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1、定时训练(12).专题特训(完形填空)A 体裁:夹叙夹议话题:学校生活时间:13分钟The First Day of School“How was school,Ben?” I asked my _1_ after he began kindergarten this year.“The work is too long and theres not enough time to _2_,” he replied with a deep sigh.I couldnt help but remember Bens mother,my daughter,and her _3_ to the fir

2、st day of school.When Julie _4_ home that afternoon I asked her the same question.She also replied with a long,_5_ face but her answer was a little different as she announced,“I didnt learn to read today.”What a(n) _6_ for a little girl who thought she would _7_ know how to read her little books aft

3、er the first day of school.I had to explain to her that she would _8_ learn to read but it didnt happen quite that fast.My _9_ went back to my school days again.I could almost _10_ the chalk dust in the air.I suppose few schools still use chalk and _11_They have probably been _12_ with newer equipme

4、nt and large computer screens.On the first day of school,the expectation was so _13_ that I would be up early in the morning and _14_ long before it was time to leave for school.We _15_ about 6 blocks to school in new shoes that felt tight and carried our small supplies inside of a cigar box from on

5、e of the local _16_The stores must have saved cigar boxes just to give to us children.We _17_ them from year to year until they fell apart.The first day of school was a new beginning,_18_ there might be disappointment on that first day.The doors of knowledge had been opened and we _19_ great learnin

6、g adventures.It is a significant _20_ in our lives that most of us remember.【语篇导读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。如今,学校发生了巨大的变化,粉笔和黑板已被现代化的设备和大的屏幕所取代,但上学第一天的记忆对每个人来说都同样难以忘怀。1A.son Bgrandson Cbrother Dcousin解析根据第二段中的“I couldnt help but remember Bens mother,my daughter”可知Ben是“我”的外孙。答案B2A.play Bread Clearn Dwaste解析根据空前的“Th

7、e work is too long”以及空后的“he replied with a deep sigh”可知,Ben 为学习时间太长,没有时间玩而叹气。答案A3A.attention Bapproach Creaction Daccess解析“我”不禁想起了女儿第一天上学时的反应。答案C4A.returned Bleft Cheaded Descaped解析由语境和常识可知,下午应该是放学回家。答案A5A.cheerful Bfriendly Csad Dfamiliar解析此处的关键词为also,由此可知Julie并不开心。故sad符合语境。cheerful“欢乐的,愉快的”;friend

8、ly“友好的”;familiar“熟悉的”。答案C6A.pleasure BencouragementCcomfort Ddisappointment解析小女孩本来认为在上学第一天就神奇地学会读书,结果没有,所以感到失望。答案D7A.widely Bmagically Cperfectly Dcommonly解析根据语境可知,第一天就学会读书是“神奇地”,故选B。widely“广泛地”;perfectly“完美地”;commonly“一般地,通常”。答案B8A.eventually Bactually Cfrequently Dimmediately解析“我”不得不向她解释她终将学会读书,只是

9、不会发生得那么快而已。eventually“终于,最后”,符合语境。actually“事实上,实际上”;frequently“经常地,频繁地”;immediately“立即,马上”。答案A9A.idea Bview Cmind Dsight解析“我”的思绪又回到了那些上学时的岁月。C项符合语境。答案C10A.taste Bimagine Creach Dsmell解析根据句意可知这里应该表示“我”几乎可以闻到(smell)在空中漂浮的粉笔灰的味道。答案D11A.blackboards BpaperCcomputers Dink解析由下文的“newer equipment and large c

10、omputer screens”以及常识可知,此处与粉笔搭配的应是黑板。答案A12A.decorated BreplacedCexchanged Dequipped解析此处指更加现代化的设备和大的电脑屏幕取代了过去的粉笔和黑板。replace“取代”,符合语境。答案B13A.clear Bnormal Cgreat Dprecious解析从下文中的“I would be up early in the morning”可知“我”对上学有很大的期待。答案C14A.anxious Bnervous Ccurious Dready解析从下文中的“long before it was time to

11、leave for school”可知“我”一早就起床并在离上学时间还有一段时间的时候就开始着急。答案A15A.walked Bdrove Cran Drode解析从下文中的“in new shoes that felt tight”可知,“我们”是步行去上学的。答案A16A.schools Bfactories Cstores Dhospitals解析根据空后的“The stores must have saved cigar boxes just to give to us children.”可知,应选stores。答案C17A.saved Bused Cprotected Dhid解析

12、我们年复一年地使用这些盒子直到把它们用坏。故选B。答案B18A.unless Bsince Cas Dalthough解析根据上下文可知,此处表示尽管(although)在上学的第一天可能会有失望,但它是一个新的开始。答案D19A.expected Bpromised Cdemanded Dappreciated解析根据句意可知此处表示对学习的期望。故expect“期望”,符合语境。promise“承诺”;demand“要求”;appreciate“欣赏”。答案A20A.matter Baffair Cfact Devent解析上学第一天,在我们的人生中是一件重要的事情。event“(尤指)重

13、要事情,大事”。答案DB 体裁:记叙文话题:环境保护时间:15分钟Once upon a time,a boy was walking through a wood when he heard a sad cry.Following the sound he came to a big,round,mysterious,_1_ fountain.The sad sobbing seemed to be _2_ the fountain pool.The boy swept aside the pools _3_ surface water and saw a group of grey fis

14、h swimming in a slow circle through the pond.With each lap they made,their little voices opened and out came the _4_ sound._5_ by this,the boy tried to catch one of these incredible talking fish.But when he stuck his _6_ into the water it turned grey right up to the elbow.As this happened,a huge _7_

15、 entered into him,and he suddenly understood how sorrowful the fish was feeling.He felt just like the earth _8_ his arm;dirty and contaminated.He quickly pulled his arm out of the water,and ran from that _9_But the arm stayed grey,and the boy continued _10_ sad.He tried so many times to cheer himself up,but _11_ worked.At last,he _12_ that if he were



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