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1、江苏省盐城市大丰市万盈第二中学八年级英语下学期个性化作业7一、词汇(每空1分,共15分 11-15题为动词填空)1. Millie is an _ (优秀的) student. She studies very hard.2.You have to finish walking a 100-kilometre trail _ (在之内) 48 hours.3.They need to walk together to finish the hike because only the teams finishing time will be _ (记录).4. I think it is nec

2、essary that you start _ (训练) a few months before the walk.5.Oxfam Trailwalker is a _ (费力的) hike.6. We should help the _ (able) people. Life is hard for them.7. My father is quite _ (elder)now and cant walk very fast.8.His house was washed away and he is a _(home) man now.9. I dont know the _ (finish

3、) time of other teams, but I know ours.10. The story _ (it) was not very interesting, but the way he told it was reallly funny.11. The aim of Trailwalker is _ (raise) money for charities.12. Its an excellent chance _ (learn) about working together.13. It is necessary that you start _(train) a few mo

4、nths before the walk.14. Trailwalker _(be) one of Hong Kongs biggest fund-raising events since 1981.15. Can you finish _(read) the book within three days?二、单项选择(20)( )1.- How often _your school sports meeting _ ? -Twice a year.A. does, hold B. was, hold C. is, held D. did, hold( )2. -Will you join t

5、he _ race in the sports meeting? -I havent decided it.A. 1000s meters B. 1000-meters C. 1000 meter D. 1000-meter( )3. -Is it _ to talk with him? -Yes, hes not always friendly to others.A. kind B. tough C. easy D. happy( )4. -Have you finished _ your report? -Not yet. Please give me ten _ minutes.A.

6、writing; another B. write; more C. writing; more D. write; another( )5. Its a great chance for people _ how to work together.A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learns( )6. Its our job to keep our school _ and tidy.A. cleaning B. cleaned C. clean D. cleans( )7. _impossible _us to live on the moon to

7、day.A. Its; to B. Its; for C. Thats; for D. Thats; to( )8.Have you ever _ the charity walk? A. heard from B. heard about C. listen to D. listen from( )9.Its really nice _ you _ me work it out. A. of, to help B. of, help C. for, to help D. for, help ( )10. _ is impossible for us to learn a foreign la

8、nguage well within a few months. A. This B. It C. That D. There( )11. Although the room is small, it is comfortable_. A. live in B. to live in C. to live D. live( )12. A cup_ drinking tea. A. used for B. is used to C. is used for D. used to( )13. Mother said cooking and cleaning_ much time every day

9、. A. spend B. take C. cost D. pay( )14. People all over the world are thankful_ the Red Cross. A. for B. with C. to D. by( )15.People dont like him because of _. A. he did B. he did wrong C. what he did D. he is wrongC. whats the babys name D. what the babys name( )16. Its wrong to_ deaf people. A.

10、look after B. look forward to C. look for D. look down on( )17. I show great_ in the chat show. I think its very_. A. interest, interesting B. interest, interested C. interested, interesting D. interesting, interesting( )18. Its _ noisy here_ I cant hear you clearly. A. very, because B. because, tha

11、t C. such, that D. so, that( )19. Its kind of him to help blind people_ the road. A. across B. crossing C. to cross D. to walk cross( )20. My dog is one of _ in the world. Ill look after it forever A. the most clever animal B. the cleverest animal C. clever animals D. the cleverest animals三、完形填空(15分

12、)Jenny was English. She was a good girl _1_ she was often late for school. One morning she was late again. Mr Black, her teacher, was angry with her when she came into the classroom. Ill write to your father _2_ you arent here on time tomorrow, he told her. Jenny didnt want him _3_ that because her

13、parents _4_ very strict严格 with her. The next day she got up very early and went to school without breakfast. She hurried to school. Just before she _5_ the school gate, she stopped. She found a small bag _6_ on the ground. She _7_and she decided to give it to the headmaster. When she hurried into the classroom, Mr Black was already _8_ his lessons. Jenny Wh


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