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1、福建省武平县城郊中学2014-2015学年七年级英语上学期第17周校本练习班级_ 姓名_ 座号_ 得分_.单项选择。(20分)(请把答案写在下面方框里)12345678910( )1. I like these shoes. Can I _?Sure.A. try them on B. try on themC. try it on ( )2. Im sorry I cant help you._A. Not at all.B. Im not happy.C. Thank you all the same.( )3. Do you like the dress, madam?Yes. It i

2、s very nice and Ill _ it.A. thinkB. takeC. want( )4. _ do you the red skirt?Its too short.A. What; likeB. How; think ofC. How; like( )5. I like this green dress but Lucy likes that red .A. it B. oneC. pants( )6. Thanks for helping me. _A. Youre right. B. Thank you all the same. C. Not at all.( )7. _

3、 milk do we need? Four bottles.A. How muchB. How manyC. How old( )8. The shirt is three hundred yuan.Three hundred yuan! _ you _?A. Do; kiddingB. Do; kidC. Are; kidding( )9. How _ the apples?They are five yuan a kilo.A. many areB. much isC. much are( )10. _ this one? All right.A. How much B. How toC

4、. How about.完形填空。(20分)This weekend(周末), I want to 1 shopping in Limin Store. My running shoes and my pants are too 2 . So I want 3 a new pair of running shoes and 4 . Tomorrow is Christmas Day(圣诞节),I need 5 Christmas cards(卡片). And I would like to give my 6 some presents for Christmas. I want to buy

5、 a shirt for my father and a pet for my mother. My mother likes cats. I want to have a Christmas party(晚会) 7 , and I would like to ask a few friends to come to my house for the party. So I must buy 8 for the party. I want to buy two kilos of sandwiches, two 9 , a kilo of sweets(糖果), some drink, 10 a

6、 kilo of apples. I know they like Sichuan food, so I want to buy some hot food.( ) 1. A. goB. goesC. going ( ) 2. A. newB. oldC. long( ) 3. A. buyB. buysC. to buy ( ) 4. A. two pair of pantB. two pair of pantsC. two pairs of pants( ) 5. A. anyB. someC. few( ) 6. A. parentB. motherC. parents( ) 7. A.

7、 at schoolB. at homeC. in my office ( ) 8. A. someB. somethingC. any ( ) 9. A. cakeB. cakesC. bread( ) 10. A. butB. andC. or . 词汇。根据音标或者汉语提示填单词。1. The saleswoman works in a cap _. /:p/2. We have _/f:ti/ students in our class.3. My grandmother is _ /eti/ years old.4. There are (有) about eight_ /hndrd

8、/ students in my school.5. What does“madam” _/mi:n/ in Chinese?6. _/dst/ wait a moment(稍 等 ), he will be here at once(马 上 ).7. We cant see _ /en/ in the classroom. 8. Michael would like two _/ki:l/ of apples for dinner.9. -Would you like a _ /b:tl/ of water? -Thank you very much.10. We must (必 须 ) _

9、 /sev/ water.11. Jane likes _ /t:klts/ so much, but I dont like it at all.12. The box is _ /hevi/, I cant carry it. Could you please help me?13. How about _ _ (去那儿) for a picnic(野餐).14. We _ _ _(到达学校) at 6:00 in the morning.15. I have a _ _(可爱的狗) at home, its name is Wangcai.16. You _ _ _ (需要节约) wat

10、er.17. My parents _ _ _ (想买) a book _ (给) me.=My parents _ _ _ me a book.18. May I _ _ _ _ (试穿那夹克)?19. The dress _ _ _ _(穿在她身上真漂亮).- _ _ _(多少钱) the pants? - 120 yuan.- Thats fine. _ _ _(我们要了).20. Thank you very much. _ _ _(我只是看看).21. I want to buy _ _ _ _ (一条裤子) for my father. 句型转换。1. The dress is only 30 yuan. (对画线部分提问)_ _ is the dress?2. May I help you? (同义句转换)_ can I _ for you?3. How do you like this book? (同义句转换)_ do you _ of this book?4. I want some fish. (改为否定句)I _ want _ fish.5. He wants two bags of rice. (对画线部分提问) _ _ bags of rice does he want?


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