湖南省2018届高考英语 m5 unit 1 getting along with others(1)课件 牛津译林版

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1、Part1 M5.Unit1,Unit 1 Getting along with others,Module5,cheer n. 愉快,欢呼 cheer v. 欢呼 cheerful adj. 愉快的 cheerfully adv. 愉快地 2.admit vt. 许可某人进入;承认 admission n. 许可某人(入学,入会,入园等);承认 3.deliberate adj. 故意的 deliberately adv. 故意地 4.forgive vt. 原谅forgiveness n. 原谅 forgiving adj. 原谅的 forgivingly adv. 原谅地,热 点 单 词

2、,5.cruelty n. 残酷 cruel adj. 残酷的 cruelly adv. 残酷地 6.apologize v. 道歉apology n. 道歉 7.strong adj. 强壮的,有力的strongly adv. 强有力地 strength n. 力量 strengthen v. 加强,巩固;使强壮 8.amuse vt. 使某人发笑,逗乐某人 amusement n. 逗乐,娱乐 amusing adj. 令人发笑的,有趣的,逗乐的; amused 愉快的,开心的,热 点 单 词,1.We did that every day, yes, on a daily base. 2

3、.Nobody discouraged him from getting involved in that stuff, but he found it a real discouragement to have no return at all. 3.I ordered him to stay indoors for a whole day as a punishment. Children these days wont learn their lessons until they are punished.,热 点 单 词,4.The students seem to be anxiou

4、s all day, but even they themselves dont know what their anxieties are about. 5.Do you think it is of any practical value to practise doing this year after year? 6.What happened doesnt consist with the words he wrote in his diary. However, we found some consistence with what people thought about him

5、.,热 点 单 词,7.You are not man enough to hesitate about this small matter. Action now without more . hesitation! 8.There hasnt been any response from the drug dealers. They are smart not to respond too quickly so that they can see whether we are real drug buyers.,热 点 单 词,根据中文填单词完成句子,每空一词(记忆时,用下列横线上的新单词

6、造句记忆) 1.他道歉的时候,行为有点不自然,这让他自己有点尴尬,但是别人并没有嘲笑他,反而原谅了他的所作所为。 His awkward behaviours while making an apology made himself embarrassed , but they didnt tease him, instead, they forgave him.,2.任何人如果过分残忍或者吝啬,都可能遭受失去朋友的痛苦;而外向聪明的人,是很容易交到朋友的。 Whoever is too cruel or mean will suffer a lot from losing friends;

7、but the one who is outgoing and brilliant can make friends easily.,3.在集体活动中,无论你多么有天赋,你都应该努力去消除与队友之间的分歧,相信队友而不是滥加指责。这样做的结果,才会是胜利。 In group activities, no matter how gifted you are, you have to believe your teammates instead of blaming them and try your best to eliminate the disagreements, as a result

8、, victory is on the way.,4.在学术研究方面,任何忽视细节的行为都是愚蠢的,也是不可原谅的。 It is stupid and unforgivable for anyone in academic research to overlook any details.,5.当被问到一个算术问题的时候,他犹豫了很久,不知怎么回答。作为惩罚,他也就失去了这个机会,这也让他一直耿耿于怀。 When asked about an arithmetic problem, he hesitated for a long time and gave no reply. As a res

9、ult , he lost the chance which he suffered a lot from.,根据中文写出英文短语 1. 相处,进展 get along / on 2. 信守诺言 keep ones word 3. 有麻烦,处于困难中 in trouble 4. 结果 as a result 5. 当众,在公众场合 in public 6. 保重,小心,当心 take care 7. 阻止某人做某事 discourage sb. from doing sth.,8. (电话等)接通 get through 9. 犹豫做 hesitate to do 10. 决意 / 决心做某事

10、 be determined to do sth. 11. 想要做某事 feel like doing sth. 12. 是因为,由于 as a result of 13. 持之以恒地做某事 keep on doing sth. 14. 禁不住做某事 cant help doing sth. 15. 避免做某事 avoid doing sth.,1.be determined to do sth. 下定决心做某事 关注其派生词determination,用来表示建议、命令和要求的这些动词以及他们的名词后加that从句,从句中用should do。 2.so is our friendship.

11、倒装结构,表示一种状况也适合另一个主语。,3.they are still sitting on the sofa, absorbed in conversation! be absorbed in用于状语部分的具体体现形式。 4.Friendships between girls are usually based on/upon shared feelings and support, be based on常用被动式。 5.I must have sounded very proud must have done / cant have done, 表示对发生在过去的事情进行推测的两种形

12、式。,.根据课文中的重点句子进行同义转换 1.How they must have laughed behind my back! They must have laughed at me behind my back, which is terrible. 2.He kept on saying really mean things to hurt me. His mean words hurt me deeply.,3.When asked they usually hesitate before responding, “My best friend?” When asked the q

13、uestion “My best friend?” they usually hesitated before responding.,4.Afterwards, I went out to the playground. I was determined to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong. I went out to the playground after the quarrel, I made up my mind to be cheerful, but Hannah found something went wr

14、ong.,5.He seemed absentminded and as a result of his careless playing, we lost the game. Judging that he was absentminded and playing carelessly, I knew that we would lose the game.,.汉译英 Mona已经在网上聊天了,Joice待会儿也会。(so) Mona is already chatting on the Internet, so will Joice later on. 2.我刚刚没有在学校与父母争执,晚上

15、回家了也不会。( neither / nor; argue) I didnt argue with my parents in the school just now, nor / neither will I when we are back home at night.,3.你当初肯定对给他一个承诺很犹豫。(must; hesitate) You must have hesitated to give him a promise. 4.他不大可能会和新搭档相处得好。(likely / unlikely) He is unlikely / not likely to get along we

16、ll with his new partner. / Its not likely (unlikely) for him to get along well with his new partner. / Its not likely (unlikely) that he will get along well with his new partner.,1、stand v. 站立,容忍;表示“容忍”时,其后跟名词或动名词形式充当宾语。 Nobody can stand being laughed at in public. 没有人能受得了在公众场合被人嘲笑。 The villagers cant stand being questioned over and over again. 这些村民们无法忍受多次被质问了。,表示“容忍、忍受”,且其后接名词或动名词的词还有: tolera


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