广东省开平一中高中英语《 unit 2 working the land》working the land 课件 新人教版必修4

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1、必修 4,Unit 2 Working the land,.写出下列必考单词 1.统计数字,统计资料 n. _ 2.晒黑的adj. _ 3.产量,输出n. _ 4.十年,十年期 n. _ 5.特级的,超级的adj. _ 6.矿物,矿石n. _ 7.战役,战斗,斗争n. _ 8.细菌n. _ 9.因此,所以adv. _ 10.谷物,粮食,颗粒n. _ 11.根,根源n. _ 12.土壤n. _ 13.营养,滋养,食物n. _,statistics sunburnt output decade super mineral battle bacteria therefore grain root s

2、oil nutrition ,.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.使变大,伸展,阐述(vt.&vi.)_;扩大,扩展,膨胀(n.)_;有扩大或扩展性的(adj.)_ 2.输出,出口(vt.&vi.)_;输出,出口(n.)_ ;出口商,出口国(n.)_ 3.使迷惑;使为难(vt.)_;迷惑,惶惑(n.)_ 4.循环;流传(vt.&vi.) _;循环;流传,发行量(n.)_;循环的,环绕的(adj.)_ 5.总结,摘要,概要(n.)_;总结,概括(v.)_,expand,expansion,expansive,export,exportation/export,exporter,confuse,conf

3、usion,circulate,circulation,circular,summary,summarize,6.配备,装备(vt.&vi.)_;配备,装备(n.)_ ;配备好的,有装备的(adj.)_ 7.化学的,关于化学的(adj.)_;化学(n.)_;化学家(n.)_ 8.生产,制造(n.)_;生产,制造(v.)_;生产商,制造者(n.)_ 9.发现(v.)_;发现(n.) _;发现者(n.)_ 10.细菌(单数)(n.)_;细菌(复数) _,bacteria,equip,equipment,equipped,chemical,chemistry,chemist,production,p

4、roduce,producer,discover,discovery,discoverer,bacterium,活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式完成句子。 1.Our school offers good _and your training here will _you for your future job. (equip) 2.People who _ false news that this magazine has a small _ are to blame. (circulate) 3.Many_are working in the factory to make _ fertil

5、izers. (chemistry) 4.He was really _by the _ problem which also _ other people for a long time. (confuse),5.Before writing a _of the passage, you have to read it and _its main idea. (summary) 6.In order to reduce _ costs, the car _ intended to _the car in large quantities. (produce),答案;e

6、quip2.circulate;circulation 3.chemists;chemical4.confused;confusing;confused 5.summary;summarize6.production;producer;produce,.翻译下列必背短语 1.多亏,由于 _ 2.逐渐增强,建立,开发 _ 3.摆脱,除去 _ 4.对感到满意 _ 5.集中(注意力,精力等) _ 6.使免受(影响,伤害等) _ 7.对作出评论 _ 8.导致,造成(后果) _,thanks to build up rid.of be satisfied with focus on

7、from/of make a comment on lead to,活学活用 根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当短语完成下列句子。 1.When asked about the date of the election, the Prime Minister _ that no decision had yet been made. (give an opinion, explain) 2. _ (because of) his strong constitution, Jack was able to pull through his recent serious illness. 3.A

8、young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn,t get _(make sb/sth free from) him. 4.I _ (prefer to) remain poor than get money by dishonest means.,5.I am so tired that I can,t _ anything today. (pay full attention to) 6. Traffic is _on roads into the city. (become greater, more numerous

9、 or more intense) 7.The exposure of the diary _many officials, being caught.,答案:1.made a comment 2.Thanks to 3.rid of4.would rather 5.focus on 6.building up 7.led to,struggle expand rid equip export confuse regret focus reduce underline comment ,活学活用 用上述动词的适当形式填空。 1.The importance of protecting the

10、forest _ again and again, but people there are still cutting down trees. 2._ with modern equipment, our school laboratory is a good place for us to research on science.,.单元重点动词,3.A lot of TV sets made in China _ to Africa. 4.The expert suggested _ the local airport to meet the increasing need of tra

11、nsportation. 5.He refused _ on their decision although he didn,t think they did a wise thing. 6.For almost 5 decades, people in that country _ against the invaders for independence.,答案:1.has been underlined2.Equipped3.are comment6.were struggling,.重点句型 1.What do you think wou

12、ld happen if tomorrow there were suddenly no rice to eat?(P9) 如果明天突然没有米饭吃会发生什么? 剖析:这个句子用了虚拟语气,表示可能性很小的对将来情况的一种假设。从句的动词用过去式(be用were),主句的动词用should (would,could,might)+动词原形。,答案:(1)were; would be (2)If he were strongly against your suggestion, what would you do?,活学活用 模仿造句。 (1)要是他明天来了,一切就好办了。 If he _ here tomorrow, everything _OK. (2)如果他坚决反对这个建议,你怎么办呢? _,2.Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing har



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