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1、2012届高三英语二轮复习精品课件(湖北专用):第2模块 完形填空 专题1 记叙文型完形填空,专题一 专题导读,记叙文是高考完形填空题的主打体裁。记叙文有如下特点: 1. 叙事方式有所不同。有的记叙文按照时间顺序叙述,最后点破故事的结局,有的记叙文采取倒叙的手法,先点明故事的结局和影响,然后再叙述故事的发生和发展。考生在做题时,应先浏览全文,判断出作者的叙事手段,依据文章提供的信息,对故事内容进行准确定位,了解故事的来龙去脉,进而对文意透彻理解,为做题找到准确依据。,专题一 专题导读,2. 记叙文往往有较强的故事趣味性,有情节的跌宕起伏和情感的细腻变化等特点,信息量很大。作者在叙述过程中往往会

2、融入人物的语言、行为、心理等的描写,这在一定程度上增加了考生理解文章的难度。这时,考生必须理清上下文的脉络,对人物的语言、行为、心理等进行合理的想象和推理,并仔细揣摩作者的用意,从而透彻理解文意,达到对语境的准确理解,这样才能作出合理的选择。,专题一 真题典例,2011福建卷 Diana Velez does everything with maximum effort and at maximum speed. That_1_learning a new language, completing two certificates and opening a store. When arriv

3、ing in Canada in 2008, she had one_2_: to have what she had back home in Colombia. “I didnt want to_3_what I do, like so many who come to a new country,” she said. “I_4_to open a store here in Canada but knew I had to_5_myself properly.”,专题一 真题典例,Diana quickly realized that making her dream of shop

4、ownership in Canada a_6_meant going to school to get the_7_education and certification. “My experience of owning a shop and working as a designer in Colombia gave me_8_in my abilities, but I couldnt speak the language and I had to_9_how to do things in Canada. It was like having to_10_all over again

5、,” said Diana. _11_, she found just the help she needed for her relaunch (重新开张)_12_continuing education at George Brown College. She began taking_13_for both the Essential Skills in Fashion Certificate and the Image Consulting Certificate in May 2009._14_Diana met with the language barrier, she was

6、always going_15_while at college.,专题一 真题典例,By the end of October 2009, she had completed all certificate requirements. Within two years after her_16_in Canada, Diana at last achieved her_17_goal when her new store opened its doors in Torontos Sheppard Centre. She was on the fasttrack to_18_. Looking

7、 back, Diana, a fashion(时装)designer,_19_her achievements to the goal she set, the education she received from the college, and_20_, the efforts she made. Now Diana is very happy doing what she is doing.,专题一 真题典例,( )1. A. requiresB. encouragesC. includes D. advises ( )2. A. goal B. memory C. choice D

8、. problem ( )3. A. continueB. Choose C. change D. lose ( )4. A. demanded B. decided C. agreed D. hesitated ( )5. A. teach B. prepare C. enjoy D. persuade ( )6. A. reality B. fact C. challenge D. wonder ( )7. A. physical B. private C. primary D. ecessary ( )8. A. pressure B. judgement C. influence D.

9、 confidence ( )9. A. put away B. depend on C. learn about D. look into ( )10. A. advance B. start C. suffer D. work,专题一 真题典例,( )11. A. Naturally B. Gradually C. Luckily D. Clearly ( )12. A. through B. for C. before D. with ( )13. A. notes B. responsibilities C. chances D. courses ( )14. A. Though B.

10、 As C. Since D. Once ( )15. A. around B. back C. ahead D. out ( )16. A. adventure B. arrival C. performance D. journey,专题一 真题典例,( )17. A. original B. common C. another D. distant ( )18. A. success B. wealth C. glory D. happiness ( )19. A. adds B. connects C. devotes D. owes ( )20. A. after all B. ab

11、ove all C. at least D. at first,专题一 真题典例,【要点综述】 本文讲述的是哥伦比亚设计师戴安娜到加拿大后,克服种种困难,发展事业,最后通过自己的努力实现目标的故事。 1C 戴安娜以最高的效率和最快的速度完成每件事,这些事包括 2A 戴安娜有一个目标,就是拥有她在哥伦比亚所拥有的事业。 3C 句意:我不想改变我所做的。change改变;continue继续;choose选择;lose遗失,错过。根据第二段第一句和第三段第二句可知,戴安娜曾经在哥伦比亚开一家商店,而且是一位设计师,她在加拿大不想改变她在家时所从事的一切。所以正确答案为C项。,专题一 真题典例,4B

12、 她决定在加拿大开一个商店。 5B 在加拿大开商店需要做好准备。“prepare oneself properly”意为“使自己为做好准备”。 6A 戴安娜意识到使梦想变为现实就意味着要获得必要的教育和证书。“reality现实”与 “dream梦想” 对应, 本题要避免误选“fact事实”。 7D 根据上下文,此处应填“必要的”。 8D 在哥伦比亚拥有一家商店和从事设计的经历使戴安娜对自己的能力充满信心。 9C 虽然有经验,但是在加拿大这个陌生的地方戴安娜还得学习如何处理事情。 10B 从上文可知戴安娜需要学习语言,还要学习如何处理事情,就好像一切都要重新开始。,专题一 真题典例,11C 根

13、据下文,戴安娜获得重新开张所需的帮助,可知她是幸运的。 12A 根据下文,戴安娜是在大学继续教育期间得到所需的帮助,因此应选through。 13D 戴安娜在2009年5月开始学习有关的课程。take courses 学习课程。 14A 虽然戴安娜遇到语言障碍,但是在大学学习时她总是勇往直前,从不后退。 15C go ahead前进。,专题一 真题典例,16B 在她到加拿大两年之后,戴安娜实现了她最初的目标。 17A original 原来的;common 常见的;distant 远的。 18A 综前所述,戴安娜尽最大的努力和用最快的速度实现自己的梦想,所以她处在成功的快车道。 19D 回想往

14、事,戴安娜把自己的成功归功于自己所设的目标。oweto 归功于。 20B 戴安娜认为努力是最重要的。above all 最重要的是。,专题一 新题预测,(一) A little boy knocked on the door of the old house. He waited, and sweated from _1_ of seeing the owner, who _2_ ever came out. As he was ready to _3_, the door slowly opened. “What do you want?” the old man asked. “Uh, s

15、ir, Im _4_ magazines for school and I was _5_ if you would like to buy _6_.” The old man only _7_ at the boy. Meanwhile, the boy saw many dog figurines(小雕像) inside the house. “Do you _8_ dogs?” he asked. “Yes, I have many dog figurines in my,专题一 新题预测,house; they are all I have.” The boy then felt sorry for the man, as it seemed he was very _9_. “Well, I do have a magazine here for collectors. It is _10_ for you. I also have one about dogs since you” The old man started to close the door, saying _11_, “No, boy. I dont need any magazines of any kind. Now goodbye.” The boy was _


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