2014-2015高中英语 module 4 第3课时 cultural corner同步练习 外研版必修4

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1、Cultural corner.根据汉语提示写出单词1They are reported to have _(逃跑) to the other side of the border.2He was_(诊断) with cancer.3He is one of the_(受害者)of this accident.4As a scientist, he is very_(才华横溢的)5Give me a_(简洁的) introduction of this machine.6The smoke rose_(笔直地)7After the_(爆炸), many things disappeared.8

2、She_(毕业) from Beijing University.9Regular exercise keeps him in good_(身体的) condition.10He shot an_(弓箭) into the air.答案:1.escaped2.diagnosed3.victims4.brilliant5brief6.straight7.explosion8.graduated9.physical 10.arrow.完成句子1被称为“泉城”的济南因它的72泉而为我们所熟知。Jinan_us_“Springs City”_its 72 springs.2如果天气放晴,我们可以出去散

3、步。 If the weather_,we can go out for a walk.3由于碰上了交通堵塞,所以他们耽搁了。They were caught in the traffic jam,thus_.4画家靠画画谋生,而教师以教学为生。Painters_by painting while teachers by teaching.5这个政党一执政就采取了许多强硬措施制止污染。The party took some strong measures to prevent pollution after_.6并非所有的朋友都能同甘共苦。_can share in sorrows as we

4、ll aS joys.7这只鸟很幸运没有被抓住。The bird was lucky and_.8直着往前走,你会找到那个地方的。_and youll find that place. 答案:1.is known to;as;for2.clears up3.causing the delay4.earn their ing into power6.Not all friends7.escaped being caught8.Go straight ahead.语法填空1It has been raining for three days. I hope it_(clear up)答案:will

5、 clear up根据题干中raining一词可知,本句讲的是天气,hope后可以接从句,并且clear up(天气放晴)用的是主动语态,故用其一般将来时。2(2014琼海高一检测改编)A prisoner by the name of Jack escaped_prison last night.答案:from句意:名叫杰克的囚犯昨天晚上从监狱逃走了。escape from从逃走,后接表示地方的名词。3Here are todays headlines_brief.答案:in句意:这是今天的标题,很简洁。brief简地地,符合题意。4We will have studied English

6、for seven years by the time we_from senior high school.答案:graduate句意:到我们高中毕业的时候,我们学英语将达到7年。by the time所引导的从句(相当于时间状语从句)在句中常表示时间点,根据主句将来完成时的谓语形式可知,从句是指将来某一点的时间,故用一般现在时表示将来。5The success of his career has been _(part) due to the support given by his mother and mostly his_(person) efforts.答案:partly; per

7、sonal句意:他事业上的成功在一定程度上取决于他母亲的支持,更主要的是他个人的努力。partly部分地,在一定程度上;original原始的,最初的。effort为名词,需要形容词修饰。6What political party is_ power in France currently?答案:in句意:目前法国哪个政党掌权?由句中currently“目前”可知,句中动词表示状态。in power当权,符合题意。7The time bomb_ but nobody was injured.答案:explored句意:定时炸弹爆炸了,但没有人受伤。explode爆炸,符合句意。8At pres

8、ent pupils are kept_(do) a lot of exercises not only in school but also at home.答案:doing句意:现在学生们被迫忙于做许多练习题,无论在学校还是在家里。keep sb. doing sth.使某人一直干某事。9His illness was diagnosed_cancer.Oh, really? Im terribly sorry to hear this.答案:as句意:他的病被诊断为癌症。哦,真的吗?听到此事我非常难过。be diagnosed as被诊断为。10The snow lasted a wee

9、k,_(cause) a serious traffic confusion in the whole area.答案:causing句意:雪整整下了一周,整个地区的交通混乱不堪。v.ing形式作状语,表示一种自然而然的结果,closing符合句意。.完形填空The Best HolidayI was unbelievably proud of my nineyearold daughter, Emily. _1_to buy a mountain bike, shed been saving her pocket money all year, as well as doing small

10、jobs to earn extra money.By Thanksgiving, she had collected only $49. I said, “You_2_have your pick from my bike_3_”“Thanks, Daddy. But your bikes are so old.” She was right. All my girls bikes were 1950s models, not the kind a kid today would_4_choose.As Christmas_5_near, Emily and I went bike shop

11、ping. As we left one store, she_6_a Salvation Army volunteer standing next to a big pot. “Can we give something, Daddy?” she asked, “Sorry, Em, Im out of _7_.”Throughout December, Emily continued to work hard. Then one day, she made a_8_ announcement. “You know all the money Ive been saving?” she sa

12、id hesitantly. “Im going to give it to the poor people.” So one cold morning before Christmas, Emily handed her total savings of $ 58 to a volunteer who was really very _9_._10_by Emilys selflessness, I decided to contribute_11_of my old bikes to a car dealer who was collecting used bikes for poor c

13、hildren._12_I selected a shiny model from my collection, however, it seemed as if a second bike took on a glow. Should I contribute two? No, one would be enough. But I couldnt_13_the feeling that I should give a second bike. When I later _14_the bikes, the car dealer said,“Youre making two kids very

14、_15_,sir. Here are your tickets. For each bike contributed, were_16_away one chance to win a girls mountain bike.”Why wasnt I surprised when that second ticket proved to be the_17_?I like to think it was Gods way of_18_a little girl for a sacrifice_19_her yearwhile giving her dad a lesson in the_20_.语篇解读:女儿把攒了一年的准备买山地车的钱捐给了救世军志愿者,感动了父亲。于是,父亲捐了两辆自己收集的自行车,结果却意外获得一辆山地车的奖励。这个故事告诉我们,好心是会有好报的。1A.Promised BAmazedCDetermined DOrganized答案:C词语辨析题。根据意思,决定买一辆山地自行车,她一直储存着她的零用钱。2A.need Bshould Cmust



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