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1、山东省平度市蓼兰镇何家店中学2015届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题(考试时间:120分钟;满分:130分;卷面分:3分)说明:卷面分按3、2、1三个档次给分第一卷第一部分 听力测试(共四大题,共25分)一、听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读一遍。(分)1. A. I dont know.B. Sure. Go down this street.C. A good idea.2. A. Yes, I have.B. I went there.C. Yes, I did.3. A. In EnglandB. By a German.C. Nearly two hundred years ago.4.

2、 A. The West LakeB. In ChinaC. By plane5. A. I like going to see a film. B. I like the books that are interesting.C. I like the music that I can dance to.二、听对话和问题,选择正确答案,对话和问题读两遍。(5分)6. A. January 15thB. January 16thC. January 17th 7.A B C8. A. For ten minutes.B. For 15 minutes.C. For 20 minutes.9.

3、A. Visiting a factory.B. Giving a talk.C. Having a holiday.10. A. LindasB. LilysC. Lucys. 三、听对话,回答问题,对话读两遍。(5分)听第一段对话,回答11至12小题。11. What are they talking about?A. Their plans for the holiday.B. Their homework. C. The weather.12. What is the girl going to do?A. Visit some cities.B. Travel with Mike C

4、. Stay at home.听第二段对话,回答13至15小题。13. When did the boy get hurt?A. An hour ago.B. Ten minutes ago.C. Two hours ago.14. Where did the boy get hurt?A. At his home.B. At Toms house.C. On his way to school15. What will the woman do first ?A. Take the boy to the hospital.B. Give the doctor a call.C. Ask Ju

5、lia for help.四:听短文,完成下列任务。(10分)听第一遍录音,根据所听到的事件顺序将下列句子排序,并将任务的字母代号填写在下面的横线上。请将此部分的答案写在第二卷相应的横线上。A. Now Im going to give you some work to do at the museum.B. Well have lunch in the museum restaurant.C. There are lots of very interesting things there about the cinema.D. Please meet me at the bus stop.E

6、. Youll have to write down something useful1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _再听录音,根据录音内容选择正确答案。短文读两遍。16. When will the students have a trip?A. SaturdayB. SundayC. Friday17. Theyre going to visit _.A. The art museumB. The film museumC. The photo museum18. When will they leave?A. At 8:15B. At 8:45C. At 9:4519.

7、What should the students take with them?A. A penB. A notebookC. A notebook and a pencil20. Where will they have lunch?A. In a restaurant near the museumB. In the restaurant of their schoolC. In a restaurant in the museum第二部分 笔试五、单项选择。(30分)21. Nowadays more and more people like to choose the houses _

8、 are big and bright.A. thatB. whereC. whoD. there22. Grandma _ a bad cold for weeks. And now fortunately she is in good health.A. had takenB. has caughtC. hadD. has got23. Excuse me, Im a new comer. Could you tell me _ get to the bank?A. how I canB. how toC. how can ID. Both A and B24. The pain from

9、 Henrys leg made him _ aloud suddenly.A. to cryB. cryingC. cryD. cried 25. The water in the river was very deep. It came _ our knees.A. downB. fromC. behindD. above26. We have tried many times, but we still cant solve the problem. Maybe you could _ it in another way.A. deal withB. agree withC. come

10、up withD. get on with27. These pineapples _ nice and fresh. I want to buy some. Right, they _ here from Taiwan yesterday.A. look; broughtB. look; were broughtC. are looked; bringD. are looked; were brought28. Did you see Lucy at the New Years Party, Sally ? No, she _ by the time I got there.A. leftB

11、. was leavingC. had leftD. has left29. Im glad that youre coming with us. The trip will be exciting and you wont _ it.A. regretB. receiveC. supportD. suggest30. Greg is known _ his invention “ a little dishwasher” in our school and his parents are proud _ him.A. of; forB. for; ofC. with; inD. in; wi

12、th31. To attend a concert, you are _ to shut off your mobile phone.A. allowedB. expectedC. acceptedD. invited32. Do you like the music played here? Its not my cup of tea. I prefer music that I can _.A. dance B. dance toC. dance to itD. be danced to33. The orange juice tasted so _ that the kids asked

13、 for some more. A. badB. interestingC. niceD. well34. I prefer _ a book by J.K. Rowline rather than _some gifts like chocolate. A. to receive, to getting B. receiving, getting C. to receive, getD. receiving, get35. Chen Hui _ computer games, but now he gives them up and _ on study. A. is used to pla

14、ying, concentratesB. is used to play, tries C. used to play, concentrates D. is used for playing, studies36. Can I get my ears _, Mom?No. As a student, you _ do that.A. pierce, are allowed to B. pierced, should be allowed to C. piercing, may not allow to D. pierced, shouldnt be allowed to37. Not only _ good about helping other people, but _ time



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