2018高考英语一轮总复习 unit6 兴趣与爱好(interests and hobbies)话题作文突破课件

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2018高考英语一轮总复习 unit6 兴趣与爱好(interests and hobbies)话题作文突破课件_第1页
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《2018高考英语一轮总复习 unit6 兴趣与爱好(interests and hobbies)话题作文突破课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018高考英语一轮总复习 unit6 兴趣与爱好(interests and hobbies)话题作文突破课件(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、一、话题相关词汇和短语 1.弹吉他/钢琴/拉小提琴_ _ 2.下棋_ 3.打牌_ 4.钓鱼_ 5.踢足球/打篮球/乒乓球/网球/高尔夫_ _ 6.去看电影/音乐会_ 7.上网_ 8.集邮/收集硬币_,play the guitar/ piano / violin play chess play cards go fishing play football / basketball/table tennis/tennis/golf go to the cinema/ concert surf the Internet collect stamps/coins,9.观光_ 10.养宠物_ 11.听

2、音乐_ 12.上网聊天_ 13.拍照_ 14.健身_ 15.极限运动_ 16.爬山_ 17.玩网上游戏_ 18.干园艺活_ 19.看漫画_ 20.变魔术_,go sightseeing keep pets listen to music chat with netpals take photos keep fit extreme sports climb mountain play computer games do gardening read the comics perform magic,21.时装设计_ 22.对感兴趣_ _ 23.热衷于_ _ 24.喜欢做_ 25.养成做的习惯_

3、26.对上瘾_ 27.开始从事_,fashion design be interested in / have a taste in be crazy about/ be fond of/ be keen on like /prefer/enjoy doing sth. form a habit of doing sth. be addicted to take up sth.,二、 实用句子操练 1.你平时喜欢做什么? _ _ 2.除了呆在家里做模型飞机,我还喜欢户外运动如 蹦极和远足。 _ _ _,What do you like to do in your spare/free time

4、?,I enjoy outdoor sports like bungee jumping and going hiking as well as making model planes at home.,3.由于年龄、性别、家庭背景和个性等不同因素, 不同的人有不同的爱好。 _ _ _ 4.好的爱好不仅让我们拥有乐趣,还让我们学到知 识。 _ _,Different people have different hobbies, depending on factors like age, sex, family background, personality and so on.,Good h

5、obbies not only bring us fun, but also make us learn a lot.,一、基础写作 你是你校的小记者,近期在学校做了一项关于学生课余兴趣爱好的调查,请就调查结果写一篇报道。,Recently I have done a survey on the hobbies of the students in our school. The result shows that over half of the students like playing musical instruments in their spare time because it

6、can cultivate peoples characters. About 36% of them are fond of surfing the Internet which helps us know about the latest news and current affairs in the world. To my surprise, few students pay attention to reading and doing sports, only taking possession of 8% and 5% respectively, although they are

7、 the best way to gain knowledge and keep fit. In my opinion, more,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,students should take up reading since knowledge is power.,二、读写任务 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Good hobbies can bring a lot of pleasure to kids and their parents. Hobbies are things that a person likes to do

8、in his spare time. Some kids like swimming or playing sports, while others may like quieter hobbies such as reading, music, cooking, computer games or board games(棋类游戏). Older kids who can read might enjoy the guitar or the piano, while younger ones might enjoy playing the toy drums and singing alon

9、g.,Good hobbies for kids can be any type of activity that is beneficial for their over-all growth and has been proven to help them later in life, including self-confidence and any skills that they might learn. When choosing hobbies, parents should remember not to push kids too hard, otherwise they m

10、ight give up before they really try the hobbies. Also you should give your kids the right to choose hobbies by themselves.,Good hobbies are something that will grow with your kids, stretching (使发挥全部本领)and challenging them enough to keep them interested, but do not take them away from their school wo

11、rk. Instead, good hobbies can help to improve their homework.,写作内容 假定你要给某周报的英语习作栏投稿,请你就“My hobby”这一话题准备你的习作,请认真阅读上面的资料,然后完成以下的任务。 1. 以约30个词概括短文内容; 2以约120个词就“My hobby”这个主题发表你的 看法,并包括如下要点: (1) 简单介绍你的业余爱好; (2) 你的业余爱好是怎样发展起来的; (3) 你的爱好对你的学习、生活和未来等有什么 影响。,写作要求 1.在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故 事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引

12、 用原文中的句子; 2.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。,One possible version: Good hobbies, which are activities a person likes to do in his spare time can benefit his growth and amuse him. Meanwhile good hobbies will be accompanied with the growth of kids. As for me, what I like most is singing. I began to sing songs when I was very young. I showed great interest in music then, because my uncle of


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