2018年七年级英语下册 module 12 western music课件 (新版)外研版

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1、模块语法聚焦十二,语 法 点 击,实 战 演 练,模块语法聚焦十二,语 法 点 击,感叹句和选择疑问句,1.感叹句 在英语中,表达一种较为强烈的感情,如喜悦、惊异、愤怒、厌恶等时,常用感叹句。感叹句分两类:,(1)与陈述句一样,只是句末句点变为感叹号。在书面语言中用感叹号表达感叹的语气,在口语中通过说话的语气来表达强烈的感情。例如: Happy birthday, Tom! 生日快乐,汤姆! I am so angry! 我太生气了! Ice creams are the best desserts! 冰激凌是最好的甜点!,模块语法聚焦十二,(2)由what或 how引导的感叹句 由what引

2、导的感叹句 What a/an 形容词 可数名词单数(主语谓语)! 例如: What a nice day (it is)! 多美好的一天啊! _ important meeting (it is)! 多么重要的一次会议啊!,模块语法聚焦十二,What an,b. What形容词可数名词复数/不可数名词(主语谓语)!例如: What beautiful flowers (they are)! 多美的花啊! _! 多么糟糕的天气啊!,模块语法聚焦十二,What terrible weather (it is),由how引导的感叹句 a. How形容词/副词主语谓语!例如: How hot it

3、is today! 今天天气真热啊! _ the horse is running! 这匹马跑得真快啊! b. How陈述句(主语谓语)!例如: _! 我多么想念你啊! How he loves his daughter! 他多么爱自己的女儿啊!,模块语法聚焦十二,How fast,How I miss you,c. How 形容词 a/an 可数名词单数 主语 谓语! 例如: How beautiful a girl (she is)! 她是一个多么漂亮的女孩啊! 2. 选择疑问句 选择疑问句是指提问者提供两种或两种以上情况,让对方从中作出选择的句子。选择疑问句的结构是“一般疑问句or另一个

4、选择成分?”。其中or连接两个并列成分。,模块语法聚焦十二,注意 选择疑问句的答语不用Yes或No,而是根据实际情况作答。例如: Do you like green or red? 你喜欢绿色还是红色? I like green. 我喜欢绿色。,模块语法聚焦十二,拓展在回答选择疑问句时,除了可以用选择成分作答以外,还可以根据实际情况作答,如用both或neither。 例如: Do you like green or red? 你喜欢绿色还是红色? Both. 我都喜欢。,实 战 演 练,( )1.2015遂宁Did you watch the TV show Running Man last

5、 night? Yes, I did. _ interesting it was! AHow BWhat CWhat a ( )2._ bad weather! I hope it wont last long. AHow BWhat CWhat a DHow a ( )3._ they are listening to the teacher! AHow careful BWhat careful CHow carefully DWhat carefully,模块语法聚焦十二,B,A,C,( )4. 2015济南Is the car new or old? _. I bought it on

6、ly three days ago. AYes, it is BIts new CNo, it isnt DIts old ( )5._ great picture! Who painted it? AHow BWhat a CHow a DWhat,B,模块语法聚焦十二,B,模块主题写作十二,整 体 感 知,实 例 分 析,模块主题写作十二,整 体 感 知,话题分析,本模块以“音乐”为话题,通过介绍不同类型的音乐及施特劳斯、莫扎特、冼星海等音乐大师,使学生学会如何描述自己喜欢的音乐,掌握“喜好”的表达方式。描述个人喜好是极为常见的写作内容,对音乐的喜好对于我们而言也非常重要。,模块主题写作十

7、二,常用表达,1. This is Western music, isnt it? 2. Its so beautiful! 3. I also like Beijing opera. Listen to this fantastic voice. 4. Im a fan of rock music. 5. His dance music made him famous all over Europe. 6. Before he was six, he played not only the piano but also the violin. 7. He wrote hundreds of

8、wonderful pieces of music.,实 例 分 析,模块主题写作十二,下面我们就结合实例加以分析。,典型例题,你喜欢什么类型的音乐?为什么?请你写一篇6080词的短文,介绍一下你最喜欢的音乐。_ _,思路点拨,模块主题写作十二,1. 开篇点题,即说明自己喜欢的音乐是什么(I likemusic),围绕这个中心话题展开内容。 2. 说明此类型的音乐在哪些方面对自己有较大影响(It makes my life)。,连句成篇,There are different types of music, such as classical music, rock music, pop mu

9、sic and so on. But I like country music best. Country music is often about our life, and it is easy to understand. It also makes my life colourful. It makes me happy or moved, and sometimes makes me sad. It is also a good way to learn English. In a word, country music plays an important role in my l

10、ife.,模块主题写作十二,自我展示,刘伟, 无臂钢琴演奏者,于1987年出生在北京。十岁时在一次意外中失去双臂, 但他并没有放弃成为一名钢琴家的梦想。他用脚刻苦练习弹琴, 他最终实现了自己的梦想。并且, 他还写了一本自传。请根据以上内容写一篇70词左右的英语短文。 词汇提示:1.armless adj.无臂的;2. accident n. 意外 3. give up 放弃_ _,模块主题写作十二,One possible version: Liu Wei, an armless piano player, has a very special experience. He was born

11、in Beijing in 1987. When he was ten years old, he lost both arms in an accident. But he didnt give up his dream of being a pianist. He began to play the piano with his feet. He practised very hard. Finally, his dream came true. And he also wrote a book about himself. Liu Wei is wonderful, and we should learn from him.,模块主题写作十二,



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