2015年高考英语总复习 倒装句与省略句用法

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1、倒装句与省略句用法 第一,倒装句用法 英语的基本句型是主语 + 谓语。如果将主语与谓语调换, 称倒装句。倒装句分全倒装句和半倒装句。一、 全倒装: 主语与谓语交换位置不需任何助动词, 叫全倒装。全倒装有以下三种情况:1、当here, there, out, in, up, down等副词放在句首时, 句子需全倒装:There goes the bell! 铃响了!There lived an old man in the village.村里有一位老汉。Here comes the bus.汽车来了。注意: 在这种情况下倒装仅限于不及物动词或be动词, 像go, come, rush,marc

2、h等。主语如果是代词时不需倒装如Away he went. 他走远了。2、方位状语在句首, 如:In front of the house stopped a police car.房前停一辆警车。Nearby were two canoes in which they had come to the island.附近有两只小船,他们乘着来到这个小岛。Under the tree sat a boy.树下坐着一个小男孩。3 、直接引语在句首, 这种情况可倒装也可不倒装“What does it mean?” asked the boy或the boy asked.二、半倒装: 主语与谓语的助

3、动词交换位置称半倒装, 有以下数种情况:1、 否定意义的词在句首, 句子半倒装, 例如: little, never, not, no, hardly, rarely, seldom等。Never shall I forget you.我绝不会忘记你。At no time was the man aware of what was happening. 这人绝不知道发生了什么事情。Little did I understand what he said to me at that time. 当时我不知道他对我说什么。2、 几对并列连词如not onlybut also, hardly whe

4、n等连接两个并列句, 连词在句首, 前句半倒装, 后句不倒装:Not only was everything he had taken away from him, but also his German citizenship was taken away.No sooner had I got to the bus stop than the bus started.注意: not onlybut also连接两个并列主语时不需倒装, 如: Not only you but also I like playing chess.neithernor在句首时, 前后两句都需倒装, Neithe

5、r do I have a sister nor does my husband.3、only在句首强调状语, 主句半倒装:Only then did I realize that I was wrong.Only in this way can I learn from my fault.Only when the war was over in 1918, was he able to get back to work.注意: only强调主语不倒装:Only the teachers can use the room.4、sothat句型, so在句首时, 主句倒装, that从句不倒装

6、:So easy is it that a child can learn it.So hard did he work that he finally won the fame.I saw the film, so did he.1、倒装句(Inversion)英语的基本语序是“主语+谓语”。如果将谓语的全部或一部分放在主语之前,这种语序称为“倒装”。一、倒装的类型类型例 句说 明 完 全 倒 装Out rushed the students to welcome the foreign friends.学生们涌出去欢迎外国朋友。整个谓语移至主语之前。 部 分 倒 装Seldom does

7、he go to school late.他上学很少迟到。只把系动词,情态动词,助动词或表语放在主语之前。二、倒装结构的基本用法1、由于语法结构的需要而使用的倒装情 况例 句说 明疑问句中Have you got a dictionary?你有一本字典吗?Where did he go last Monday?上星期一他去什么地方了?Are you listening to the radio?你在听广播吗?Who told you the news?谁告诉你那个消息的?Which boy broke this glass?哪个男孩子把这个玻璃打破了?用完全或部分倒装,但以疑问词或疑问词修饰的

8、名词作主语的疑问句要用正常语序。“there be”结构中There are three wells in our village.我们村里有三口水井。There stands a big paper making factory by the river.河边有座大型造纸厂。使用完全倒装结构。在以here, there, now, then, in, away, up down等副词开头的句子中Here is a letter for you.这儿有你一封信。There goes the bell. 铃响了。Now comes your turn to play.现在轮到你玩了。Away w

9、ent the crowd one by one .人们一个一个地离去。Look, there he comes! 看,他来了。Down she went 她下来了。使用完全倒装结构。但如果主语是代词则用正常语序。在以neither nor 或no more开头的句子中I cant swim, nor (neither)can she .我不会游泳,她也不会。He hasnt been to the countryside, neither does he want to go there.他没有去过农村,他也不想去那里。He did not turn up. No more did his

10、wife.他没有来,他妻子也没有来。表示也不这样, neither和nor意思相同,可以替换使用,no more表示动作的程度并不比前面提到的稍强。意为也不。用在as(尽管)引导的让步状语从句中Proud as the nobles are, he is afraid to see me.尽管这些贵族很傲慢,他却害怕见我。Young as he is, he knows a lot.虽然他年轻,却知道很多东西。Child as he is, he can speak three languages.虽是个孩子,他会说三种语言。 从属连句as用于特殊语序,含义与though, although相

11、同,但“as”这种结构可表示非常强烈的对照,必须用倒装(表语提前)2、为了加强语气而使用的倒装。(使句子更加流畅,更加生动)情 况例 句说 明含有否定意义的副词或连词放在句首时Never before have we seen such a sight.以前我们从来没有见过这样的情景。Little did I think that he could be back alive.我没有想到他竟能活着回来。Not until New Years Day shall I give you a gift.我要到元旦那天才能给你礼物。Not only was everything that he had

12、 taken away from him, but also his German citizenship was taken away.不仅他所有的一切被没收了,而且连他的德国公民权也被剥夺了。常用否定词有: never, not, hardly,scarcely seldom, little, not until, not onlybut also, no sooner than, hardly (scarcely)when等。一般主句用部分倒装结构。副词only放在句首时Only then did he realize his mistakes.只有在那时,他才认识到自己的错误。Only

13、 in this way can you learn maths well.只有用这种方法,你才能学好数学。Only Mother can understand me.只有母亲最理解我。Only three of us failed in the exam.我们中只有三个人考试不及格。only 起强调作用,其句型为“only +状语+部分倒装”。如置于句首的only修饰主语,则不用倒装结构。虚拟语气条件从句中Were they here, they would help us.他们要是在这儿,他们会帮助我们的。Had I been informed earlier, I could have

14、done something.我要是早得到通知,我就能干事了。Should you fail, take more pain and try again.万一你失败了,就要更加刻苦,重新再干。 把从句中if省略将were,had或should放在主语的前面。直接引语的全部或一部分放在句首时“He is a clever boy.” said the teacher.老师说:“他是个聪明的孩子。”“Go, Dick, go!”cried Tom,“Go home and get help”“走,狄克,走!”汤姆呼喊着,“快回家去求援”“What do you think of the film?

15、 ”he asked.他问“你认为这部电影怎么样?”“Im leaving for Hongkong next month”Mary told me yesterday.玛利告诉我“我下月要去香港”。主句主语和谓语次序颠倒,用完全倒装。但如果主句主语为代词时或谓语部分比主语长,一般不用倒装。表示祝愿的句子中May you succeed! 祝你成功。Long live the Communist Party of China.中国共产党万岁!谓语动词或谓语的一部分放在主语的前面。副词so在句首He is interested in pop-songs, and so am I.他对流行歌曲感兴趣,我也如此。They will learn chemistry next term, so will I .他们下学期学化学,我也学。I can drive a car, so can my


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