2018中考英语 考点聚焦 第18讲 九年级 units 7-8课件 人教新目标版

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1、人教版,英语,第18讲 九年级Units 78,1safe(adj.) _ (n.)安全;安全性【高频】 2regret(v.&n.) _(过去式/过去分词)感到遗憾;懊悔 _ 现在分词) _ (adj.)后悔的 _ (adj.)令人遗憾的;可惜的;可悲的 3educate(v.) _ (过去式/过去分词)教育;教导 _(n.)教育 _(adj.)教育的;有教育意义的【高频】,safety,regretted,regretting,regretful,regrettable,educated,education,educational,4manage(v.) _ (过去式/过去分词)完成(困难

2、的事);应付(困难局面) _ (现在分词) _(n.)管理;经营 _ (n.)经理;经营者【高频】 5society(n.) _ (adj.)社会的【高频】 6choose(v.) _ (n.)选择;挑选【高频】 _ (过去式)选择;选出【高频】 _(过去分词),managed,managing,management,manager,social,choice,chose,chosen,7attend(v.) _(过去式/过去分词)出席;参加 _ (n.)出席;到场;参加 _ (n.)服务员;侍者 8value(n.) _(adj.)贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的【高频】 9noise(n.) _

3、(adj.)吵闹的 10wolf(n.) _(pl.)狼 11sleep(v.) _(adj.)困倦的;瞌睡的【高频】 _(adj.)睡着的 12express(v.) _(n.)词语;表达方式;表达 13Britain(n.) _(adj.)英国的;英国人的,attended,attendance,attendant,valuable,noisy,wolves,sleepy,asleep,expression,British,14lead(v.) _(过去式/过去分词)领导;引导 _(现在分词) _(n.)领导;领袖 15medicine(n.) _ (pl.)药品 _(adj.)医疗的;医

4、学的【高频】,led,leading,leader,medicines,medical,1_ 回嘴;顶嘴 2make _ 确信 3be _ sb. 对某人要求严格 4_ 挡的路;妨碍 5be _ 认真对待 6_ 关心 7_ 追逐;追赶 8_ 捡起 9_ to 回想起 10_ 指出,talk back,sure,strict with,get in the way of,serious about,care about,run after,pick up,think back,point out,1我认为不应该允许16岁的人开车。 I _ think _ should be _ to drive

5、. 2我担心你的安全。 Im _ your safety. 3看见毕加索的著名绘画作品,我感到非常兴奋。 Im really _ seeing the famous paintings by Picasso. 4当我跌倒和伤到自己时,她给我一个拥抱,并把我高高举起。 When I fell and hurt _,she _me _and lifted me up. 5我不需要被告知要做什么! I should not be told_,dont,sixteenyearolds,allowed,worried about,excited about,myself,gave,a hug,what

6、to do!,6他们能从工作中学到很多。 They can _ a lot _ working. 7你认为我们必须让青少年远离网络吗? Do you think we must _ teenagers _ the Internet? 8父母应该给青少年自己做决定的机会。 Parents should give teenagers chances to _their _ 9青少年经常认为应该允许他们尽可能多地按照他们所想的去实践他们的爱好。 Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies _ they

7、want.,learn,from,keep,away from,make,own decisions,as much as,10我们不反对赛跑! We have _ running! 11他需要考虑一下,如果他最终成不了一名专业的赛跑运动员,那将会发生什么。 He needs to think about what _if he doesnt _as a professional runner. 12只有那样,我才有实现梦想的机会。 _will I have a chance to achieve my dream. 13无论我们有多少困难,我相信所有的问题最终能够被解决_how many d

8、ifficulties we have,I believe all problems can _ in the end.,nothing against,will happen,end up,Only then,No matter,be solved,14一定有什么东西闯入了我们社区的住户家中。 There _something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 15他可能为了锻炼身体而在跑步。 He could _ for exercise. 16他们认为这些石头能够预防疾病,并使人们保持健康。 They think the stones can

9、 _illness and keep people _ 17这些巨石以一种特定的方式被放置在一起。 The large stones were put together _,must be,be running,prevent,healthy,in a certain way,regret 【典例在线】 I regret to have to do this,but I have no choice.我很遗憾必须这样做,但我实在没有选择。 I dont regret telling her what I thought.我不后悔告诉她我的想法。 【拓展精析】 regret作动词,意为“感到遗憾

10、,懊悔”;作名词,意为“懊悔”。 regret to do sth.遗憾要做某事(事情未做) regret doing sth.遗憾/后悔做了某事(事情已做),【活学活用】 1)He regretted _(break) the window of the classroom yesterday afternoon. 2)I regret _(tell) you that Jack is ill in hospital. 3)Did you talk back to your mother when you were a child?(2015,襄阳) Yes.But now I realiz

11、e I was wrong.I really regret _ that silly thing to my mum. Ado Bto do Cdoing Ddid,breaking,to_tell,C,prevent 【典例在线】 We should try our best to prevent accidents.我们应当尽力防止事故发生。 Nothing can prevent/stop/keep us from reaching our aims.什么也阻止不了我们达到我们的目标。 【拓展精析】 prevent动词,意为“阻止;阻挠”,常用于词组prevent sb./sth.(fr

12、om) doing sth.中,意为“阻止某人做某事”,与stop sb./sth.(from) doing sth.和keep sb./sth. from doing sth.同义,可互换使用。,【活学活用】 4)What can we do to _ bird flu from spreading? Try not to buy or eat chicken that have not been checked. Aprevent Bcause Cdiscover Dlead 5)Can you tell me (游客是否被阻止踩踏草地) in the park?(2015,襄阳) Yes

13、,I think they should.,A,if/whether_(the)_visitors/travelers/tourists_should_be_prevented_(from)_walking/stepping_on_the_grass或if/whether_they_should_prevent_visitors_travelers/tourists_(from)_walking/stepping_on_the_grass,chance 【典例在线】 Ill have a chance of visiting Beijing. Ill have a chance to visi

14、t Beijing.我将有一次游览北京的机会。 Thats a good chance for you.对你来说那是个好机会。 【拓展精析】 chance可数名词,意为“机会”,其后常跟动词不定式或of引导的介词短语。 have a chance to do sth.have a chance of doing sth.有做某事的机会 chance后有时也跟介词for,与sb.或sth.连用,意为“对而言”。,【活学活用】 6)This is a good chance of _(show) your talent.Please take it! 7)If you work harder,youll have another _ _ to play the violin at a concert.(2014,天津) Asleep Bchance Cmistake Dpr


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