高中英语 unit 1translation课件 牛津版

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1、Unit 1. Translation跟你父母在一起感到轻松吗?(at ease) 1.你跟你父母在一起感到轻松吗?(at ease),Do you feel at ease with your parents?,2.到英国的一所中学呆上一年对我来说真是一次难忘的经历.我遇到许多很有经验的老师. 学生们非常尊敬他们.我也经历了一些有趣的事.这一年我的英语提高了许多。(experience, earn respect, improve),Going to a British school for one year was a very enjoyable experience for me. I

2、 met with many experienced teachers /many teachers with a lot of experience. The students showed great respect for them./They earned great respect from the students./The students respected them greatly. I also experienced many funny things. My English improved a lot.,3.虽然试卷具有挑战性,我还是取得很高的分数.(achieve)

3、,Though the test paper was challenging, I achieved high grades.,4.由于期中考试将至.学生们正在准备呢. (prepare),As the mid-term examinations are coming, the students are preparing/getting prepared for them.,5.你出席了昨天的会议了吗?你们班有多少人参加了运动会? (attend, take part in),Did you attend the meeting yesterday. How many students in

4、 your class took part in the sports meeting?,6.你们班学生的平均年龄是多少?(average),Whats the average age of the students in your class?,7.这听起来象个好主意.(sound like),It sounds/sounded like a good idea.,8.你们的作业没有你认为的那么多.(not asas),Your homework is not as much as you thought/supposed.,9.在周末,我的确喜欢踢球和上网. (do/does/did+动词

5、原形),At weekends/At the weekend, I do like playing football and surfing the Internet.,10.彼得,把你的朋友向我们介绍一下,好吗? (introduce),Peter, would you please introduce your friend t o us?,11对不起,这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺码。(available ),Im sorry, those overcoats are not available in your colour and size.,12请注意,这种车票仅在发售当天有效。(ava

6、ilable ),Attention, please. These tickets are available on (the) day of issue only.,13沿着宿舍和实验室之间一直朝前走,你肯定会看见食堂就在游泳池旁边。( walk between ),Walk between the dormitory and the science laboratory, then go straight on ,and you will surely find the canteen next to the swimming pool.,14离开房间时要确保所有的灯都关上。( make

7、sure ),When you I leave the room,make sure that all the lights are turned off.,15他一到达就直接到校长那儿去了。( on ),On his arrival he went straight to the headmaster.,16我对历史产生了兴趣。( develop an interest ),I have developed an interest in history,17会议正在大厅举行,你可以去参加。( be being done ),The meeting is being held in the h

8、all and you can go to attend it.,18这个商人捐给医院很多钱。 ( donate ),The businessman donated a lot of money to the hospital.,19在他的演说中,丝毫未触及那个问题。( refer to ),In his speech,he didnt refer to the problem at all.,20如果有问题,请参阅旅游指南(guide book). ( refer to ),If you have some questions,refer to the guide book,21.我宁愿在外

9、面玩而不愿意看电视。( prefer ),I would prefer playing outdoors to watching TV I would prefer to play outdoors rather than watch TV,22明天晚上这个时候你要看那部新剧吗? ( will be doing ),Will you be seeing the new play this time tomorrow evening?,23我发现他这个人很难对付。 ( findhard ),I find this man hard to deal with.,24和许多人相比,她确实幸运。( c

10、ompare ),Compared withto many people,she was indeed lucky.,25你越用功,你的考试分数就会越高。( the more the more ),The harder you work, the higher grades youll achieve.,26尽可能多读些书。 ( as many as ),Read as many books as you can.,27我遗憾地要通知你会议推迟了。( inform),I regret to inform you that the meeting has been put off.,28大学一毕

11、业,他就出国。( upon ),On graduation from university, he went abroad.,29包括老师在内共有十人出席了会议。( include ),Ten people attended the meeting, including teachers.,30为了节省空间,规划中的日期通常以缩写的形式出现。( present ),Dates in a programme are usually presented in short form to save space.,31我们不容许有这种事情发生在我们学校(allow)。,We dont allow su

12、ch things to happen in our school.,32他不同意这个计划,所以根本不想听我的。(approve),He didnt approve (of) the plan, so he wouldnt listen to me at all.,33这晚会不仅仅是娱乐,我们还可以从别人那里获得很多信息。(more than),The party is more than pleasure/fun, we can also get a lot of information from others.,34争斗持续了几个小时直到夜幕降临。(continue),The fight

13、continued for several hours until it was dark.,35请你快点,否则我们不带你去购物了。(without),Please be quick, or we will go shopping without you.,36我需要两个孩子来帮我的忙。(require),I require two children to help me.,37他如此友善以致于我不再紧张了。(sothat),He was so friendly that I was not nervous any longer.,38. 你在那不停的噪声中怎么能工作得下去啊?(continue ; with + n. + v.-ing ),How can you continue working/ to work with all that noise going on?,



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