2018高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理 unit 2 the united kingdom课件 新人教版必修5 (2)

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《2018高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理 unit 2 the united kingdom课件 新人教版必修5 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理 unit 2 the united kingdom课件 新人教版必修5 (2)(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 The United Kingdom,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,1.unitevt.乐意的,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,6.currencyn.货币;通货 currentadj.当前的,流行的 7.conveniencen.便利,方便 convenientadj.便利的,方便的 8.roughadj.粗糙的;粗暴的 roughlyadv.粗略地,粗糙地 9.attractvt.吸引,引起注意 attractionn.吸引;吸引力 attractiveadj.迷人的,有吸引力的 10.collectionn.收藏品;珍藏;收集 collectvt.收集,搜集 11.admin

2、istrationn.管理;行政部门 administratevt.管理;实施,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,12.enjoyableadj.令人愉快的,使人高兴的 enjoyvt.享受,喜爱;享有 13.descriptionn.描述,描写 describevt.描述,描写 14.furnishedadj.配备好装备的;带家具的 furnituren.家具 15.possibilityn.可能(性) possibleadj.可能的 possiblyadv.可能地;也许;大概 16.plusprep.加上;加 adj.加的;正的;零上的 17.quarreln.争吵,争论,吵架 vi.争吵,吵

3、架 18.arrangevt.筹备;安排;整理 arrangementn.筹备;安排;整理,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,19.foldvt.折叠;对折 unfold(反义词)vt.打开;呈现 vi.展开;显露 20.delightn.快乐,高兴,喜悦 vt.使高兴,使欣喜 delightedadj.高兴的,快乐的 21.thrillvt.使激动;使胆战心惊 thrilledadj.非常兴奋的,极为激动的 thrillingadj.毛骨悚然的;令人兴奋的,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,1.consist of 由组成 2.divide.into 把分成 3.break away (from)

4、挣脱(束缚),脱离 4.to ones credit 为带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在名下 5.leave out 省去,遗漏,不考虑 6.take the place of 代替 7.break down (机器)损坏,破坏 8.for convenience 为了便利起见,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,1.值得赞扬的是,虽然这四个国家的确在一些方面共同合作(例如在货币和国际关系方面),但它们在制度上仍存在着很大的差别。 To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas (eg,the currency and int

5、ernational relations),but they still have very different institutions. 2.在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的。为方便起见,它大致可以划分为三个地区。 England is the largest of the four countries,and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones. 3.刚建成时,它看起来真是金碧辉煌! It looked splendid when first built! 4.这似乎是一件怪事: 这位开创了共产主义的人竟然在伦敦生活

6、过,并且在伦敦去世。 It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.,People may wonder why different words 1.are used(use) to describe the four countries of the United Kingdom.If you study British history,you can easily clarify 2.the/this question. Great Britai

7、n 3.consists(consist) of England,Scotland and Wales.They found themselves united 4.peacefully(peace) instead of by war.Later Northern Ireland joined with England,wales and Scotland 5.to become(become) the United Kingdom.This was shown to the world in a new flag 6.called(call) the Union Jack. Of all

8、London is the 7.greatest(great) historical treasure with lots of 8.places(place) of interest.London has been influenced by four sets of invaders,each of 9.which left some historical sites.Youll find evidence of all these invaders if you make a trip 10.to the United Kingdom.,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,convenienc

9、e n.方便,便利 England is the largest of the four countries,and for convenience it is divided roughly into three zones.在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的。为方便起见,它大致可以分成三个地区。(教材原句P10) 常见用法 for convenience sake为了方便起见 for ones convenience 为了某人方便 for the convenience of.为了的方便 at ones convenience在某人方便的时候 Many stores have a delive

10、ry service for the convenience of customers.为了顾客的方便,许多商店设有送货服务。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,拓展延伸 convenient adj.方便的,便利的;适宜的 be convenient to/for sb.对某人方便 It is convenient (for sb.) to do sth.(某人)方便做某事 Will it be convenient for you to come in the morning?你上午来方便吗? Id like to see you whenever (its) convenient.在你方便的

11、时候我想来看看你。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,现学活用 完成句子 1.只要您方便,我随时都可以开始工作。 I can start to work whenever it is convenient for/to you. 2.饭菜可以提前准备,在你方便时端上。 These meals can be prepared in advance,and served at your convenience. 3.忙碌的人常吃方便食品。 Busy people are often eating convenience food.,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,attract vt.吸引;激发,引起注

12、意 It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.很遗憾,这些建于19世纪的工业城市并不吸引游客。(教材原句P10) 常见用法 attract sb.to sth.吸引某人对某事感兴趣 attract ones attention/mind 吸引某人的注意 be attracted to sth.为某物所吸引 The concert attracted a great number of people.那场音乐会吸引了许多人。 What attrac

13、ted me most to the job was the chance to travel.这份工作最吸引我的是有旅行的机会。 I tried to attract his attention,but failed.我想要引起他的注意,却枉费心机。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,拓展延伸 attraction n.吸引(力);吸引人的事物 attractive adj.有魅力的;诱人的;引人注意的 Her dark eyes are very attractive.她的黑眼睛很迷人。 现学活用 用attract的适当形式填空 1.Thousands of foreigners were a

14、ttracted to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened. 2.Most of the standard tourist attractions in Manhattan are popular with Chinese visitors. 3.And I believe this necklace would make you more attractive.,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,arrange vt.筹备;安排;整理;布置 vi.达成协议;商定;安排 They had no time to arrange their own we

15、dding,so they had it organized by a company.他们没有时间筹备自己的婚礼,因此他们让一家公司代为策划。(教材原句P13) 常见用法 arrange for sth.安排某事 arrange sth.for sb.为某人安排某事 arrange for sb.to do sth.安排某人做某事 arrange that.安排 arrange (with sb.) to do sth.(与人)约定做某事 arrange with sb.about sth.与某人商定某事,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,He would like to arrange for

16、 the meeting on Wednesday.他想把会议安排在星期三。 Bill arranged for this man to come whenever needed.比尔安排这人随叫随到。 He arranged that the meeting (should) be put off for a week.他安排把会议延后一星期召开。 I arranged to meet him at 6 oclock.我约定在6点钟跟他见面。 I have arranged with him to meet at the restaurant.我和他约好了在饭馆见面。 拓展延伸 arrangement n.安排,筹备;约定;协议 make arrangements for.安排 come to an arrangement 达成协议,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,现学活用


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