广东省深圳市2018年高中英语 2话题研读 5学校生活课件

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1、话题 5 学校生活 (School life),D 2.A 3. B 4. what the author gained from his trip in France as an exchange student,美文研读,1.participate 3.Apply 4.inspiring 5.respect 6.avoid 7.receive 8.exciting 9.fortunate 10.scores 11.valuable 12.native language 13. 快乐的 14.体验异国文化 15.以做结束 16.明显地 17.获得有意义的友谊,复记强化,

2、一、句子翻译 1. held, arouse students interest 2. consist of, such as, and so on 3. cheated, in order to, please their parents, teachers 4. His lessons are so interesting that he is very popular with the students. 5. We should keep a balance between study and extra-curricular activities.,知识运用,6. Last week

3、, we made a survey on whether students should wear school uniforms. 7. Participating in after-class activity can not only broaden students horizons, but also helps to release students pressure. 8. With the teachers help, he made so rapid progress, for which he was very grateful to his teacher.,二、短文填

4、空 was carried out hold the view arouse their interest promote the understanding develop the spirit disturbing their studies lead to suffer from win the contest deal with,本篇为事物介绍类说明文,向读者展示了一家非常独特、非常有爱的图书馆。 1. B细节理解题。第一步,信息定位。根据题干中的pedestrian-friendly寻读,定位信息,在文章首段;第二步,对照选项与文中信息,选出答案。由定位处its pedestrian

5、-friendly, too, waiting for book lovers next to a sidewalk的后半句可选出本题答案为B. it stands near a sidewalk,其中near a sidewalk对应next to a sidewalk,此项为原文细节信息的同义改写。,典型例题,2. D细节理解题。本题问图书馆创立者Janey当初想要创立此图书馆的灵感来自于哪里,根据阅读理解中的“顺序原则”,即细节题答案在原文中出现的顺序与题目顺序一致,可快速将本题答案定位至原文第三段,根据本段内容A year ago, shortly after Janey Henrik

6、sen saw a Brian Williams report about the Little Free Library organizationshe announced to her family of four, “Thats what we are going to do for our spring break!”可选出答案D. A report on a Wisconsinbased organization。,3. C细节理解题。按照顺序原则,信息点应在第四段,根据本段首句a library that resembles a mailbox可得答案C. like a mailb

7、ox。干扰项中的A. by a ship supply company 和B. on the basis of toy horses中的信息虽然在本段中出现,但均属于答非所问项,较易排除。D. with glass具有一定干扰性,不细心的考生可能会根据本段最后一句and made a door of glass而“误入歧途”。,4. D词意猜测题。根据上文第四段中的最后一句The 51yearold owner of a ship supply company modified a small wooden house that hed built years earlier for daug

8、hter Abbies toy horses, and made a door of glass可推断出是对图书馆进行装修或装点。,5. A细节理解题。由user可知信息点应从第五段起,再由第七段中的thanks to ongoing donations from borrowers可知,正确答案为A。 6. C推理判断题。根据题干定位信息signboard定位至原文第五段,再根据signboard的具体内容“take a book, return a book”,可推断出此标志牌旨在让此图书馆里的书不至于被借完,也即旨在让此图书馆持续下去。故答案为C. it aimed at making

9、the library last long.,Paint 2. aim 3. announce 4. Insist 5. mix 6. average 7. 装饰 8. 保护,庇护 9. 有效的 10. 多亏 11.支持 12. 捐献 13. 记住,复记强化,网络学校教育变得越来越流行,因为学生可以根据自己的学习情况来调整学习进度;同时它也有着固有的弊端,即很难知道学生的学习情况。 1. B细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句Instead, they receive their elementary and high school education by working at home on

10、computers可知,网络学校的学生通过家里的电脑接受教育。,实战演练,2. C细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句They also say it is difficult to know if students are learning well可知网络学校很难知道学生的学习情况。 3. B细节理解题。第三段首句Other educators praise this new form of education for letting students work at their own speed表明学生可以根据自己的学习情况来调整学习进度,正是由于这种优越性,网络学校教育变得越来越流行。,4

11、. A推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者先提出了网络学校教育这种现象,接着指出不同的人对此所持的不同态度,故作者是从客观角度进行陈述的,并没有偏见,即A项正确。 5. C词意猜测题。根据第四段内容 they are getting more and more popular. It will serve children in the state of Pennsylvania from ages five through thirteen.可知这间新的网络学校要招收学生。,Praise 2. fall 3. free 4. Technical 5. honour 6. Graduation 7.

12、改革 8.服务 9. 设备 10. 打印机 11. 上课 12. 受欢迎 13. 在线教育,复记强化,第一步,认真审题。 报道已开展了的活动,其主体时态应是一般过去时。,典型例题,第二步,译关键词。 Canteen 2. fight against 3. Waste 4. encourage to do sth. 5. eat up everything 6. participate in 7. theme 8. show the phenomena of 9. Board 10. video clips 11. die of 12. food shortage 13. sign up 14.

13、 cultivate,第三步,翻译句子。 见第四步。 第四步,句子整合。 句1:with, organized 句3:from which, that 句5:so as to 第五步,连句成篇。 First, After that, Therefore, And then,第一步,认真审题。 1. 你参加了一次郊游活动后,介绍此次活动情况。 2. 因自己参加了此次活动,介绍时,主体人称是we;因活动已开展过了,因此,主体时态是一般过去时。,实战演练,第二步,信息分组。 第1组: 时间、地点、活动主题、组织者、参与者 第2组: 活动行程1 第3组: 活动行程2 第4组: 活动行程3 第5组: 收

14、获,第三步,信息表达。 1. 上个星期天,4月21日,学校自行车俱乐部25名会员开展了一次郊游活动,其主题是“了解大自然,增强环保意识”,该话动由校自行车俱乐部组织。 2. 我们7:45在校门口集合,8:00 出发。 3. 我们9:00到达华南植物园后,参观了各种珍稀植物,这增进了我们对大自然的了解。,4. 我们骑行半小时到达龙洞水库,在那里我们野餐和垂钓。 5. 通过这些活动,我们不但接触了大自然、呼吸了清新空气,而且强化了环保意识。 (英语表达见以下范文,基础稍好的同学,可直接用英语表达,不写出汉语),第四步,连句成篇。 Last Sunday, April 21, all 25 memb

15、ers of our school bicycle club including myself went on a wonderful trip with the theme “Understand the nature and strengthened our awareness of protecting the environment” organized by the School Bicycle Club. We gathered at the school gate at 7:45 am, and set off at 8:00.,After arriving at the Sou

16、th China Botanic Garden at 9:00 am, we explored the parks amazing collection of rare and precious plants, which broadened our understanding of nature. Then we spent half an hour riding to the Long Dong Reservoir, where we enjoyed picnic lunch and some fishing. Through these activities, not only did we get closer to the nat



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