2018九年级英语全册 unit 6 when was it invented section b(1a-1e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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《2018九年级英语全册 unit 6 when was it invented section b(1a-1e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018九年级英语全册 unit 6 when was it invented section b(1a-1e)课件 (新版)人教新目标版(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Section B 1a-1e,Unit6,When was it invented ?,How do they taste?,crispy,salty,They taste crispy.,They taste salty.,crispy,They taste hard and crispy.,sour,They taste .,bitter,It tastes .,sweet,soft,They taste .,They taste very hot.,New words,crispy adj. 脆的;酥脆的 sour adj. 酸的;有酸味的 by mistake 错误地;无意中 cu

2、stomer n. 顾客;客户,根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。,1. I dont like lemons because they are too s_. 2. Lucy and Lily are twins. People often m_ them for each other. 3. For a restaurant, c_ are the most important. 4. The fish was too s_ because my mom put too much salt on it. 5. We often put the food into the f_ to keep

3、it fresh in summer.,our,istake,ustomers,alty,ridge,1a. Fill in the blanks with the words given.,sour,sweet, crispy, salty, sour,salty,crispy,sweet,sweet, crispy, salty, sour,salty,sweet,sweet,1b. Write the name of a different food after each word.,sweet: crispy: salty: sour:,candy, banana, apple, ca

4、ke potato chips, salad, biscuit, salt, pizza, french fries, olives, sausage vinegar, grape, lemon, pickle, grapefruit, orange,1. Potato chips were invented by mistake. 2. They were invented in 1863. 3. The customer thought the potatoes were not thin enough. 4. The customer said they werent salty eno

5、ugh. 5. George wanted to make the customer happy. 6. The customer was happy in the end.,T F,T F,1c. Listen and circle T for true or F for false.,T F,T F,T F,T F,The History of Potato Chips Did you know that potato chips were invented by mistake? Potato chips _ by a cook called George Crum. They were

6、 invented in _. George Crum cut the potato chips really, really _ and then cooked them for a long time until they were _. Finally he put lots of salt on them so they were _.,were invented,1853,crispy,really salty,1d. Listen again. Complete the sentences.,thin,1e . Make a conversation about the inven

7、tion of potato chips. Use the information in1c and 1d.,A: Did you know potato chips were invented by mistake? B: Wow, I didnt know that. Who invented them? A: It was invented by a cook called Geroge Crum.,Explanation,1. Potato chips were invented by mistake. mistake 作名词 “错误,误会”。也可以作动词 “弄错,犯错”。常见形式有:

8、 make a mistake 出错 eg: You have made a mistake here. mistakefor 错把当作 eg: They mistook him for his brother. by mistake 错误地 eg: They sent the letter to me by mistake.,2. Geroge wanted to make the customer happy. make表示“使怎么样”,其后常带复合宾语。常见结构为:主语+make+宾语+名词/形容词(做宾补)。 The boss can make the young man a rich

9、 man.,3. 复合名词复数的构成,potato chips是一个复合名词,其中第一个名词用作定语修饰后一个名词,这样的例子有很多,如: alarm clock, telephone number等。 知识拓展 复合名词变复数的规则,你一定要牢记啊! 通常只把主体名词变为复数 school friendschool friends(校友) apple treeapple trees(苹果树) vegetable sandwichvegetable sandwiches(蔬菜三明治),如果没有主体名词,在最后一个名词上用复数。 good-for-nothinggood-for-nothings

10、 (饭桶、无用的人) three-year-oldthree-year-olds(三岁的孩子) 由man, woman和另外一个名词构成的复合名词,两个部分都要用复数。 man teachermen teachers(男教师) gentleman farmergentlemen farmers (乡绅),根据汉语完成句子,1. 世界上许多国家都讲英语。 English _ _ in many countries all over the world. 2.纸是中国发明的。 Paper _ _ in China. 3. 这栋大楼是去年建造的。 This building _ _ last yea

11、r. 4. 这本小说去年已被翻译成了几种语言。 This novel _ _ into several languages last year.,is spoken,is/was invented,was built,was translated,用所给词的正确形式填空。,1. The TV _ (invent) around 1927. 2. They are used for _ (see) in the park. 3. This kite _ (make) by Uncle Wang. 4. Tea _ (discover) a long time ago. 5. Our classroom _ (should clean) every day.,was invented,seeing,was made,was discovered,should be cleaned,Homework,Recite the new words on Page 45. Preview 2a-2e. Finish the workbook of Section B 1a-1e.,


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