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1、北京市怀柔区2016高考英语阅读类训练(3)阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。Morocco is located at the northwest of Africa and is bordered in the north by the strait of Gibraltar and the Mediterranean Sea.The Atlantic Ocean keeps the west and the north of the country more temperate (温和的)The country also offers th

2、e broadest plains,some of which run along the Atlantic Ocean and the highest mountains in North Africa including the Atlas Mountains. Starting with the symbol of Morocco,Marrakech is a beautiful city that has remained unspoiled by the volume of tourists that flock there each year.One of the finest m

3、onuments in Morocco is greatly benefited by this amount of tourism.Actually their high volume contributes in a positive way to preserving one of the greatest monuments of Morocco. Fes is the third largest city in Morocco and is the capital of the FesBoulemane Region.It is separated into three parts,

4、Fes el Bali more commonly known as the old walled city,now classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site,FesJ did and the Ville Nouvelle.Fes el Bali is believed to be the largest carfree urban area in the world.Fes is a splendid place to visit to heighten the senses with the colors,smells and sounds. C

5、asablanca is an enormous city which is near the capital of Morocco and a place where any European would feel at home.Casablanca was made famous by the movie and gives the impression of being a romantic place.Unfortunately like many other popular cities around the world,it is crowded,noisy,and pollut

6、ed,a far city from the romantic ideal of the film.Because it has the biggest port,Casablanca,the important city of Morocco,has everything that the tourists need. Asilah is a city situated on the Atlantic Ocean and is one of the most stunning (出色的)old cities of Morocco.The city is set along the cliff

7、s which make it beautifully presented and an ideal place to continue adding to its economy by the fishermen.The economy is also reliant on the trading of cattle,sheep and cereal.If you are having a holiday in Morocco during August then you will be fortunate enough to experience one of Asilahs cultur

8、al festivals where you can enjoy the lively music and wonderful paintings. 【文章大意】本文详细介绍了摩洛哥的位置以及它的几个著名城市的特点。1How many cities in Morocco are introduced in the above passage?A4. B5.C6. D7.答案:A细节理解题。本文的二、三、四、五段分别介绍了Marrakech(马拉喀什),Fes(法斯巴利),Casablanca(卡萨布兰卡)和Asilah(阿尔西拉。)2If you want to live convenient

9、ly while on vacation,you can choose to stay in_.AMarrakech BFesCCasablanca DAsilah答案:C细节理解题。从第四段Casablanca is an enormous city which is near the capital of Morocco and a place where any European would feel at home.以及.has everything that the tourists need.可看出卡萨布兰卡非常大,各种服务应有尽有,生活舒适方便,故选C。3From the abo

10、ve passage we can learn that_.AIf you want to enjoy music and paintings,you can visit Asilah at any timeBCasablanca is as romantic as what is shown in the movie CFes has been the capital of Morocco for a long time DMarrakech best represents Morocco答案:D推理判断题。A项的at any time有误;根据Casablanca was made fam

11、ous by the movie and gives the impression of being a romantic place.可知B项错误;法斯巴利是the FesBoulemane Region的首府,而不是摩洛哥的首都,C项错误。根据第二段Starting with the symbol of Morocco,Marrakech is a beautiful city.可知答案选D。4The passage most probably appears in a_.Ageography book BmagazineCresearch paper Dhistory textbook答

12、案:B推理判断题。本文属于介绍类的文章,A项只是地理方面;C项是研究论文;D项是历史课本,综合全文,可知B项最佳。 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Sydney J. Harris accompanied his friend George to his favorite newsstand. George greeted the man selling the newspapers politely, but in return he received rude service. He just acknowledged his customer and

13、 never even looked up at him when he requested the late night edition. Accepting the newspaper, George politely smiled and wished the newsman a pleasant weekend. The owner made an indiscernible(难识别的) sound and seemed relieved that the two men had completed their dealing.As the two friends walked dow

14、n the street, Sydney J. Harris asked, “Does he always treat you so rudely?” “Yes, unfortunately, he does,” George responded. “And are you always so kind and friendly to him?” “Yes, I am!” George continued as they turned a corner. “Why are you so nice when hes so unfriendly to you?” With a look of de

15、ep thought, George explained, “Because I dont want him to decide how Im going to act.”Who decides how youre going to act? Is it your circumstances(环境) or the difficult people in your life that determine your responses? When we allow our conflicts to control us, we behave as though getting rid of our

16、 predicaments (处境) is our only choice. Therefore, it doesnt really matter how we treat one another. For example, we say, “This person is causing trouble right now so I dont care about exercising patience, self-control, and loving kindness. Instead, I want to let them know how angry Im because of their actio



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