2018届高考英语一轮复习 module 5 unit 15 learning课件 北师大版

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1、Module 5 Unit 15 Learning,重点单词,1suspect v怀疑,疑有,察觉,猜想;料想 【精讲拓展】 suspect sth. suspect sb. of doing./to be/that. 【典型例句】 The tiger suspected danger and ran away. 老虎意识到危险便逃跑了。 I have no reason to suspect her honesty/loyalty. 我没有理由怀疑她的诚实/忠诚。剑桥高阶,The police suspected that Bill did it. The police suspected

2、Bill of doing it. 警察怀疑那件事是比尔干的。 I suspect theyll come. 我想他们会来的。 【词语辨析】 doubt/suspect/distrust 这些动词均含“怀疑”之意。 doubt普通用词,多指因证据不足或仅凭证据还不能肯定而产生怀疑,多含否定意味。I doubt when/whether/what.;I dont doubt that;There is a (no) doubt. suspect指猜疑、疑心,肯定意味较多。 distrust指疑惑、猜疑,不信任。,即学即用 完成句子 I rather _ _ _ for offering to h

3、elp.我怀疑他主动帮忙的动机。 I have lost some money and I _ my partner _ taking my money I _ my partner _ _ the thief. 2instruct v指示,命令,吩咐,教授;训练;指导,通 知,告知 【精讲拓展】 instruct sb. in sth. instruct sb. to do sth. instruct sb. that. 注意:teach sb. sth.,suspected,his,motives,suspected,of,suspected,to,be,【典型例句】 He instruc

4、ted me to deliver it to a customer. 他吩咐我把东西送去给顾客。 The police have been instructed to patrol the building and surrounding area. 警察奉命在这幢大楼里及周围地区巡逻。剑桥高阶 My agent has instructed me that you still owe me $150. 我的代理人告诉我你还欠我一百五十美元。 The course gives you basic instruction in car maintenance. 这门课教授汽车维修方面的基本知识

5、。剑桥高阶,即学即用 The sales manager asked his men to _ him of everything concerning the sales in time. Ainform Binstruct Cintend Dimply 解析:instruct意为“通知”。 答案:B Can you _ me to the library,please? Ainstruct Bdescribe Cdirect Dappoint 解析:instruct意为“告知,指示”。 答案:A,【精讲拓展】 lack sth. for lack of be lacking(adj.) i

6、n 【典型例句】 He just lacks a little confidence. 他只是有点缺乏自信。剑桥高阶 We are lacking three members of staff due to illness. 我们有3人因病缺席。剑桥高阶 Water is a lack of this region.这个地区缺水。 The flowers died for lack of water.这些花因缺水枯死了。 Though lacking money,his parents managed to send him to university. 尽管缺少钱,他父母还是设法把他送到了大

7、学。,即学即用 The couple died because of _ oxygen when bathing. Alack Ba lack Ca lack of Da lack for 解析:句意:那对夫妇死于洗澡时缺氧。a lack of缺少。为固定搭配。 答案:C He says that my new car is a _ of money. Dont you think those words are just sour grapes? (2009山东,29) Alack Bload Cquestion Dwaste 解析:句意:他说我的新车是浪费钱。难道你不认为这是吃不到葡萄就说

8、葡萄酸么?a waste of固定搭配,意为浪费。 答案:D,4access n接近,进入;接近的机会,进入的权利;使用;通道,入口,门路 【精讲拓展】 have access to gain/get access to be accessible to. 【典型例句】 Only a few people have access to the full facts of the case. 只有少数几个人能看到有关该案的全部事实材料。 The only access to the village is by boat.到那个村子去的唯一方法是乘船。剑桥高阶 Medicine should no

9、t be kept where it is accessible to hildren. 药品不应放在儿童容易拿到的地方。,即学即用 Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be _ to the kids. (2009江西,32) Aaccessible Brelative Cacceptable Dsensitive 解析:费兰克把药放到一个顶部的抽屉里以确保孩子们够不到。accessible “易接近的,易到手的”符合题意。 答案:A,5worthwhile adj.值得做某事 【精讲拓展】 wor

10、thy adj.“值得” worth adj.“值得”,worth在句中只能做表语,worthy,worthwhile既可作表语也可以作定语。 be worthn. be (well)worth doing sth. be worthy ofn. be worthy to be done/of being done某事值得被做 It is worthwhile doing sth. It is worthwhile to do sth.,【典型例句】 The question is not worth discussing again and again. The question is no

11、t worthy to be discussed/of being discussed again and again. It is not worthwhile to discuss/discussing the question again and again. 这个问题不值得一次又一次的讨论。 She considers teaching a worthwhile career.她把教书看成是一项值得从事的事业。剑桥高阶,即学即用 The plan is _ carefully studied. Aworth to be Bworth being Cworthy to be Dworth

12、y being 解析:本题考查be worthy to be done。 答案:C It is _ to read the book. Aworthwhile Bworthy Cworth of Dworthy of 解析:本题考查It is worthwhile to do.。 答案:A,How do you like the film? Oh,wonderful.It is _ worth _. Avery;seeing Bwell;seeing Cvery;to be seen Dwell;being seen 解析:本题考查be well worth doing.。 答案:B 6urg

13、e v催促;力劝;激励;怂恿,极力主张;强烈要求 搭配:urge sb. to do sth. urge that sb. should do sth. It is urged that sb. should do sth. urge sth.on sb.,【精讲拓展】 ask 要求;advise 建议;arrange 安排;beg 请求;command 命令;decide 决定;demand 要求;desire 渴望;insist 坚持;intend 打算;propose 提议;object 反对;order 命令;require 需要;request 要求;recommend 推荐;sug

14、gest 建议;urge 强调,促进,力劝等词后加从句时需要用should do形式。 【典型例句】 The coach urged us to stay in shape over summer vacation. 教练敦促我们在暑假保持良好的身体状态。美国传统 He urged all concerned to take an active part in the work.他要求有关的人都积极参加这项工作。,My friends urged that I (should) apply for the job. 朋友们力劝我申请那份工作。 Our boss urged on us the

15、significance of punctuality. 老板向我们强调守时的重要性。 They urged that the Science Museum _ open during the vacation. Awas kept Bwere kept Cbe kept Dwill be kept 解析:urge后接从句,谓语动词应用should do.。 答案:C,The doctor recommended that you _ swim after eating a large meal. (2009浙江,13) Awouldnt Bcouldnt Cneednt Dshouldnt 解析:句意:医生建议你不要在吃饱后去游泳。recommend后加从句谓语动词用should do。 答案:D 7inspire v鼓舞,激励,驱使,赋予灵感,给以启示,激起,唤起(感情,思想等) 【精讲拓展】 inspire sb. to do sth./to sth. inspire sb. with sth./sth.in sb. inspired;inspiring adj.,【典型例句】 The viol



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