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1、2012届高三英语二轮复习精品课件(湖北专用):第2模块 完形填空 专题3 议论文型完形填空,专题三 专题导读,议论文是高考完形填空题中较难的一种文体,它一般由三个要素组成:论点、论据、结论。要做好议论文型完形填空,最重要的是抓住作者的论点。不同的议论文论点的提出方式往往不同,大体有以下三种情况: 1. 开门见山地提出论点。有些议论文在文章的一开始就提出论点,然后再通过具体的论据去说明论点,论据有时候既有正面的论据,也有反面的论据,最后总结全文。,专题三 专题导读,2. 导入式提出论点。有些议论文会先通过叙述生活中的一件具体的事情或描述生活中的现象,然后根据事情或现象所反映的问题提出自己的论点

2、,再用具体的论据去说明自己的论点。 3. 最后提出论点。有些议论文一开始作者仅仅是列举生活中的现象,而不表明自己的观点,而是通过对具体现象的分析,自然得出一种结论,这种结论往往就是作者的论点。对于纯议论形式的完形填空,要在掌握全文主旨的情况下,抓住每段的首句,即主旨句。抓住了每段的主旨句也就是把握了文章的脉络,理解文意就容易了。,专题三 真题典例,2009福建卷 Children find meanings in their old family tales. When Stephen Guyers three children were growing up, he told them st

3、ories about how his grandfather, a banker, _1_ all in the 1930s, but did not lose sight of what he valued most. In one of the darkest times _2_ his strongminded grandfather was nearly _3_, he loaded his family into the car and _4_ them to see family members in Canada with a _5_ “There are more impor

4、tant things in life than money.”,专题三 真题典例,The _6_ took on a new meaning recently when Mr. Guyer downsized to a _7_ house from a more expensive and comfortable one. He was _8_ that his children, a daughter, 15, and twins, 22, would be upset. To his surprise, they werent. _9_, their reaction echoed (共

5、鸣) their greatgrandfathers. What they _10_ was how warm the people were in the house and how _11_ of their heart was accessible. Many parents are finding family stories have surprising power to help children _12_ hard times. Storytelling experts say the phenomenon reflects a growing _13_ in telling

6、tales, evidenced by a rise in storytelling events and festivals.,专题三 真题典例,A university _14_ of 65 families with children aged from 14 to 16 found kids ability to _15_ parents stories was linked to a lower rate of anger and anxiety. The _16_ is telling the stories in a way children can _17_. Were not

7、 talking here about the kind of story that _18_, “When I was a kid, I walked to school every day uphill both ways, barefoot in the snow.” Instead, we should choose a story suited to the childs _19_, and make eye contact (接触) to create “a personal experience”. We dont have to tell children _20_they s

8、hould take from the story and what the moral is.,专题三 真题典例,( )1.A.missed Blost Cforgot Dignored ( )2.A.when Bwhile Chow Dwhy ( )3.A.friendless Bworthless CpennilessDhomeless ( )4.A.fetched Ballowed Cexpected Dtook ( )5.A.hope Bpromise Csuggestion Dbelief ( )6.A.tale Bagreement Carrangement Dreport (

9、)7.A.large Bsmall Cnew Dgrand,专题三 真题典例,( )8.A.surprised Bannoyed Cdisappointed Dworried ( )9.A.Therefore BBesides CInstead DOtherwise ( )10.A.talked about Bcared about Cwrote about Dheard about ( )11.A.much Bmany Clittle Dfew ( )12.A.beyond Bover Cbehind Dthrough ( )13.A.argument Bskill Cinterest Da

10、nxiety ( )14.A.study Bdesign Ccommittee Dstaff,专题三 真题典例,( )15.A.provide Bretell Csupport Drefuse ( )16.A.trouble Bgift Cfact Dtrick ( )17.A.performBwrite Chear Dquestion ( )18.A.means Bends Cbegins Dproves ( )19.A.needs Bactivities Cjudgments Dhabits ( )20.A.that Bwhat Cwhich Dwhom,专题三 真题典例,【要点综述】研究

11、表明,给孩子们讲述先辈们艰苦奋斗的故事不仅有助于他们渡过难关,也可以缓解他们的精神压力减消生气和焦虑。 1B 他给他们讲述了他爷爷一位银行家,在20世纪30年代失去了一切但没有忘记他最重视的东西的故事。本句中but后面的lose sight of暗示本空应填lost。 2A 首先要弄清本句的主句是:he loaded his family into the car and由此可知设空处引导定语从句,再根据句意可知此处用表示时间的关系副词when。 3C 根据上文_(lost)all in the 1930s可知本空答案应为penniless(身无分文)。,专题三 真题典例,4D 爷爷用车把全家

12、人带到加拿大。take带走;fetch去取;allow允许;expect期望。由题意可知,本题答案应为D项。 5D 空后的句子There are more important things in life than money为设空处的同位语,而该句应该是爷爷的一种“信念”,不是“希望”、“诺言”和“建议”,故答案为D项。 6A 根据首段最后一词及第二段整段内容可知本题答案为A。 7B 本句改为:Mr.Guyer downsized from a more expensive and comfortable one to a house后可知答案为B项。Guyer先生原来住的房子价格不菲,而且

13、住起来非常舒适,而现在却住在一所小房子里。,专题三 真题典例,8D 由于生活条件变得很差,故Guyer先生担心孩子们会感到不舒服。surprised感到奇怪的;annoyed感到烦恼的;disappointed感到失望的;worried担心的。 9C 使他感到奇怪的是,他们并没有感到不舒服。相反,他们的反应与他们的曾祖父一样。instead用来表示与前面提到的事情相反。 10B 从下文可知,孩子们并没有因生活条件变得糟糕而感到不舒服,他们关心的是这所房子里的一家人有多温暖、他们的心有多贴近。care about关心,担心;talk about谈论;write about写关于的内容;hear

14、about听说。 11A 根据句意可知,孩子们关心的是全家人心灵之间的贴近度(有多么贴近),much表程度,符合句意。,专题三 真题典例,12D through hard times意为“度过艰难时期”。 13C 讲故事的专家说这种现象反映了(人们)对讲故事越来越感兴趣,这一点从不断增加地对各种事件及节日故事的讲述上得到了印证。interest兴趣;argument争辩;skill技巧,技能;anxiety焦虑,担忧。 14A 根据句意可知,此处指一项对65个家庭所做的研究。study研究;design设计;committee委员会;staff全体职工,全体人员。故A项符合句意。 15B 阅读

15、全文可知通过父母给孩子讲故事再让孩子复述这些故事这一过程,孩子们减少了生气和焦虑。,专题三 真题典例,16D (讲故事的)技巧是用孩子们能够倾听的方式来讲(故事)。根据句意可知D项正确。 17C 根据句意可知此处表示“倾听”,故B项不正确。perform履行,完成,演出;question询问,质疑,均不符合句意,故选C。 18C that begins 意为“是那样开始的”。由后面叙述提示可知答案。 19A 根据上句可知,所讲的故事应该符合孩子们的需要而不是“活动(activities)”、“判断(judgments)”或“习惯(habits)”。 20B 根据句子结构可知,此处应是一个宾语从句引导词,且从句中动词take缺少宾语,所以用what既作宾语从句的引导词又在从句中作宾语。,专题三 新题预测,Learning to save money when youre young is an important lesson. All good lessons and habits begin early, and saving is a skill that everyone _1_. M


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