, kangaroos and so on. Going on a trip is a good way of _ nature. You have to buy us the tickets for the concert _ in case they are sold out.,at a

10、loss,lose my way,is home to,getting close to,in advance,. 超级仿句式 模仿经典 1. Wish you were here. (wish后宾语从句用虚拟语气) 【仿写】要是学校里没有如此频繁的考试就好了。 I wish _ at school.,there were no such frequent examinations,2. Colin and I plan to spend a few weeks travelling before he goes to university. (before引导状语从句) 【仿写】上大学之前他

11、拜访了自己的老师并向他们道别。 He paid a visit to his teachers and said good-bye to them _ _.,before he,went to university,3. Well live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink whatever they do, including cows blood! (whatever引导名词性从句) 【仿写】我的父母做了他们能做的一切来帮助我。 My parents have done _ to help me.,what

12、ever they can,4I was very excited because this was the first time I had seen one wildlife. This/It is/was the. . . time (that). . . “这是第几次”, that从句中用完成时 【仿写】科学家们说这是第一次埃博拉病毒被发现在人类中传播。 Scientists say _ the Ebola virus _ spreading among human beings.,this is the first time that,has been found,5. We had hoped that we would get to see some other wildlife on our trip, but sadly we didnt. (had hoped/thought/planned. . . 本希望/想/打算) 【仿写】我本来计划去买东西,但大雨使我没有去成。 I _


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