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1、Section Warmup & Lesson 1Prereading,Step One:Warming up,What will you become and what will our life be like in the future?Fill in the blanks with proper words.,答案: 1.cars 2.Robots 3.war 4.starvation 5.up to 6live,Step Two:Fast Reading,1Whats the main idea about the first paragraph? APeople like to r

2、ead fantasy stories. BPeople like to write fantasy stories CPeople enjoy thinking about the future. DThinking about the future is funny. 答案: C,2What will people do by the year 2025? APeople will have enough food and live peacefully. BPeople will land on the moon and live there. CPeople will have to

3、live on welfare. DPeople can live for at least 150 years. 答案: A,3. What does this text mainly tell us? AWhat are futurologists doing? BSome possibilities of the future world. CWhat will our life be like in 100 years? DSome latest scientific researches. 答案: B,Step Three:Careful reading,Read the text

4、and then finish the following questions. 1Which sentence in the text can replace the following one? Computers will be so popular that people can order the computers by voice. _ _ 答案: Computers will become handier.Shortly all of us are going to use our voices to give instructions to computers.,2. Try

5、 to find proper words to fulfill the sentence. Tiny,insectlike robots may be sent around the cells of our bodies to _and carry out repairs to keep us healthy. 答案: assess our health,3Translate the following sentence. At nine oclock on Saturday morning,Ill be sitting in the front row and listening to

6、the great Professor Willard talking about the future of my brain. _ _ 答案: 星期六上午九点钟,我将坐在前排,聆听伟大的威拉德教授关于大脑的未来发展的预言。,Step Four:Study reading,1The future is now big business and many people will attend the seminar with dreams of starting new enterprises based on the predictions they will hear this weeke

7、nd. 句式分析 and连接并列分句,第一个分句用的是一般现在时,第二个分句用的是一般将来时。在第二个分句中,with dreams of.this weekend作状语;其中过去分词短语based on the predictions.作定语修饰new enterprises;定语从句they will hear this weekend修饰predictions,引导词因在从句中作hear的宾语而省略了。,尝试翻译 _ _ 答案: 现在,“未来”是笔大生意,许多人怀揣梦想参加研讨会在本周末听到的预测的基础上开创新事业。,2By the year 2030,development in bi

8、ochemistry and medical science will have made it theoretically possible for us to live for at least 150 years. 句式分析,尝试翻译 _ _ 答案: 到2030年,生物化学和医学的发展将会使我们在理论上至少能活150岁。,Step Five:Post reading,Fill in the blanks according to the text. Over the centuries,there have been a few people who plan the future of

9、 the world for a living and they _ (call) futurologists. Hundreds of futurologists will gather at Newcastle University to hold a seminar about the future.Many people will attend the seminar with dreams of starting new enterprises _(base) on the predictions they will hear.I clicked _the websites of a

10、 few futurologists and got several predictions.,_(short),computers will become handier.Then all of us can use our voices to control computers such as _ (download) files or updating computers just by saying a few words.By 2015,Garments will have been made of new materials that will remain stainless _

11、you spill on them,and they will never get old and worn.By 2025,there will have been no _(starve),no people who have to live on welfare,no discrimination,no conflict and people _(live) in peace and equality.,By 2030,tiny,insectlike robots may be sent around the cells of our bodies _(assess) our health,assuring us of living for at least 150 years.By 2050,we will be linking our brains to the much _(smart) computers and a huge database,and a new type of electronic human might have developed! 答案: are called based into Shortly downloading whatever starvation will have lived to assess smarter,谢谢观看!,



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