辽宁省学校高中英语 module2 my new teachers词汇练习 外研版必修1

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1、Module2 my new teachersPart 1 Vocabulary有趣的、可笑的 _精力充沛的 _聪明的 _紧张的、焦虑的 _有组织的、有系统的 _耐心的 _严肃的 _害羞的 _严格的、严厉的 _印象 _(故意)避开 _讨厌、不喜欢 _不正确的 _十分地、完全地 _立即、立刻 _感激 _承认 _科学的 _文学 _大声地 _挥(手);招(手) _玩笑、笑话 _总结、摘要、提要 _尊敬、尊重 _成绩、分数 _校长 _女校长 _一段时间 _复习 _翻译 _时间表 _话题、题目 _假期 _温习(功课) _纪律 _关系 _正式的 _轻松的、松懈的 _同样地、类似地 _Part 2 Phra

2、ses确定、确信;查明_因此 _取得进步 _结果 _事实上 _睡着 _讲笑话 _Part 3 Fundamental PracticeINTRODUCTION1. What a pity! I havent got a ticket for the football match tonight.Dont worry. Itll be broadcast_.A. liveB. livelyC. alive D. living2. A woman was dug out after being buried deep in the ruins for more than 200 hours.Ali

3、vingBaliveClivelyDlive3. With the project of animal protection, foxes are becoming more _ in urban areas.A. popular B. ordinaryC. universalD. widespread4. Many of the more forms of cancer can be treated successfully if detected early.AusualBgeneralCcommonDpopular READING AND VOCABULARY5. The _the yo

4、ung man left on us is that he was from a respectable family. A. sight B. appearance C. impression D. expression 6. Almost all job applicants are determined to leave a good _ on a potential employer. A. experience B. impression C. reputation D. reflection 7. The problem, according to the experts, is

5、_ we should do with the salty land.A. what B. whether C. how D. that8. I turned back only to find an old schoolmate whose name _ me for the moment.A. avoided B. escaped C. failed D. slipped9. The murderer ran away from his village, trying to avoid _ by the police, but in vain. A. to be caught B. bei

6、ng caught C. to be catching D. to catch10. Steps must be taken _ this kind of disaster will never happen again. A. becauseB. even ifC. asD. so that11. We should do what we have to do _ we can do what we want to do in the future. A. so thatB. in case C. for fear that D. now that12. She was so angry a

7、t all _ I was doing _ she walked out.A. that; which B. that; that C. which; that D. which; as to 13. _ person like him wont be satisfied with _ little progress that he has made. A. The; a B. The; / C. A; / D. A; the14. The teacher as well as his pupils _ to participate in such a dangerous sport.A. d

8、ares notB. dare notC dont dareD. doesnt dare15. I wonder how he _ that to the teacher.A. dare to sayB. dare saying C. doesnt dare say D. dared to say16. The school rule states that no child shall be , unless _ by an adult, allowed out of the school during the day. A. was accompanied B. accompanied C

9、. accompanying D. being accompanied 17. Do you think the weather will be all right this summer? No, _ were lucky. The newspaper says itll be very hot any way. A. ifB. thoughC. unlessD. as 18. All the dishes m this menu, _ stated, will serve two to three peopleAas Bif Cthough Dunless19. Shall I tell

10、your best friends what happened to you yesterday? _ they ask youA. Not unlessB. Not ifC. Not exceptD. No though20. As we all know, newspapers, magazines and radios as well as television broadcasts can keep us about what is happening at home and abroad.AinformingBinformedCto informDbeing informed 21. I would appreciate _ you could give me some advice on TOFEL test. A. that when B. it whether C. it if D. that if 22. Ill appreciate _ if you do me the favor to send this message to Mr. Allen. A. that


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