2014-2015学年高中英语 unit 4 第四学时 grammar练习 新人教版选修8

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1、第四学时Grammar一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1When _(compare)with the women in the United States,more Chinese women are quite lucky to hold high positions.答案:compared2The building _(build)now is for us teachers.We are looking forward to _ (move)into the new house.答案:being built,moving3The picture _(hang)on the wall is

2、painted by my nephew.答案:hanging4When_(ask)for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.答案:asked5The missing boys were last seen _(play) near the river.答案:playing6Were you caught in the rain yesterday?Good luck. No sooner _(have) I reached home than it

3、poured down.答案:had7To escape_(discover)by the teacher,some students choose to flee into the classroom from the back door.答案:being discovered二、翻译下列句子1流感被认为是通过喜欢在人类的鼻子和喉咙滋生的病毒引起的。_答案:The flu is believed to be caused by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.2莎拉,快点

4、吧,我们在晚会前还得换衣服。_答案:Sarah,hurry up.We will have to get changed before the party.3鲍勃望着窗外对我们说在这种天气不能外出。_答案:“We cant go out in this weather,” said Bob,looking out of the window.4飞行员叫机上的乘客坐好,飞机要降落了。_答案:The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain seated as the plane was making a landing.5从国外度假回到家

5、,理查德筋疲力尽了。_答案:After his journey from abroad,Richard returned home,exhausted.6与其他大陆分隔了数百万年,澳大利亚有很多在世界其他国家找不到的动植物。_答案:Having been separated from other continents for millions of years,Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world.7我今天给你寄100美元,其余的一年后寄。_答案:I send you

6、100 dollars today,the rest to follow a year later.8首次被引进市场,这种产品就非常成功了。_答案:When first introduced to the market,these products enjoyed great success.三、语法填空The first Disneyland in Europe was opened in 1992 1._(situate) just 32 kilometers east of Paris.It is enormousabout 56 hectares 2._size.At first,it

7、 3._(know) as “Europe Disneyland”,but after some problems and bad publicity it was renamed “Disneyland Paris” in 1994.It is now one of 4._(success) Disney theme parks in the world with up to 70,000 visitors a day during the warm summer months.The park had five different sections 5._(call) “lands”Eac

8、h land has 6._own unique and exciting features.The five different lands are called Main Street USA,Adventureland,Frontierland,Fantasyland and Discoveryland.These all have something to do with its themes.Like in Main Street,you can experience 7._typical American town of 100 years ago.There are steam

9、trains at the railroad station,horsedrawn street cars and parades of jazz bands in the street.All the shops sell oldfashioned goods 8._you can notice all the people 9._(wear) oldstyle clothes.Disneys 10._parks are in Tokyo,Paris and the American states of California and Florida.The newest one is in Hong Kong.答案:1situated2.in3.was known4.the most successful5called6.its7.a8.and9.wearing10.other



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