天津市津南区2016届高考英语 短文语法填空和阅理选练(8)

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1、天津市津南区2016届高考英语 短文语法填空和阅理选练(8)阅读理解。 I hated dinner parties. But I decided to give them another shot because Im in London. And my friend Mallery invited me. And because dinner parties in London are very different from those back in New York. There, Im having a dinner party means: Im booking a table f

2、or 12 at a restaurant you cant afford and well be sharing the checque evenly, no matter what you eat. Worse, in Manhattan there is always someone who leaves before the bill arrives. Theyll throw down cash, half of what they owe, and then people like me, who dont drink, end up paying even more. But i

3、f I try to use the same trick, the hostess will shout: Where are you going? And its not like I can say I have somewhere to go: everyone know I have nowhere to go. But in London, dinner parties are in peoples homes. Not only that,the guests are an interesting mix. The last time I went to one, the gue

4、sts were from France, India. Denmark and Nigeria; it was like a gathering at the United Nations in New York. The mix is less striking. Its like a gathering at Bloomingdales, a well-known department store. For New Yorkers, talking about other parts of the world means Brooklyn and Queens in New York.

5、But at Mallerys, when I said that I had been to Myanmar recently, people knew where it was. In New York people would think it was a usual new club ( ) 1. What does the word shot in Paragraph 1 probably mean? A. Choice. B. Try C. Style. D. Goal ( ) 2. What does the writer dislike most about dinner pa

6、rties in New York? A There is a strange mix of people. B. The restaurants are expensive. C. The bill is not fairly shared. D. People have to pay cash ( ) 3. What does the author think of the parties in London? A. A bit unusual B. Full of tricks. C. Less costly. D More interesting. ( ) 4. What is the

7、 authors opinion of some New Yorkers from her experience? A. Easy-going. B. Self-centered. C. Generous. D. Conservative. 1. B.词义猜测题.从第一句的 hate,到 but 意义上的转折,说明尽管不喜欢,还是要尝 试一下,所以 try 的意思更接近 shot. 2. C.细节理解题.根据第一段中 Theyll throw down cash, half of what they owe, and then people like me, who dont drink, e

8、nd up paying even more.可知类似作者这样的人在纽约吃饭 吃亏,因为付钱多. 3. D. 推理判断题.根据第二段和其中的句子 Not only that, the guests are an interesting mix. 可以推断伦敦的 party 要比纽约的有趣. 4. B.推理判断题.从最后一段的 talking about other parts of the world means Brooklyn and Queens in New York.和 In New York people would think it was a usual new club 可以

9、推断,作 者对一些纽约人的看法,是以自我为中心的. 【2013界广东省汕头市质量监测试题】 If you want to stay young, sit down and have a good think. This is the research finding of a team of Japanese doctors, who say that most of our brains are not getting enough exerciseand as a result, we are ageing unnecessarily soon.Professor Taiju Matsuz

10、awa wanted to find out why otherwise healthy farmers in northern Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and reason at a relatively early age, and how the process of ageing could be slowed down.With a team of colleagues at Tokyo National University, he set about measuring brain volumes of

11、 a thousand people of different ages and varying occupations.Computer technology enabled the researchers to obtain precise measurements of the volume of the front and side sections of the brain, which relate to intellect (智能) and emotion, and determine the human character. (The rear section of the b

12、rain, which controls functions like eating and breathing, does not contract with age, and one can continue living without intellectual or emotional faculties.)Contraction of front and side partsas cells die offwas observed I some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not evident in some sixty

13、- and seventy-year-olds.Matsuzawa concluded from his tests that there is a simple remedy to the contraction normally associated with ageusing the head.The findings show in general terms that contraction of the brain begins sooner in people in the country than in the towns. Those least at risk, says

14、Matsuzawa, are lawyers, followed by university professors and doctors. White collar workers doing routine work in government offices are, however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker, bus driver and shop assistant.Matsuzawas findings show that thinking can prevent the brain from sh

15、rinking. Blood must circulate properly in the head to supply the fresh oxygen the brain cells need. “The best way to maintain good blood circulation is through using the brain,” he says, “Think hard and engage in conversation. Dont rely on pocket calculators.”36. The team of doctors wanted to find o

16、ut _.A. why certain people age sooner than others B. how to make people live longerC. the size of certain peoples brains D. which people are most intelligent【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。由第二段“Professor Taiju Matsuzawa wanted to find out why otherwise healthy farmers in northern Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and


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