2015春季七年级英语下册 unit 9 what does he look like课文重难点讲解(新版)新人教版

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1、Unit 9 What does he look like?【教师寄语】:Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。Section A1. What does he look like? 他长什么样?【解析1】look like 看起来像 (常用来询问某人的外貌)用来询问某人的身材或长相,即外貌,其结构为“What do/does 主语look like?”He looks like her mother.【解析2】be like 像.一样 ,指品德、相貌等像(指人的个性特征)如果询问人的性格、人品时,多用What be(am/is/are)like?

2、Whats he like? 他是个什么样的人呢?Hes friendly and kind. 他友好善良。What is John like? He is shy.【拓展】 What do/does sb. look like? a)sb. +be+形容词/ b) be of +名词 (指描述某人的体形、身材等) c) have/has +形容词+名词 (指强调某人的体貌特征) What does she look like? She is tall /She is of medium build/She has long hair( )I _ my mother and I _ her.

3、A. am like; like B. am like; am like C. like; like D. like; am likes( ) How do you _ China? Very much. A. like B. likes C. liked D. look like2.She is of medium build, and she has long straight hair. 她身材适中,留着长发。【解析1】medium height 中等身材【解析2】表示某人中等身材或中等个头时,其构成为“sb be of medium build/height”。【解析3】表示“某人长着

4、或留着发”时,则只能用has/have, 其构成为“主语 have/has hair”。(“be 形容词”强调某人是样子的外形”,常用于描述大概的体形、身高等。而,“have/has 名词”结构强调某人具有的相貌特征,常用于描述五官、相貌等。)( ) Our captain _ tall and he _ a medium build. A. has; has B. has; is C. is; has D. is; is 3.tall/high 辨析tall与high表示“高” 当表示人的身体和细长物体的高度时,用tall而不用high。tall的反义词是short。 My father i

5、s very tall. 我的父亲个子很高。 This is a tall tree. 这是一棵高高的树。high常用于物和空间的高度,high反义词是low。They climbed high. 他们爬得很高。 high mountains高山 My brother has a medium _(high / height), but he can jump _(high / height). ( )Dont climb too _. A. high B. highly C. tall【拓展】tall 和shorttall adj. “身材高大的”;short adj. “短的”,其反义词为

6、long,也可表示“矮的”,其反义词是 tall.4.Year , but I may be a little late. 是的, 但我或许要晚点。【解析1】a little bit +形容词或副词 少许,一点儿 a little+不可数名词 = a bit of +名词【拓展】bit 意思是“一点,少量”a bit, a little的区别: a(little)bit常放在形容词前。 Im a (little)bit hungry. 我有点饿了。修饰不可数名词时,就用a bit ofI just have a bit of money. 我只有一点钱。a little 既可修饰形容词,也可修

7、饰不可数名词。shes a little worried. 她有些担心。I have a little water. 我喝了一点水。5. Well, he has brown hair and wears glasses. 他留着棕色的头发,戴眼镜。glass n 玻璃 glasses 眼镜【解析1】wear, put on, have onwear是“穿着”“戴着”的意思,强调状态。常用一般现在时表示经常状态,用进行时态表示暂时状态。wear还可用来表示佩戴手表、首饰、徽章、花儿的“佩”或“戴”以及留头发,胡须的“留”。put on是“穿上”“戴上”,强调动作,是终止性动词短语,不能跟表示一

8、段时间的状语连用。have on意为“穿着”“戴着”,与wear同义,指穿的状态,其后可以接表示衣服、帽子、鞋子的名词。have on不用于进行时态。( )He always _ black trousers and he always _ his son in black. A. dress; dress B. wears; puts on C. wears; dresses D. puts on; wears ( )He likes _ the red coat. A. wearing B. wears C. putting on D. dressing【解析2】glass的用法glass

9、作“玻璃”讲时,为不可数名词。Glass breaks easily. 玻璃易碎。glass作“玻璃杯”讲时,为可数名词。Please have a glass of water. 请喝杯水。 He handed the glasses of beer to his father. 他把那几杯啤酒递给了父亲。glass作“眼镜”讲时,只用复数形式。 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜Hes wearing a pair of glasses. 他戴着一副眼镜。( )I like wearing _ in hot summer. A. a glass B. glass C. some

10、glasses D. glassesExercise I.用所给单词的正确形式填空1.My brother is thin and of medium_(high).2.Lets stop _(watch) TV and begin to do our homework.3.My sister likes _( sing) and dancing.4.He _(have) curly brown hair.5.I think some children _ (be) a little bit heavy.6.My brother _(look) like my mother.7.My sist

11、er always _(wear) a red shirt.8.My father likes telling _(joke).9.What _ your friend _ (look) like ?10.She is of medium _ (high).11.She_ (be) of medium build.12.There _ (be) a little bit time.13.What _ (be) your father _ (do) now?II.单项选择( ) 1.He _ tall and he _of medium build . A .has ,is B. is ,has

12、 C .is ,is D. has, has( ) 2.Do you know I have a friend_ Class One? A. on B. at C. in D. to( ) 3.Lily looks_ his father and she_ watching TV. A. like, like B. likes, likes C. like, likes D .likes, like( ) 4.We have great fun_ volleyball on the beach. A. play B. playing C. to play D. to playing( ) 5.

13、 What language does she speak? She speaks _ .Because shes from Japan. A. Chinese B. English C .Japanese D. French( ) 6.Its 8:00 now. You must do your homework and stop _TV. A. to watch B. to watching C. watching D. watch( ) 7.Jim _ medium build with short hair. A. is of B. is a C .is, has D. has ,is of ( ) 8. What does your sister_? Shes tall. A. like B. looks like C. look D. look like( ) 9.Mary is a good-looking girl _ curly hair. A. and B. has C. with D. have( ) 10.She doesnt like talking to others .Shes _ quiet. A. a bit of B. a little of C. a little bit D. bit little


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