北京市房山区周口店中学高中英语《how to write a picture story》课件

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1、How to write a picture story,目标:学会利用范文 写图画作文步骤:审题找中心,看图找要点,组词成句成文,测试趋势 近年来高考测试书面表达多采用看图写作为主的记叙文体,它有效地考查了学生通过图画感官将画面、图表、提纲等信息转化为语篇的综合能力, 这个转化的过程就是审题、判断、整理思路、设立词句文框架,进行加工整理的过程。书面表达测试题目在整体布局上留有余地,不会统得过死,假如考生发挥得当,有助于提高卷面总成绩。 预测 Picture story仍可能是今后高考书面表达的主流题型。 趋向夹叙夹议。 趋向与书信、日记、通知、报道等应用文文体形式相结合。 趋向让学生打开思路

2、,给予考生更大的想象和发挥的空间。有利于加大区分度。,扣分原因 1。与内容无关。 2。句子构架搭不起来,意思出不来。如:He went family. 3。行文不连贯。如:人称使用前后矛盾,词频度过高,不会用连接词语等。 4。缺少谓语动词。如:He very happy very much. 5。拼写错误,行文潦草,无法看清、看懂。 6。语言不得体:不看对象,不看场景,用语不当。 7。标点混乱;人称代词及时态、语态乱用。 8。内容要点不全,缺项,整体结构不完整。 9。文段多于或少于规定的字数。 10。格式不规范,如书信体中漏缺开首词和结尾语等。,得分条件 1。行文连贯流畅人称、时间、地点、情节

3、交待有层次。 2。恰当使用连接词语。如:and/or/but/so/not onlybut also/however/besides/otherwise/ like/in the same way/unless/in case/as long as/on one hand, on the other hand等词或短语。 3。语句简明扼要,无或少词语重复。 4。行文整洁,字体规范,会增加好印象。 5。尽量写出与题目有关的词语。,四、解题步骤 一、审题 二、搭架子、填内容 连词成句给出时间、地点、人称、主要词组或句型。 连句成文组句搭架、打好草稿。 三、写出连接词 四、点题、扣题、突出中心: 注

4、意首尾呼应,突出中心思想。 五、检查、润色 确保每个句子有主语、谓语。 确保恰当地使用 1. 并列句 2. 状语从句 3. 分词结构作定语或作状语: 4. 介词短语作定语或作状语: 5. 定语从句。 确保动词时态 确保主谓一致 确保点题、扣题,突出中心 确保字数不少于要求 确保标点和大小写正确。,Answers: (A)(8) (B)-(3) 讲话稿,口头通知 (C)(1) (D)(6) 信件 (E)(5) (F)(7) 日记 (G)-(2) (H)-(4) 稿件,客气话,日期天气,Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your attention, please?

5、 Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, My name is Li Hua. I have the honor of being your guide tomorrow. Now Id like to give you a brief introduction to our tour. I hope you will enjoy your stay on the island. Thank you. Thanks for your listening and I hope you can enjoy your tour tomorrow.,April 10th

6、, Sunday Saturday, May 4 2002,Verbs: set out /set off/take part in /leave for/meet/visit/gather/get to/ arrive at/in /get back to/return to/decide to/ feel free to/ be happy about doing/take a to/ goby air/ call on sb to do/improve/change/experience/attend/carry out/discuss/organize Conjunctions: be

7、fore/after/until/after that/since/while/when/then/afterwards/so that Soon after/at the end of/at the beginning of/ Whats more/furthermore/besides/apart from that/and/or/but/so/not onlybut also/however/otherwise/ like/in the same way/unless/in case/as long as/on one hand, on the other hand/ as a resu

8、lt /thus/therefore/such as/as well as On the way to, by the way, as far as I know,Nouns: activity / information/ arrangement / volunteer /community / program / tour/ Sentences: Well meet at the school gate at 8:00 am and set off by bus. At 8 oclock, we got on a bus and started off. The next day, we

9、set off early in the morning. We were tired but happy. Though it took us some time to help him with his trouble, we were happy anyway. It has been one of the most unforgettable experiences since high school. Looking at the trees we planted, we were pleased, though tired.,Writing practice,Step1:To wa

10、tch the pictures from the first one to the last one and get the main idea of the whole story.,通看全图,掌握大意,4月22日是世界地球日,你们学校组织了各种活动纪念这一天。请根据图画内容写一篇日记记述你们在这一天的活动。 1. 短文必须包括所有图画的内容,可以适 当增加细节,使短文连贯流畅。 2. 词数60左右。开头已为你写好。 3. 生词: 濒危的:endangered,Opening/beginning:to celebrate the Earth Day, our school organize

11、d a variety of activities.,Step2: Choose the correct main point or phrase for each picture.,根据每幅图提示找要点, 根据要点, 找词组。,organized a lot of activities improve our environment planted trees,picked up rubbish,donate money saving forests and endangered animals,we have only one earth. We should protect it.,St

12、ep3: Put each group of words into a sentence. (Pay attention to the correct verb form.),根据词组组句子,Our school has organized a lot of activities to improve our environment. some of us planted trees,Some picked up rubbish in the neighborhood or parks.,many forests are disappearing and lots of wild animal

13、s are killed. We called people to donate money to help saving forests and endangered animals.,we would like to tell everybody to know that we have only one earth and we should protect it.,Step4: Choose correct connectives to join the sentences into a passage,使用恰当连词,连句成文。,五、检查、润色 确保每个句子有主语、谓语。 确保恰当地使

14、用 1. 并列句 2. 状语从句 3. 分词结构作定语或作状语: 4. 介词短语作定语或作状语: 5. 定语从句。 确保动词时态 确保主谓一致 确保点题、扣题,突出中心 确保字数不少于要求 确保标点和大小写正确。,April 22nd,2005 Sunny April 22nd,2005 Sunny Today is April 22nd, the earth day. Our school has organized a lot of activities to improve our environment. In the morning some of us planted trees.

15、 Some picked up rubbish in the neighborhood or parks. As most of us know that many forests are disappearing and lots of wild animals are killed. We called people to donate money to help saving forests and endangered animals. By doing all these we would like to tell everybody to know that we have only one earth and we should protect it.,下列四幅图描述了李华一家某一天的经历。请根据画面及图中的有关提示,用第三人称的口吻写一篇60字左右的短文。 注意:可以适当增加细节,并展开合理的想象,使故事完整连贯。,


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