山东省2018高考英语 module 4 sandstorms in asia总复习课件 外研版必修3

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1、Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia 亚洲沙尘暴,.重点单词聚焦 1The_(氛围) over dinner was warm and friendly. 答案: atmosphere 2He was attacked and robbed by two people wearing m_ _,so he didnt see their faces. 答案: masks 3The manager had to put his work aside for a while to deal with an u_accident. 答案: urgent,4Do you listen

2、 to the weather f_from the local radio station every morning? 答案: forecast 5I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the p_. 答案: process 6A good government will grant freedom of speech to its c_and will not control their opinions and thoughts. 答案: citizens,7We are planning an advertisin

3、g_(活动) for our new product. 答案: campaign 8As I just mentioned,pollution is a_(主要的) concern of our country. 答案: major 9Any thing you say may be taken down and used as_(证据) against you. 答案: evidence 10It is very unwise to take legal action against someone unless it is_(绝对地) necessary. 答案: absolutely,.

4、重点短语扫描 1 遇上;赶上 2 砍倒 3 . 只有做 4 . 阻止某人做 5 埋怨;抱怨 6 理解;欺骗;吸收 7 认真考虑 8 概括地说 9 为担心 10 放出;发出,be caught in,cut down,do nothing but do sth,prevent sb.from doing sth,complain of/about,take in,think seriously about,in a nutshell,be concerned about/over,give out,.课文原句突破 1The storms sometimes continue all day an

5、d traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust_ _ _ _ _.暴风有时持续一整天,车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘埃降低了能见度。 答案: makes it difficult to see,2To_it_nearer,the government is planting trees. 为了阻止它来得更近,政府正在植树。 答案: prevent;coming 3The garbage is then taken away and,_ _,recycled.垃圾被运走,如果可能的话,会进行回收利用。 答案: if possible 4_ _ _

6、 _ _ _seven ideas,ask another pair to help you. 若你很难找到七种想法,就让别的小组帮帮你。 答案: If you have difficulty in finding,5“_ _ _ _ _a sandstorm was a terrible experience,”he said. 他说:“遭遇沙尘暴是一次可怕的经历。” 答案: To have been caught in 6I_ _ _feel very concerned. 我禁不住感到很担心。 答案: cant help but,concerned adj.关心的;担心的;有关的(不用于

7、名词前) (教材原句P36)I cant help but feel very concerned. 我禁不住感到很担心。,1.What the public is _ about is whether medical workers and scientists will be able to find a cure for the new disease in a short time. Aconcerning Bconcern Cconcerned Dto concern 解析: 句意为:公众关心的是医疗工作者和科学家们是否能在短期内找到治疗这种新疾病的方法。be concerned a

8、bout担心,关心;concerning为介词,意为“关于”,与题意不符。 答案: C,2In recent years_global warming is becoming _ concern for people all over the world. Athe;the B/;/ C/;a Dthe;/ 解析: 考查冠词。第一空是修饰抽象名词global warming,因此不用冠词;第二空的concern在这里表示一个具体含义“重要或担心的事物”,前面用不定冠词a表泛指。 答案: C,major adj.主要的;主修的;重要的;较多的;vi.主修;n.主修专业,陆军少校 (教材原句P31

9、)Deserts are also created because people cut down trees and dig up grass. 人们砍伐树木、开垦草地也是沙漠形成的原因。,(1)majority n大多数 be in the/a majority占大多数;构成大部分 (2)minor adj.较少的;次要的 minority n少数;少数民族,Fatness is a major problem,which worries her most. 肥胖是个主要的问题,最让她烦恼。 My major subject in university is English literat

10、ure. 我在大学主修的学科是英国文学。 The boss hurriedly held a meeting where he assigned some major tasks to us. 老板匆忙地召集了会议布置给我们几项重要任务。 He is so interested in computer games that he is determined to major in computer. 他对电脑游戏如此感兴趣以至于他决心主修电脑专业。 The majority of the students are in favor of reducing the students worklo

11、ad.大多数学生赞成减轻学业负担。,巧学助记,3.English was his_in the college,while she_ Japanese. Amayor;majored Bminor;majored in Cmajor;majored Dmajor;majored in 解析: 句意为:英语是他在大学里的主修课程,而她主修日语。第一空major为名词,意为“主修课程”,第二空major in意为“主修”。 答案: D,strength n力量,力气 (教材原句P32)The Chinese Central Weather Station can forecast a sandst

12、orm some weeks before it arrives in Beijing,but the strength of the storm sometimes surprises people. 中国中央气象中心能在沙尘暴到达北京前几周做出预报,不过沙尘暴的力量之大使人们震惊。,(1)have the strength to do有做的力气/意志力 build up ones strength/body强身健体 (2)strengthen v加强,Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. 我们每个人都有自己的强项和弱项。 When

13、 we think of leadship,we often think of strength and power.一想到领导才能,我们通常会想到实力和权力。 He hasnt got enough strength to lift the box. 他没有足够的力气搬起那个箱子。 Our friendship has steadily strengthened over the years. 我们的友谊逐年加深。,4.(浙江高考)Practising Chinese kung fu can not only_ones strength,but also develop ones chara

14、cter. Abring up Btake up Cbuild up Dpull up 解析: 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:练中国功夫不但能增强体质,还能培养一个人的品质。build up ones strength增强体力,符合题意。bring up提出,养育;take up占去,继续;pull up(使)停下(住)。 答案: C,atmosphere n大气层,空气;环境,气氛 The pollution of the atmosphere is very serious in this country. 这个国家大气污染很严重。 Ever since their quarrel,there

15、 has been an unpleasant atmosphere in the office. 自从他们发生口角以来,办公室里总有一种不愉快的气氛。 They talked with each other in a friendly atmosphere. 他们在友好的气氛中交谈。,5.(湖北高考)The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly_. Aatmosphere Bstate Csituation Dphenomenon 解析: 句意为:两国高层领导人之间的会谈在友好的气氛中进行。atmosphere气氛;state状态;situation处境;phenomenon现象。由句意可知A项正确。 答案: A,complain v抱怨;发牢骚;投诉 (教材原句P36)He does no


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