2015届高考高考英语二轮点晴 专题练习 单项选择(18)

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1、2015届高考高三英语二轮专题练习:单项选择(18)1.(2014安徽芜湖高三模拟)Our new research strategy_ that we get the best possible results.A. improves B. ensuresC. offers D. thinks【答案】B【解析】句意:我们新的研究计划保证了我们能取得最好的结果。ensure“保证,确保”,符合题意。2.(2011高考辽宁卷)What are you doing out of bed, Tom? Youre _ to be asleep.A. supposed B. known C. thoug

2、ht D. considered3.(云南省昆明市2014届高三上学期第一次摸底调研测试)Experience doesnt always _ to the problem we are faced with.A. make a choice B. make a difference C. make up D. make out【答案】B【解析】make a choice做出选择;make a difference起作用,有影响,有意义;make up组成,编造,化妆;make out理解,辨认出。句意:经验并不总是对你所面临的问题起到解决的作用的。4.(山西省2013届高三第二次诊断考试)G

3、iven one more week, Ill get everything ready.Then well have a dinner out to your success.A. reward B. celebrateC. express D. congratulate【答案】B【解析】celebrate表示“庆祝”时,宾语是sth.,而congratulate sb. on sth. “祝贺某人某事”; reward “回报”;express “表达”。句意:再多一个周,我就会把一切都准备好。然后我们就出去吃饭来庆祝你的成功。根据句意选B。5.(2014江苏南通中学模拟)Passenge

4、rs are permitted_ only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.A. to carry B. carryingC. to be carried D. being carried【答案】A【解析】句意:乘客只允许携带一个手提行李包登机。本句用的结构是sb. be permitted to do sth.,故选A。6. (2012山东青岛高三期末测)You cant see well through a telescope unless it is _ correctly to your sight.A. accustomedB. a

5、djustedC. admittedD. adopted 7.(2014皖北协作区联考)The old man was born and lived in the neighborhood, so he was _ with this area.A. curious B. particularC. similar D. familiar【答案】D【解析】句意:这位老人在这个街区出生并生活,所以他对这里很熟悉。be familiar with“对熟悉”,符合句意。 curious“好奇的”和particular“特别的”一般与about搭配;similar“相似的”,与to搭配。8.(2014安

6、徽联盟联考)I am sorry its beyond my _ to make a final decision on this project.A. strength B. powerC. force D. energy10.(改编)The film she starred in turned out to be a great success and her career as an actress _.A. came aboutB. took off C. broke downD. ran out【答案】B 【解析】come about发生;take off突然开始成功,开始走红;br

7、eak down 出故障;run out用完。句意:她主演的电影非常成功,她开始走红。11.(改编)The film star is content with herself,and she always likes to _ her nice figure by wearing tight dresses in public.A. get off B. show off C. put off D. turn off12.(改编)After he gave a report about the school, Mr White went on to_ the visitors around i

8、t. A. take B . carry C .invite D. show【答案】D【解析】句意:当沃特先生做有关学校情况的报告后,接着他又领着游客参观学校。Show sb. around some place带领某人参观某地。13.(改编)The westerners _ God while few of us accept it.A. believe in B. give in C. take in D. consist in14.(2009高考天津卷)Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future to the

9、 well-educated. A. belongs B. is belonged C. is belonging D. will be belonged 【答案】A【解析】belong to不用于进行时,不用于被动语态,所以答案为A项。句意:威廉姆教授不断地告诫学生未来是属于那些受过良好教育的人的。15.(2014湘中名校联考)Many restaurant workers are accustomed _ tips on togo orders, so even if you give only a couple of dollars, Im sure it will be appreci

10、ated.A. to receive B. to not receiveC. to receiving D. to not receiving【答案】C【解析】be accustomed to“习惯于”,其中to是介词,后应跟名词或动名词作宾语,故可排除A、B两项,由语境可知是习惯于接受小费,故选C。16.(2014江苏常州高三模拟)Although the authorities _ people from climbing up that section of the Great Wall, some people still visit that area.A. quit B. proh

11、ibitC. object D. oppose【答案】B【解析】prohibit sb. from doing sth.“禁止某人做某事”。17.(2014山东省十二校高三联考)Much to our surprise, the witnesss _ of the traffic accident differed from the official version in several aspects.A. account B. opinionC. instruction D. explanation18.(2014江苏无锡高三模拟)Are you getting a new compute

12、r this week?You must be joking! I cant afford to pay my school fees, _ buy a new computer.A. let alone B. let downC. or rather D. other than19.(2014江南十校高三联考)The winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature, Mo Yan, said he did not have high _ of winning. Actually, he thought he had a slim chance to

13、win.A. assumptions B. expectationsC. satisfactions D. impressions【答案】B【解析】句意:2012年诺贝尔文学奖的获得者莫言说他对得奖的期望不高。实际上,他认为他得奖的可能性不大。expectation“期望”,符合句意。assumption“假设,假定”;satisfaction“满足,满意”;impression“印象”。20.(2014江苏宿迁高三模拟)I went through a period of emotional _ after I failed in that important examination.I f

14、eel better now.A. adjustment B. commitmentC. occupation D. negotiation21.(2012山东泰安期末)一Lets go to a movie after work. OK?一_. A. Not at a11 B. Never mind C. Why not D. Youre welcome22.(江苏省石庄高级中学2014届高三一轮复习)Columbus is generally considered America.A. to discover B. discovering C. to have discoveredD. having discovered23.(2014高考北京卷)We _ back in the hotel now if you didnt lose the map.A. areB. wereC. will beD. would be25.(2014高考重庆卷)It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as


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