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1、Section Learning about Language & Using Language,课前自主预习,答案: 1.amount 2.scream 3.rag 4.indeed 5.bow,拓展词汇 6_(adj.)难以置信的believable相信的believe (v.)相信 7_(adj.)粗鲁的,无礼的rudeness (n.)无礼 8_(n.)举止,方式manners (n.)礼貌 答案: 6.unbelievable 7.rude 8.manner,.重点短语 1_ 冒险 2_ 衣衫褴褛 3_ 关于;至于 4_ 大量的 5_ 打赌 6_ 正要干 7_ 迷失在 8_ 事实上,

2、3句型展示:I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount. 我的确听说英国银行发行了两张这种面额的支票 名师指津:did/do/does加强语气 句式仿写:I_ you can take my suggestion into account. 我的确希望你能考虑一下我的建议。 答案: 1.It is wellknown that 2.whatever they want 3.do hope,.语篇理解 Read the passage and then choose the best answer

3、. 1Why did Henry ask for more of the same food? ABecause he was an American who liked to eat a lot. BBecause he wanted others to know he had much money. CBecause he was too hungry. DBecause he ordered food for other poor people. 答案: C,2Henry asked the waiter to wait for a few minutes to_. Akeep his

4、promise Bshow his wealth Cmake an excuse Dmake fun of the waiter 答案: A,3When did the hostess and the owner change their attitude to Henry? AAt the beginning of the story. BBefore they saw the bank note. CAt the end of the story. DAfter they saw the bank note. 答案: D,4At the sight of the bank note,the

5、 owner and the waiter got very_. Afrightened Bangry Cworried Dshocked 答案: D,课内研析探究,.单词拼写 1The fans_(尖叫) with excitement when they saw the famous singer. 答案: screamed 2It is_(难以置信的) that the boy finished drawing such a beautiful bird in just five minutes. 答案: unbelievable,3If you want to lose weight,

6、please try to reduce the _(数量) of fat in your diet. 答案: amount 4In some countries,people_(鞠躬) to each other when they say hello. 答案: bow 5He was awarded the first prize in the school sports meeting which was_(确实) the most unforgettable event in his life. 答案: indeed,6Lily likes eating_(甜点),but she ne

7、ver puts on weight. 答案: desserts 7Why are you talking in such a strange_(方式)? 答案: manner 8Id like to_(预定) a table for three for eight oclock. 答案: reserve,.单句改错 1What is wellknown that Yang Liwei is Chinas first astronaut to fly in space. _ 答案: WhatIt或that前加is 2There is large amounts of information f

8、or the company. _ 答案: is are,3Would you mind my open the window? _ 答案: openopening 4It is strange that the wellbehaved gentleman should be so rude for that lady. _ 答案: forto 5I was about to leave while it began to rain. _ 答案: whilewhen,.单句写作 1_,I will be right here waiting for you. 不管你去哪里,我都会在这里等着你。

9、 答案: Wherever you go 2_,I dont want to tell anyone. 至于我的过去,我不想告诉任何人。 答案: As for my past,3_wait in line. 排队是有礼貌的行为。 答案: It is good manners to 4_he can pass the final exam. 他不可能通过期末考试。 答案: There is no chance that 5A large amount of information_for the company. 这个公司收集了大量的信息。 答案: has been collected,.语段训

10、练 先翻译下列句子,然后将其合并成一篇短文。 1汤姆获得了大量的(a large amount of)写作经验。 _ 答案: Tom gained a large amount of experience in writing. 2同时,他确实(indeed)具有写作天赋。 _ 答案: At the same time he had indeed a great gift for writing.,3至于(as for)他的作品则深受我们学生的欢迎。 _ 答案: As for his works,they were popular with us students. 4有些作品是关于森林里冒险(take chances)的故事。 _ 答案: Some of them are about taking chances in the forest. 5另外一些是关于衣衫褴褛(in rags)的人们在社会中挣扎、奋斗的故事。 _ 答案: Others are about people in rags struggling in society.,谢谢观看!,



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