湖南省2018届高考英语总复习 m5 unit 2 the environment课件 牛津版译林版

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1、Unit 2 The environment,Module5,1.economy n. 经济 economic adj. 和经济有关的;economical经济的,便宜的 economically adv.经济方面地 2.environment n. 环境 environmental adj. 环境的 environmentally adv. 环境方面地 3.poison n. 毒药 poisonous adj. 有毒的; poisoned 中毒的 4.pollute vt. 污染 pollution n. 污染,热 点 单 词,5.benefit n. 益处,好处 beneficial ad

2、j. 有益处的 benefit v. 获益;对某人有益 6.responsible adj. 负责任的 responsibility n. 责任;责任心 responsibly adv. 负责任地 7.effect n. 影响,效果 effective adj. 有效的; ineffective 没有效果的 effectively adv. 有效地; ineffectively无效地,热 点 单 词,8.destroy vt. 毁灭 destruction n. 毁灭,破坏 destructive adj. 破坏的,毁灭的; destructively adv. 毁灭性地 9.disappoi

3、nt vt. 使失望 disappointment n. 失望;令人失望的人或事物 disappointed adj. 失望的; disappointing 令人失望的 disappointingly adv. 令人失望地,热 点 单 词,1.Have you seen the new arrivals?They arrived yesterday. 2.The villagers are prohibited from fishing in salmons(鲑鱼) breeding season. However, the prohibition doesnt seem to work at

4、 all. 3.He argued forcefully that stricter laws were necessary to deal with the problem. It seemed that he would force the government to take strong action.,热 点 单 词,4.The farmers complain that all the farmable lands have been taken over by the housing developers. 5.Most parents are very concerned ov

5、er their childrens physical growth , but they pay little attention to how the kids grow psychologically. 6.We need some technicians to deal with some technical problems.,热 点 单 词,7.The smart house is equipped with very modern IT gadgets to keep it safe and comfortable. Nobody knows how much the equip

6、ment costs. 8.The policy makers didnt realize the importance of domestic demand (国内需求)until 2008 when some figures of other important economic areas fell sharply.,热 点 单 词,9.The conservation of natural resources is thought of as the only way to stop the planet from failing. Actually, American citizen

7、s are always encouraged to conserve water and forests around them. 10.We asked them to reserve the table for us, but now the manager denied our reservation .,热 点 单 词,根据中文填单词完成句子,每空一词(记忆时,用下列横线上的新单词造句记忆) 1.很明显,走进科学栏目有助于社会形成一种尊重科学的氛围,对工业与农业的发展以及环境保护大有帮助。 Obviously, the program of “approaching science”

8、 could help to create an atmosphere of respecting science in the society, which is of great help to the development of industry and agriculture and environmental preservation / protection .,2.世界各国非常赞赏中国政府为防止沙化和保护濒危野生动物而推行的强有力的措施。 Different countries around the world appreciate the forceful measures

9、that the Chinese government took to stop desertification and to preserve / protect the endangered wild animals.,3.为监测中国东北和西北地区土壤沙化的情况,一批装备有先进设备和技术人员的监测中心建立了起来,以找出减少沙漠化的措施。 To monitor and to find solutions to decrease the desertification in Northeast and Northwest China, some monitoring centers were

10、established, which were stocked / equipped with advanced equipment and technicians .,4.工业污染是大气最可怕的敌人。因此减少污染,杜绝有毒气体排放,才是环境保护的关键。 Industrial pollution is the awful enemy to the atmosphere. So the key to protecting the environment is to reduce the pollution and eradicate the emission of poisonous gases

11、.,5.保护动植物的多样化的努力正在进行中,这项工作的焦点在于设立各种自然保护区,并打击非法捕猎。 Efforts to preserve the diversity of animals and plants are being made; it focuses on setting up different kinds of nature reserves; and hitting illegal hunting.,根据中文写出英文短语 1. 除以外 in addition (to) 2. 扫除,消灭 wipe out 3. 缩减,减少 cut back on 4. 用光,用完 run o

12、ut (of) 5. 以的形式 in the form of 6. 装备有,储备有 be stocked with 7. 依靠,依赖于 rely on,8. 导致,产生(结果) result in 9. 聚集于,集中于 focus on 10. 对有长期的影响 have a lasting effect on 11. 对有益 be beneficial to 12. 对关心 be concerned about 13. 肩并肩 side by side 14. 自由发言 open the floor 15. 禁止做 prohibitfrom doing,1.open the floor for

13、 sth. 为展开自由讨论 2.My suggestion is that we should try suggestion(建议)之后所加的从句,从句中使用虚拟语气(should动词原形),同时should可以省略。 3.What if we run out of space? what if 意为“倘使将会怎样?”,.根据课文中的重点句子进行同义转换 1.As an economist, Im often seen as being against the environment. As I am working as an economist, people always regard

14、me as the one who is against the environment. 2.If you have any questions or comments, you can use this time to voice them. If you have any questions or comments, you can raise / voice them by using the time left.,3.My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production and reduce the amount

15、of things we make and buy. I suggest that we (should) try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy.,4.The worlds population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800. The worlds population now is six times as much as what it was in 1800. 5.Asking around, I

16、 find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly. When asked , many people are willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.,.汉译英 1. 发言结束后,我们就开始自由提问。(open; speech) When the speech is over, we will open the floor for questions. 2. 他们的要求是要禁止国企老总(CEO)给自己涨薪。(demand;prohibit;表语从句) Their demand is that the C


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