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1、重庆市巴蜀中学2015届高三12月月考英语试题整套试卷突出了语言运用能力的考查。其中语言知识部分,15道单项选择题侧重词汇的辨析;符合主流方向,动词方面,考查了动词时态、语态、语气、主谓一致、非谓语动词、情态动词,可谓是涉及了动词方方面面的语法知识。句法方面,考查了定语从句、状语从句和名词性从句,考查面也很广。完形填空难度不大,比较有教育意义,选材较好。阅读理解题阅读量不大,阅读难度不高,且试题以细节理解题为主。书面表达为学生熟悉的话题,学生有话可说,有事可写。总的来说,整套试卷的难度小,属偏易范畴。6. Where do the speakers usually go? A. To the

2、zoo. B. To the river. C. To the beach.7. What do the speakers decide to do? A. Visit the Browns. B. Go to the castle. C. Have a picnic by the sea. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9题。8. Where are the speakers? A. In a gym. B. In a hospital. C. In the street.9. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Try to have mor

3、e energy. B. Walk to work from home. C. Do some exercise regularly. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12题。10. What are the speakers talking about? A. A group. B. A friend. C. A poetry.11. How often is the small book published? A. Once a month. B. Twice a year. C. Once a year.12. What is Janet fond of? A. Editing poetr

4、y. B. Writing poetry. C. Organizing meetings. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16题13. What do we know about Winchester Island? A. It is crowded with people. B. It has a peaceful atmosphere. C. It is a fun place to play there.14. What does the man like most about the holiday centre? A. It will bring more money. B. It

5、will attract more people. C. It will provide sports activities.15. Why doesnt the woman like the new plan? A. It will damage the environment. B. It will need a large amount of money. C. It will make many people lose their homes.16. What do the man and the woman disagree on? A. Whether the holiday ce

6、ntre should be built. B. Whether the island is a good place to do sports. C. Whether the tourists can go to the island. 听下面一段独白,回答第17至20题17. When is it now? A. At the beginning of a term. B. In the middle of a term. C. At the end of a term.18. Why does the speaker suggest the students take the test?

7、 A. To find better jobs. B. To find out what theyre good at. C. To make career plans before they graduate.19. What can one work as if hes good at communicating? A. An editor. B. An advertiser. C. A private teacher.20. What can we learn from what the speaker said? A. The test is free of charge. B. St

8、udents can take either date of the tests. C. The test needs the teachers permission.第二部分 单项选择(共15小题,每题1分,共15分)21.It is said that books on _ popular science are in _ short supply. A. the; a B. /; / C. /; the D. the; the【答案】【知识点】 A3 冠词【答案解析】选B,学科前不加冠词,be in short是固定搭配,表示“短缺”。22.The girl the teachers c

9、onsidered _ was caught _ in the exam, which surprised us very much. A. to be the best; cheatingB. as the best student; to cheat C. being the best; cheatingD. as a good student; to cheat【答案】【知识点】A9 非谓语动词【答案解析】选A,注意句子结构,the teachers considered是定语从句,第一空的结构是consider sb/sth to be,用to be+表语,做宾补;第二空是固定短语:c

10、atch sb doing sth,抓住某人做某事。23. The population of Chongqing, _from the countryside, are making their efforts to build their hometown into a more beautiful and modern society. A. the majority of which are B. of which the majority is C. the majority of whom are D. of whom the majority is【答案】【知识点】A15 定语从

11、句 【答案解析】选C,非限制性定语从句,先行词是the population表示“人”,故引导词用“who”;从形式上讲the majority of whom和of whom the majority都对,但是大多数人表示“复数”,故用are。 24. After finding her car stolen, _. A .a policeman was asked to help B. the area was searched thoroughly C. it was looked for everywhere D. she hurried to a policeman for help

12、【答案】【知识点】A9 非谓语动词【答案解析】选 D,非谓语动词作状语时,其逻辑主语就是句子主语。比较四个选项,finding her car stolen 的逻辑主语显然是 she,而不是 a policeman, the area, it 等,故选 D。25. -Where do you want to travel for summer, Canada or America?-_ Therere so many nice places at home, you know. A. So what? B. Why not? C. How come? D. Why bother?【答案】【知识

13、点】A17 情景交际【答案解析】选D,句意是:你想去什么地方旅游呢:何苦呢?在家乡就有这么多好地方。根据句意选D,A,那又如何?B,问什么不呢?表示提出建议或允许。C, 问什么。26. What would have happened, _, as far as the river bank? A. Edward Snowden had walked farther B. if Edward Snowden should walk farther C. had Edward Snowden walked farther D. if Edward Snowden walked farther【答

14、案】【知识点】A10 情态动词与虚拟语气 【答案解析】选C,根据主句的谓语动词would have happened, 可以断定此题考查“与过去事实相反”的虚拟语气。从句中谓语动词用过去完成时。当if引导的虚拟条件从句的谓语动词含有were,had,could,should等词时,可将这些词提至句首,而将if省去,从而构成倒装句式,这种句式的使用范围和表达形式都很复杂,能力不强的考生很难过关。 27. Darling, the headache _ me. No wonder, you _ the South Korean TV soaps since last night. A. kills; have watched B. is killing; have been watching C. is going to kill; were watchingD. was killing; had watched【答案】【知识点】A11 动词的时态与语态【答案解析】选B,先看第二空,根据时间状语since last night可以断定:从昨天晚上一直到现在都


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