2018届高考英语一轮复习 module 3 unit 9 heels课件 北师大版

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1、Module 3 Unit 9 Wheels,重点单词 1.convenient adj.便利的,方便的,近便的 【精讲拓展】 It is convenient for sb.to do sth.做某事对某人来说方便 (convenient作表语时,主语是物或使用形式主语时,不能用人作 主语) convenience n.方便,便利 for ones convenience为了方便,为了实用,to ones convenience对某人方便 at ones convenience在合适的时候,在某人方便的时候 【典型例句】 Is it convenient for you to go shop

2、ping with me? 你方便与我一起去购物么? 朗文当代 Just for convenience,Im going to live at my mothers place until my new house is ready.为了方便,我打算在我的新居收拾好之前 先住在我母亲那儿。 剑桥高阶 The goods will be delivered at your convenience. 货物随要随到。 剑桥高阶,即学即用 翻译句子 方便时把这事做一做。 Please do the work at your convenience. 2.benefit n.&v.好处,利益;受益,有

3、益于 【精讲拓展】 benefit sb./sth.有益于某人/某物 benefit by/from sth.得益于,从中受益 be of benefit to.be beneficial to. 对有益,对有好处 to ones benefitto ones advantage对某人有利 for ones benefitfor the benefit of sb. 为了某人的利益,【典型例句】 Doing morning exercises benefits our health and we benefit from it. 做早操对我们的健康有益即我们从做早操中受益。 朗文当代 She

4、drinks a lot less now,to the benefit of (resulting in an improvement in)her health as a whole.她现在酒喝得少多了,整个 身体健康状况也有所改善。 剑桥高阶 The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor. 这笔钱将用于救助穷人。 朗文当代 即学即用 Our new house is_ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes. A.adaptable B.comfortable C.con

5、venient D.available 解析:句意为:我们的新家对我而言(交通)非常方便,因为我 在5分钟之间可到达办公室。A项表“适应性强的”;B项表“令人 舒适的”;D项表“可得到的,可利用的”。 答案:C,3.consequence n.后果,结果 【精讲拓展】 answer for the consequences take/suffer/bear/deal with/face the consequences承担后果 as a consequencein consequence结果,因此 as a consequence ofin consequence ofas a result

6、of. 由于,因的缘故 be consequent on/upon随发生的,作为结果的 【典型例句】 His success was consequent on his hard work. 他的成功是勤奋工作的结果。 朗文当代 She was found guilty,and lost her job in consequence. 她被判有罪,因而也失去了工作。 朗文当代,Scientists think it unlikely that any species will actually become extinct as a consequence of the oil spill.科

7、学家们认为实际上不太可能会有什么物种因为石油泄漏而灭绝。 剑桥高阶 Well,if you insist on eating so much,youll have to suffer/take(accept and deal with)the consequences! 好吧,要是你坚持吃这么多,你会自食其果的! 剑桥高阶 即学即用 完成句子 你的意见对我而言不重要。 Your opinion is of little consequence to me. 解析:of抽象名词抽象名词的形容词。如:of value valuable,of importanceimportant。,4.argue

8、 vi.&vt.争吵,争辩;说服,主张 【精讲拓展】 argue for sth.为辩论,赞同 argue against sth.据理反对 argue with sb.on/about/over sth. 与某人争辩某事 argue sb.into/out of doing sth. 说服某人做/不做某事 argue that 从句 主张,认为 It is beyond argument that.是无可争辩的,【典型例句】 It is beyond argument that he is a foreigner. 毫无疑问他是一个外国人。 朗文当代 They were arguing wi

9、th each other about the war. 他们正在为这场战争展开辩论。 朗文当代 I argued him out of leaving his job. 我极力劝他不要辞职。 朗文当代 The minister argued for/in favour of/against making cuts in military spending. 部长提出支持/反对削减军费开支的理由。 剑桥高阶,即学即用 翻译句子 他主张立即行动。 He argued for immediate action. 你为什么老说我的不是? Why do you always argue against

10、 me? 5.appreciate vt.欣赏,鉴赏 【精讲拓展】 appreciate sth.欣赏;珍惜某事/物 appreciate doing sth.乐于干事;感激 appreciate one/ones doing乐于做某事,感激,感谢 I would appreciate it if如果,我将不胜感激,【典型例句】 I appreciate your making the effort to come. 你能拨冗前来,我深表感激。 剑桥高阶 I greatly appreciate what you have done for me. 我非常感谢你为我所做的一切。 朗文当代 Th

11、e pet very much appreciates being treated that way. 那宠物非常喜欢那样对待它。 朗文当代 I would appreciate it if you could let me know(Please let me know)in advance whether or not you will be coming. 如能提前告知能否前来,我将不胜感激。 剑桥高阶 即学即用 Id appreciate_if you would turn the radio down. A.it B.one C.that D./ 解析:句意为:请你把收音机的音量调低

12、一些。appreciate, love,like,hate,stand等动词后接if或when引导的从句时, 要用it作形式宾语。 答案:A,6.content adj.满意的,甘愿的vt.使满意n.内容,目录 【精讲拓展】 be content with对感到满意 be content to do sth.甘愿做某事 content sb.with满足于 【典型例句】 The content of his speech was good. 他演讲的内容不错。 朗文当代 He is always content with a little book knowledge only. 他总是满足于

13、仅有的一点书本知识。 朗文当代 He is content to live in the countryside. 他甘愿住在乡下。 朗文当代 I wanted to take two weeks holiday,but had to content myself with one because the office was so busy.我本想休两周的假,不过 因为公司太忙,休假一周也就算了。 剑桥高阶,即学即用 翻译句子 他对测验结果很满意。 He is well content with the result of the test. 7.occupy vt.占领,占据;居住;使忙于

14、 【精讲拓展】 occupy sth.占据/领/用 occupy oneself with sth./in doing sth. 从事于,忙于,专心于 be occupied with sth./in doing sth.忙于某事/做某事 keep sb.occupied使某人忙碌 【典型例句】 He is occupied with a book/in writing a book. 他正忙于写一本书。朗文当代 Writing occupies most of my free time. 写作占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。朗文当代,On long car journeys I occupy myself with solving maths puzzles. 在乘坐汽车长途旅行中,我解数学难题来打发时间。剑桥高阶 即学即用 Having retired from business,he now_himself with welfare of the disabled. A.associates B.occupies C.charges D.rewards 解析:句意为:退休以后,他使自己忙于残疾人的福利。 occupy oneself with表“从事于,忙于”。 答案:B 8.



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