2014-2015学年高中英语 语篇提能26 新人教版必修3

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1、语 篇 提 能阅读理解ABreakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is also the most neglect (忽视). Common reasons for not caring breakfast include having no time, not feeling hungry, traditional dislike and dieting.Breakfast simply means “break the fast”. Your body spends at least 6 to 12 hours each nig

2、ht in a fasting state. In the morning your body needs energy for the days work ahead.A good breakfast should provide 1/3 of your total calorie needs for the day. On average, we eat 400 less calories for breakfast than for dinner. If you dont feel like having breakfast in the morning, try eating a li

3、ghter dinner earlier in the evening or save half of your dinner for breakfast in the morning.If you still arent hungry in the morning, start with something small like juice or toast or have a nutritious (有营养的) midmorning snack later when you are hungry.So, you say you are on a diet. Some people fear

4、 that eating breakfast will make them hungrier during the day and they will eat more. It is true that eating breakfast is likely to make you feel hungry throughout the day. That is because your body is working correctly. Although you may feel as if you are eating more all day long, in reality you ar

5、e probably not.Not eating breakfast can also cause you overeat, since a fall in blood sugar often makes you feel very hungry later. To make matters worse, since your body is in a slow state, it will not be able to burn those extra calories very efficiently (有效地). If you feed your body healthy snacks

6、 and meals throughout the day, you are less likely to become hungry and stuff (填饱) yourself as soon as you begin to eat.Since breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day, choosing the right food is important. The best breakfast foods are fruits, juice, lean meat and grain products such

7、 as bread, rice, noodles and cereals.1What is the meaning of the word “fast” in the phrase “break the fast”?A. Movement. B. Going without food.C. Quickness. D. Certain kind of food.答案与解析B词义猜测题。由画线词后一句每晚至少612小时处于“fasting”状态,由常识可知晚上睡觉不吃饭,故画线词意为“不吃饭”。2If you dont want to have breakfast in the morning,

8、according to the writers suggestion, you should _.A. see a doctor to have an examination B. have a good supperC. go to a restaurant to enjoy a good meal D. have a little supper答案与解析D细节理解题。由文章第三段第三句可知D项正确。3Eating breakfast, in fact, makes your body _.A. work out of order B. produce too much energyC.

9、work well D. feel hungry quicker答案与解析C细节理解题。由文章第五段最后两句可知C项正确。4In the last paragraph, the writer mainly _.A. persuades us to have a good breakfastB. tells us what food isnt suitable for breakfastC. tells us what food we should have for breakfastD. describes when and how we should have our breakfast答案

10、与解析C写作意图题。文章最后一段最后一句向我们介绍的是应该吃什么样的早餐。BNo budget for your vacation? Try home exchanges swapping houses with strangers. Agree to use each others cars, and you can save dollars on car rental (租赁费), too.Home exchanges are not new. At least one group, Intervac, has been facilitating such an arrangement s

11、ince 1053. But trading online is gaining popularity these days, with several sites in operation, including Home Exchanges. Founded in 1992, with some 28,000 listings, this company bills itself as the worlds largest home exchange club, reporting that membership has increased by 30% this year.The annu

12、al fee is usually less than $100. Members can access thousands of listings for apartments, villas, suburban homes and farms around the world. Initial (最初的) contact is made via email, with subsequent communication usually by phone. Before a match is made, potential swappers tend to discuss a lot.Howe

13、ver, the concept may sound risky to some people. What about theft? Damage? These are reasonable causes for concern, but equally unlikely. As one swapper puts it, “Nobody is going to fly across the ocean or drive 600 miles to come to steal your TV. Besides, at the same time theyre staying in your hom

14、e, you are staying in their home. ”Exchange sites recommend that swappers discuss such matters ahead of time. They may fill out an agreement spelling out who shoulders which responsibilities if a problem arises. It does not matter if the agreement would hold up in court, but it does give the exchang

15、ers a little satisfaction.Generally, the biggest complaint among home exchangers has to do with different standards of cleanliness. Swappers are supposed to make sure their home is in order before they depart, but one persons idea of “clean” may be more forgiving than anothers. Some owners say if they come back to a lessthansparkling kitchen, it may be inconvenient but would not sour them on future exchanges.语篇解读文章论述了假期时人们为了减少开支,相互签订协议交换房子住的事。5What is the second paragraph mainly about?A. How to exchange homes.B. How home exchange is becoming popul


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