高二英语 unit3 science versus nature-task 2课件 牛津译林版必修5

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1、Writing a formal letter,Task 2,Module 5 Unit 3,What are your thoughts on GM food? Skills building 2: conducting a discussion,Asking for peoples opinions: What do you think? What are your thoughts on this topic? Dont you think so? Do you agree? Do you feel the same about ? Is that your opinion too?,I

2、ntroducing new ideas into the discussion: Another argument (论点) is that Another way of looking at it is Dont forget But what about? On the other hand, Have you thought about? We can also,You are going to interview your classmate about GM food. Before it, you have designed the interview form below. U

3、se the useful expressions for asking for peoples opinions on P54 and vocabulary on P55 to write some questions next to the headings.,Yes/no,5.Need for government control,Cheaper than / not expensive as,4.Cost,Better than / the same as,3.Taste compared with / to normal food,Yes/no,2.Possible side eff

4、ects,Yes/no,1.Safety of GM food,Interview form,Take turns to ask and answer the questions. While answering, dont forget the useful expressions for introducing new ideas into the discussion on page54 and vocabulary on Page55 !,The basic elements and format of a formal letter your address / the date /

5、 receivers name, job title and address / formal greeting / formal ending / your name and signature,Skills building 3: writing a formal letter,Label the parts with the words in Point 1 (P 56),Answers: 1. your address 2. the date 3. receivers name 4. job title,5. receivers address 6. formal greeting 7

6、. formal ending 8. signature 9. your name,Some useful phrases to start a formal letter: With reference to Thank you for In reply to Further to your I am writing in response to I am writing to inform you,关于,Some useful phrases to end a formal letter: I would be grateful if you could I hope you would

7、I look forward to hearing from you soon. If you require any further information,Step 3: writing a letter about GM food Read the two articles and underline all the pros and cons.,Pros,Take medicine in an apple,Eat only fish to get all the nutrition,Eat as much chocolate as you like without getting fa

8、t,Have a longer shelf life,cheaper,Not as easily affected by disease,Donate a lot to hungry people,The pet mouse died after eating biscuits made with GM products,Few tests have been performed on it.,The very genes could be harmful to animals.,GM food could be dangerous to animals or even people.,Lan

9、guage points: I am sure that if you conducted a survey among UK citizens, it would show that the majority of people would not advocate this type of scientific research. (P56),1)Many people attended the meeting. The majority was/ were in favour of it. 2)The majority of people were against it. 3)He wa

10、s elected by/ with a majority of 6. 4)In the teaching profession, women are in a/ the majority.,2. To conclude, I urge you to seek the opinions of the people of the NK on this matter so we can end this immoral practice immediately. (P56) urge v.催促,主张,要求;cn.冲动 urgent adj. 紧急的,紧迫的 urgency un.紧急,urge s

11、b. to do sth. 力劝某人做某事 urge sb. into doing sth. 力劝某人做 urge that sb. (should) do 力劝某人做 urge sth. on / upon sb. 对人主张 urge against 极力反对 have an urge to do sth. 渴望做某事,3. The very genes that make crops resistant to pests and diseases could be harmful to animals. (P57) resist v.抵制,抵抗 resistance n. 反抗,抵抗力 r

12、esister n. 抵抗者 resistible adj. 可抵抗的,adj.,This metal resists rust(锈). This is child-resistant packaging.,4. So far, research has been limited to increasing production profits, rather than ensuring safety. (P57) Everyone is limited to one free ticket. He helped us to the limit of his ability. Im willing to help, within limits. They set strict limits on driving. Theres a limit to what one can do.,Use what we have learned about GM food to write a formal letter to the head office of the supermarket chain.,Homework,


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