高考英语一轮复习 module6 unexplained mysteries of the natural world课件 外研版必修4

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1、Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World,要 点 梳 理 高效梳理知识备考,重点单词 1attack vt.袭击;攻击 2frightening adj.吓人的frighten v使害怕fright n害怕frightened adj.害怕的 3exist vi.存在existence n存在 4sharp adj.锋利的;尖的sharpen v使锋利 5mysterious adj.神秘的mystery n神秘的事物 6claim vt.声称,7sceptical adj.怀疑的;不相信的 8cover vt.占地(多大面积) 9

2、adapt vi.适应;适合adaptable adj.适应性强的adaptation n适应性(变化) 10disappear vi.不见;消失appear vi.出现 11extinct adj.绝种的;消亡了的extinction n灭绝,12evolve vi.进化;演变evolution n进化;演变 13destruction n毁坏destroy vt.破坏,毁坏 14generous adj.有雅量的;大方的;心地高尚的 15unpredictable adj.变化莫测的predictable adj.可预言的predict vt.预言prediction n预言,预报 16r

3、eputation n名誉;名声,17positive adj.正面的negative adj.反面的 18indicate vt.象征;暗示indication n象征;暗示 19identity n身份;特性identify vt.辨别,确认 20fortune n运气;命运;财富fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地unfortunately adv.不幸地,重点短语 1go close to 靠近 2stick out 突出;伸出 3be sceptical about 怀疑 4throw light on 帮助弄清楚;阐明某事 5come strai

4、ght to the point 谈正题;开门见山 6be back in the news 再次成为新闻,7die out 灭绝 8adapt to 适应 9due to 由于;因造成 10go for 选择;喜欢,重点句型 1Local people and people travelling in the mountains have many stories to tell about it. 当地的与在山区旅行的人们可讲述许多关于它(怪物)的传说。,2He claims to have seen a round black creature moving quickly throug

5、h the water. 他声称看见一个黑黑的、圆圆的动物在水中快速游动。 3They say that the lowtemperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living creatures.他们说,水温这样低的湖泊不可能生存有体形如此巨大的动物。,4Thats quite something. 真是非同寻常。 高考范文 (2008重庆卷) 学校网站新开设了一个英语写作栏目(column),以便学生发表(post)英语作文,进行交流,提高写作能力。现请你为该栏目写一个英文介绍,内容包括: 开设目的,栏目优势:

6、教师在线(online)指导等 作文要求:内容贴近学生生活 优秀作文的鼓励办法 邀请大家参与 注意:1.词数100左右。 2开头语已为你写好(不计入总词数)。 Welcome to the column English Writing! _,范文 Welcome to the column English Writing! In order to improve your English writing skills and learn English well, we expect all of you to post your articles on the column. You can

7、 write anything that you are familiar with and send them to us. Afterwards, teachers can give you some advice on what you have written online. In this way, Im sure you can make more progress. The students whose writing is excellent will be awarded. The first prize: an MP4, for the second prize, you

8、can get an English dictionary and the third one: an exercise book.,If you happen to know the news, please inform your classmates of it. I hope all of you can learn a lot in this activity.,考 点 探 究 互动探究能力备考,.词汇短语过关 1attack n. 进攻,攻击 vt. 攻击;开始处理(某事) vi. 攻击;疾病发作 be attacked with a disease 患病,害病 have an a

9、ttack of 发作(指病) make an attack on/upon 攻击,向进攻 an attack of fear/panic/anxiety 一阵恐惧/惊慌/焦虑 be/come under attack 遭到攻击,即学即练1(1)We _ _ _ at dawn. 我们在黎明时袭击敌人。 (2)Shall we _ the washingup? 咱们动手洗碗碟好吗? (3)The disease _ his bones. 疾病已侵袭了他的骨骼。,attacked,the,enemy,attack,attacked,(4)They got fully ready for _ _

10、_. 他们对敌人的进攻作好了充分的准备。 (5)His grandfather _ _ _ _ yesterday. 昨天他爷爷心脏病发作。,the,enemys,attack,had,a,heart,attack,2exist vi. 存在;生存;维持生活 existent adj. 存在的,现存的 existence n. 存在,生存 There exists(existed).某地有,存在 exist in 存在于之中 exist on 靠为生 exist by 靠生存 come into existence 开始存在;成立 bring into existence 使发生,产生,即学即

11、练2(1)_ always _ a force of attraction between two bodies. 两物体间总是存在着吸引力。 (2)They _ _ very little food. 他们靠极少的食物来生存。,There,exists,exist,on,(3)That word doesnt _ _ English. 英语中没有这个词。 (4)Fish cant _ _ _ water. 鱼离开水就不能生存。 (5)When did the world _ _ _? 世界是什么时候开始存在的?,exist,in,exist,out,of,come,into,existenc

12、e,3claim vt.声称;要求;认领 n要求;索赔;主张 claim sth. 要求/索要某物 claimthatclause 声称 claim sth. from sb. for sth. 因某事向某人索取某物 claim on sth. 对某事物的权利 claim sth. back 要回某物;索回 Its claimed that.有人声称,即学即练3(1)After the Dukes death, his eldest son _ _ _. 公爵死后,其长子要求继承爵位。 (2)She _ _ she is related to the Queen. /She _ _ _ rel

13、ated to the Queen. 她声称与女王有亲属关系。,claimed,the,title,claims,that,claims,to,be,(3)You _ _ _ _ my sympathy.You _ _ _ to ask for my sympathy. 你没有要我同情的权利。,have,no,claim,on,have,no,right,4adapt vt. 使适应;改编 adaptable adj. 适应性强的;可改编的 adaptation n. 适应;改编 adapt oneself to. 使自己适应于(to为介词) adapt to.适应于 adapt sth. f

14、or. 把某物改编为 adapt sth. from. 根据改编某物,即学即练4(1)This novel has been _ _ radio _ the Russian original. 这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目。 (2)Our eyes slowly _ _ the dark. 我们的眼睛慢慢地适应了黑暗的环境。,adapted,for,from,adapted,to,(3)She _ herself quickly _ the new climate. 她很快适应了这种新的气候。,adapted,to,5indicate vt. 指出;标示;表明;暗示 indicat

15、ion n. 指示;象征;预示 indicate sth. to sb. 向某人指出/暗示某物 indicate that. 示意;表明 indication of doing sth. 的迹象 indication as to sth./that 的迹象,即学即练5(1)Research _ _ men are easier to give up smoking than women. 研究表明,男人比女人更容易戒烟。 (2)A high fever usually _ severe illness. 高烧通常表明生了重病。 (3)Snow _ the coming of winter. 雪象征着冬天的来到。,indi


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