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1、Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia,基础知识梳理,考点知识导练,基础知识梳理 抓主干 固双基,strength,strong,strengthen,concerned,concern,complain,complaint,major,majority,urgent,urgency,frightening,frightened,frighten,fright,7. /tmsfI/ n.大气;大气层;气氛adj. 大气层的;大气的 . 8. /kemIkl/ n.化学药品n.化学 n. 化学家,药剂师 . 9. /InvaIrnmnt/ n.环境adj.环境的 . 10. /p

2、lun/ n.污染vt.污染 adj. 受污染的 . 11. /evIdns/ n. 根据,证明adj. 明显的, 显然的 . 12. /skeri/ adj.恐怖的;吓人的v.使害怕 . 13. /bslutli/ adv.绝对地;完全地adj. 完全的,绝对的 . 14. /prtekn/ n.保护v.保护 .,atmosphere,atmospheric,chemical,chemistry,chemist,environment,environmental,pollution,pollute,polluted,evidence,evident,scary,scare,absolutel

3、y,absolute,protection,protect,1.cut 砍倒;削减;缩小(尺寸、数量等) 2.take 吸收 3.give 放出;发出 4.look 浏览,仔细检查 5.be caught 突然遭遇(风暴等) 6.one another 一个接一个地 7.have a bad effect 对有坏影响 8. a nutshell简言之;概括地讲,down,in,out,through,in,after,on,in,1.The garbage is then taken away and, , recycled. 然后将垃圾运走,倘若可能的话,予以回收利用。 2.They are

4、 often thick you cannot see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes. 沙尘暴常很浓密,以致遮天蔽日让人看不到阳光,且有时风大得可 以移动沙丘。 3.And yet we nothing talk about it. 然而我们除了谈论这件事别的什么也没做。,1.The different types of infinitive (不定式的不同形式) 2.Expressions with but+infinitive (but+不定式的表达),if,possible,so,t

5、hat,do,but,考点知识导练 解疑难 提知能,1.strength n.力量,力气;长处;强度;意志力,英文典例: When her five daughters were young, Helene An always told them that there was strength in unity (团结).(2015安徽,阅读理解B) 当她五个女儿还小时,Helene An总是告诉她们团结就有力量。 I dont have the strength to climb any further. 我没有力气再往上爬了。(朗文P1978) Tolerance is one of he

6、r many . 宽容是她的一个优点。,strengths,词语辨析:,Her ex-husband tried to get the children back by . 她的前夫企图强行要回孩子。 She came back full of after vacation. 度假归来后她精力充沛。 She has a lot of over the people in her team. 她对队里的人有很大的影响力。 She pulled on the rope with all her . 她用尽全身的力气拉绳子。,force,energy,power,strength,2.concern

7、ed adj.有关的(不用于名词之前);担心的;关心的;挂念的,英文典例: She was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost.她担心自己会错过拐弯的地方而迷路。 We could not prove he was concerned with the crime, so we had to release him. 我们无法证明他与此罪行有关,因此不得不释放了他。 Everyone concerned in the incident was questioned by the police. 所有与这起事件有关的人都受

8、到了警方的盘问。(朗文P381) This arrangement is quite satisfactory, . . 就我来说,这样的安排很好。,so,far,as,I,am,concerned,写作联想:典例其他表达方式 She worried that she might miss the turning and get lost. She was worried that she might miss the turning and get lost. Her concern/worry was that she might miss the turning and get lost

9、. What worried her was that she might miss the turning and get lost.,plain v.抱怨,发牢骚,控诉,英文典例: One of their neighbors had written to the sound of the piano.(2015北京,完形填空) 一个邻居写信来抱怨钢琴的声音。 People complain that they dont get enough information. 人们抱怨得不到足够的信息。(朗文P373) If you want to make a complaint about t

10、hat,you should see the manager. 如果你要对那件事投诉,你应该去见经理。,complain,about,4.cut down 砍倒;削减;缩小(尺寸、数量等),英文典例: The clothes were cut down many times by the mother to fit the younger ones. 衣服被母亲改小了好几次,以适合排行小的孩子穿。 I wish Marie would stop on our conversation all the time. 我希望Marie在我们谈话时别老插嘴。(朗文P463),cutting,in,We

11、 were cut off by the tide and had to wait to be rescued by the boat. 我们为潮水所困,只能等船只来救援。 Cut through this park.It will save time. 穿过这个公园会节约时间。,5.take in,英文典例: The more fat you take in before bedtime, the greater burden you will put on your body at night.(2016四川,阅读理解D) 睡前你摄入的脂肪越多,晚上身体的负担就越大。 It took me

12、 a long time to take in what you said. 我花了很长时间才理解你说的话。,This price takes in the cost of all the accommodation and food. 这个价格包括食宿的一切费用。 Dont be by products claiming to help you lose weight in a week.不要被那些声称能在一周内帮你减肥的产品给骗 了。(朗文P2039),taken,in,6.give out,【巧学助记】,英文典例: They gave out leaflets and soon the

13、movement spread to other cities. 他们四处分发传单,这项运动很快涉及到其他城市。 It was given out that the prime minister was to undergo minor surgery. 据宣布,首相将要接受小手术。(朗文P823) He plans to stay there until his money . 他计划在那里待到钱花完为止。 特别提示:give out 意为“分发;发表;放出”时,是及物动词短语;意为“用尽,用完”时,give out与run out 是不及物动词短语,而use up,run out of是及

14、物动词短语,有被动语态,主语往往是人。,gives,out,7.look through 浏览,快速查看;透过看去,英文典例: Ive looked through all my papers but I still cant find the contract. 我翻阅了所有文件,但依然没有找到那份合同。,Looking back, I honestly dont know how she did it.(2016浙江, 阅读理解D) 回想起这一切,老实说,我不知道她是如何做到的。 Just because they make more money than I do,they seem t

15、o . me. 就因为他们比我挣钱多,他们似乎就看不起我。 The clerk looked up from his desk and frowned. 办事员从办公桌上抬起头来,皱了皱眉头。,look,down,on/upon,8.The garbage is then taken away and,if possible,recycled. 然后将垃圾运走,倘若可能的话,予以回收利用。,英文典例: I want to avoid the rush hour traffic if possible. 如果可能的话,我想避开交通高峰期。(朗文P1523) ,youd better not refer to the dictionary. 你最好别查字典,除非有必要。 I dont suppose there will be more than a dozen left,if any. 我认为即使还有的话也不会超过十几个。(朗文P67),Unless,necessary,


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