高考英语 读写任务话题作文课件 人教版

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1、高三英语专题复习 -读写任务话题作文,Discussion (what to write).,What aspects will we mention when talking about environmental protection?,global warming, littering, water pollution, air pollution, CO2, sea level to rise, human activities, suggestions, environmentally friendly,a problem/ phenomenon,reasons/ effects,m

2、easures,1.How to put forward a problem/ phenomenon?,2. How to analyze the reasons/ effects?,3.How to solve a problem/ phenomenon (measures)?,HOW TO WRITE?,1.How to put forward a problem/ phenomenon?,Recently, _has always aroused the greatest concern.,In recent days, we have to face the problem that

3、_,Lets have a try!,作弊问题越来越严重。,全球变暖。,In recent days, we have to face the problem that cheating is more and more serious.,Recently, _ has always aroused the greatest concern.,global warming,2. How to analyze the reasons/ effects?,The _ for /of _can be listed as follows. On one hand, _. On the other ha

4、nd, _.,Lets practise!,The _ for _can be listed as follows. On one hand, _. On the other hand, _.,分析乱扔垃圾的理由。,(not aware of their misbehavior; for ones convenience),分析乱扔垃圾的理由。,The reasons for littering can be listed as follows. On one hand, many people are not aware of their misbehavior. On the other

5、hand, they do this for their convenience.,(not aware of their misbehavior; for ones convenience),The harmful effects of cheating can be listed as follows. On one hand, it may lead to ones bad reputation. On the other hand, it will ruin ones friendship.,分析作弊的危害性。,(leading to ones bad reputation; ruin

6、ing ones friendship),3.How to solve a problem/ phenomenon (measures)?,So it is high time that _ took action to _. First, _is/are expected to _. Second, _ had better_. Third, as _, _is/ are supposed to _.,你认为应该采取什么措施保护我们的地球?,(making strict laws to protect our earth; raising the awareness of environme

7、ntal protection; doing from small things like going to school by bike or on foot),So it is high time that _ took action to _. First, _is/are expected to _. Second, _ had better_. Third, as _, _is/ are supposed to _.,你认为应该采取什么措施保护我们的地球?,So it is high time that we took action to protect our earth. Fir

8、st, the government is expected to make strict laws to protect our earth. Second, people had better raise the awareness of environmental protection. Third, as students, we are supposed to do from small things like going to school by bike or on foot.,(making strict laws to protect our earth; raising t

9、he awareness of environmental protection; doing from small things like going to school by bike or on foot),作为学生,我们应该怎样对待作弊问题?,(being aware of cheatings bad influence on ones life; keeping away from the habit of cheating and being honest),So it is high time that _ took action to _. First, _is/are exp

10、ected to _. Second, _ had better_. Third, as _, _is/ are supposed to _.,So it is high time that students took action to avoid cheating. First, we are expected to be aware of cheatings bad influence on ones life. Besides, we had better keep away from the habit of cheating and be honest.,作为学生,我们应该怎样对待

11、作弊问题?,(being aware of cheatings bad influence on ones life; keeping away from the habit of cheating and being honest),Conclusion:,Only with joint efforts, can we (好处) _.,(结尾句),In recent days, we have to face the problem that _. The for/of can be listed as follows. On one hand, _. On the other hand,

12、. So it is high time that we took action to . First, is /are expected to . Second, had better . Third, as , are supposed to_ _. Only with joint efforts, can we_.,全篇模板,Now lets write them in a passage!,以120词就“Pollution”这个主题发表你的看 法,至少包括以下的内容要点: 污染的问题越来越严重; 分析污染的危害; 你认为应该采取什么措施来改变这种现象?,(提出问题),(分析问题),(解

13、决问题),(如:破坏环境; 影响健康),In recent days, we have to face the problem that _. The of can be listed as follows. On one hand, . On the other hand, . So it is high time that we took action to . First, is /are expected to . Second, had better . Third, as , are supposed to_ _. Only with joint efforts, can we_.,In recent days, we have to face the problem that pollution is more and more serious. The harmful effects of pollution can be listed as follows. On one hand, it can destroy the environment. On the other hand, it will do damage to peoples h


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