(浙江专用)2018届高考英语二轮总复习 第17讲 it的用法课件 新人教版

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1、第17讲 it的用法,例 The fact that she was foreign made _difficult for her to get a job in that country. (2010辽宁卷) A. so B. much C. that D. it,解析考查it的用法。句意:她是外国人的事实使得她在那个国家很难找到工作。句中for her to get a job in that country是动词不定式的复合结构作made的宾语,difficult是宾语补足语,此处要用it作形式宾语,其他词没有这种用法。,D,例 The doctor thought _would be

2、 good for you to have a holiday. (2010全国卷) A. this B. that C. one D. it,解析考查it的用法。it的两个重要用法是作形式主语和形式宾语。本题考查形式宾语,it在这里代指后面的真正宾语to have a holiday。,D,例 Ive read another book this week. Well, maybe _ is not how much you read but what you read that counts. (2009浙江卷) A. this B. that C. there D. it,解析it引导的

3、强调句型。还原为: Not how much you read but what you read counts. 句意为:重要的不是你读了多少东西,而是你读了什么。,D,例 It was _ he came back from Africa that year _ he met the girl he would like to marry. (2009江西卷) A. when; then B. not; until C. not until; that D. only; why,解析考查not until 的强调句型。,C,例 It is often _ that human beings

4、 are naturally equipped to speak.(2009全国卷) A. said B. to say C. saying D. being said,解析考查句型It is said+that从句,A,it 在2010年各省市的高考试卷中,似乎是“门前冷落车马稀”。但不管如何,it 始终是一个考查热点和难点。考生备考可以从如下几个方面入手:,考查it 的指代作用,指上文提到过的事物。 区别one, ones, it, that, those的用法: It指的是同名同物;相当于the+名词; one 指的是同名异物,表示单数可数名词,相当于a +名词; 用作a/an+形容词+

5、one,等于a/an+形容词+名词;复数形式用ones;,it的指代作用,that后面常有后置定语,有特指意义,代替不可数名词或单数可数名词,相当于the+名词;复数名词用those,相当于the ones。 特别注意,it指代时间时,有如下一些句型: for sth. It is (about/high) (for sb.) to do sth. time that-从句(should do/ did, 必须用虚拟语气),it的指代作用,(1),(2) It is /has been + some time + since从句(从句用一般过去时)(注意从句中延续性动词意义为否定) (3) I

6、t/This is the first /secondtime+that从句(必须使用现在完成时)(这是某人第次做了某事) (4) It was +时间点 + when从句 (5) It was / will be some time+before从句,it的指代作用,代替由不定式、动名词或从句所表示的真正主语;由于在翻译时,汉语习惯上会加上“这、那”之意,所以常见的干扰项就是this 和that。 1. it 代替动词不定式或动名词充当句子的形式主语: (1)为平衡句子,通常把不定式作主语改为it 作形式主语,即:,it作形式主语,Its + adj./n. for sb. to do st

7、h. 常见形容词:easy, difficult, convenient, possible 等。 Its + adj. +of sb. to do sth. 常见形容词:kind, good, nice, wrong, careless, honest,wise, foolish, polite, clever, right, unwise, stupid, thoughtful, rude, silly, impolite等表示某人的品行的词语。,it作形式主语,2. it 代替整个句子,放在句首充当形式主语: (1) It is + adj./n. + that从句 (2) It is+

8、V.ed+that从句 常见过去分词: said, reported, known, expected, thought, believed, considered, suggested等。 当该词表示命令、建议、坚持、忠告等意义时,从句要用虚拟语气(should)+do。,it作形式主语,(3) It doesnt matter/ makes no difference+特殊疑问词/whether引导的从句 (4) It seems/appears that从句:似乎/好像 (5) It happens that从句:碰巧,恰巧,it作形式主语,代替由不定式、动名词或从句所表示的真正宾语。

9、1. 主语+ think/consider/find/feel/believe/regard/ make +it+adj./n. (for sb.) to do 2. 主语+ think/consider/find/feel +it+ no good/use doing sth. 3.主语+believe/imagine/think/consider/find/feel/ make/regard/ +it+ adj./n. + that从句,it作形式宾语,4. 主语+hate/dislike/love/like +it + when从句(表示对某一情况的喜好或厌恶) 5. 主语+apprec

10、iate + it+ if从句 6. 主语+see to/ answer for it+ that从句 (确保) 主语+depend on it +that从句 (指望,确信) 注意:4、5、6为特殊句型: 用it 代替其后的整个句子, it 等于整个句子,但不能省略。,it作形式宾语,强调句型,强调句结构:It is / was + 被强调部分 + that + 句子的其余部分。 it是引导词,强调的内容可以是句子的主语、宾语、状语。如果被强调的部分是人,that 可用who代替,其他情况一律用that。,强调句型,特别注意,(1) notuntil 结构用于强调句中,not 要提前到unt

11、il之前,放在be动词后。 即:It wasnt untilthat +句子的其余部分。 (2)强调句的一般疑问句形式:Is/Was it + 被强调部分 + that + 句子的其余部分。 (3)强调句的特殊疑问句形式:特殊疑问词+ is/was it+ that + 句子的其余部分。,带it 的一些固定词组,常作交际用语,1(Youve/Ive) got it. (你/我)懂了,明白了。 2. Forget it. 算了吧,别在意,没关系。 3. Take it easy. 别着急,慢慢来;别过于紧张。 4. Make it. 办得到,做成功。 5. It /That (all) depe

12、nds. 那要看情况而定。 6. It cant be helped. 没有办法/这是不可避免的。,带it 的一些固定词组,常作交际用语,6. It cant be helped. 没有办法/这是不可避免的。 7. It comes to nothing. 没有什么结果。 8. Dont mention it. 不用谢。 9. Thats it. 对了,正是。 10. Believe it or not. 信不信由你。 11. When it comes to 当谈到; 当涉及, I know nothing about the secret. _ you want to say? A. Wh

13、at it is that B. What is it that C. How is it that D. How it is tha,解析考查it 强调句型的特殊疑问句形式。,B, When _ comes to computer games, my cousin always gets excited as if he was an ET. A. that B. this C. he D. it,解析when it comes to sth. 是个固定句型,意思为“当谈到某事时”。,D, We are rushed off feet these days. How I wish we co

14、uld have a long holiday. _. Its a nice dream, go on working hard. A. Dont mention it B. Forget it C. Make it D. Take it easy,解析Dont mention it. 仅用于回答Thank you. 意思是“不客气,不用谢”。,B, It will still be two years _ London Olympic Games starts. How I look forward to it! A. after B. before C. when D. since,解析考

15、查it 表示时间时易混淆的几个句型的连词。It will be +time +before+从句(从句用一般现在时)。,B, Smoking is said _ the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years. A. that it is B. to be C. that it has been D. to have been,D,解析该题间接考查it句型,它是it 句型的转换形式。可还原为It is said that smoking has been the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years. 由于that 从句中的时间状语是over the past few years,故而从句的时态用现在完成时。,


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