高中英语 module1《my first day at senior high》课件2 外研版必修1

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1、Module 1 My First Day at Senior High,核心单词 1. introduce vt.介绍,使相互认识;引进;传入;采用 常用结构: introduce sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人 introduce oneself to sb. 向某人作自我介绍 introduce sth. into .把引进 introduce sth. to sb. 引导或带领某人接触某事物 Please allow me to introduce Mr Smith to you. 请允许我向您介绍史密斯先生。 Buddhism was introduced into Chin

2、a in about 67 AD. 佛教大约是公元67年传入中国的。 It was my father who introduced me to the game of football. 是我父亲让我了解了足球运动。,联想拓展 introduction n.指示;说明;介绍;导语 a letter of introduction 一封介绍信 a brief introduction to . 的简介 We dont believe his introduction of the medicine. 我们不相信他对这种药的介绍。 2. impress vt.铭刻,使铭记;给极深的印象;压印;使

3、印象深刻 常用结构: impress sb. 给某人留下印象 sb. be impressed by/with/at (某人)为所感动;(某人)对有印象 impress sth. on/upon sb.=impress sb. with sth. 使某人对某事有印象;使某人铭记某事 impress sth. on sth.盖(压、印等)于,联想拓展 impression n. 印象;印记;压痕 leave/have/make a(n) .impression on sb. 给某人留下的印象 impressive adj. 给人留下深刻印象的;感人的 I was impressed at/by/

4、with the beauty of nature in Tibet. 西藏的自然风光给我留下了深刻的印象。 The manager impressed the importance of their work on/upon them.经理让他们铭记工作的重要性。 The girl impressed her friends with her sense of humour. 这位姑娘的幽默感给她的朋友们留下了深刻的印象。 He impressed his name on the stone in the garden. 他把名字刻在了花园的石头上。,3. cover vt. 盖,掩盖;行走

5、(路程);采访/报道;占用(一段时间或空间);包括; 涉及;包含;看完(多少页书);足以支付 n. 盖子,封面;封底 常用结构: cover .with . 用盖住 be covered by/with 被覆盖(强调动作)/盖满(强调状态) cover an area of 占地面积为 cover a lot of ground 走很长的路 cover the event 采访这个事件 under cover 隐藏着;在隐蔽处 under the cover of 在掩护下;趁着;打着的幌子 from cover to cover (整本书)从头到尾,Our city covers (an a

6、rea of ) ten square miles. 我们的城市占地面积10平方英里。 The revision covers everything learned last term. 这次复习包括上学期我们所学的全部内容。 She covered her face with her hands and cried. 她双手掩面而泣。 The Red Army covered 25,000 li during the Long March. 红军长征行程25,000里。 易混辨析 interview/cover interview采访的对象是“人”,要跟表示人的名词作宾语。 cover采访的

7、对象是“事”,要跟表示事件的名词作宾语。 The reporters of all the leading newspapers covered the trade talks between China and the United States. 各大报纸的记者都对这次中美贸易会谈作了报道。 Whos the most famous person youve ever interviewed on TV? 你在电视上采访的最有名的人是谁?,重点短语 4. nothing like 一点也不像;完全不同(=different from) This cell phone is nothing

8、like the one they advertised. 这个手机跟广告中的完全不一样。 There is nothing like a hot bath when you are tired. 当你累了的时候,什么也不如洗个热水澡(舒服)。 联想拓展 something like 大约;有点像 anything like(多用于疑问句)多少有点像 more like 倒更像是 5. in other words 换句话说;换言之(=thats to say) You took his book without his permission. In other words, you stol

9、e his book. 你未经许可拿走了他的书。换句话说,你偷了他的书。,联想拓展 in a/one word 简言之;总之 get in a word 插话 keep ones word/promise 遵守诺言(word常用单数形式) break ones word/promise 食言;违背诺言 have a word with sb. 与某人交谈 have words with sb. 与某人吵架 eat ones words 收回说过的话 with these words 说完这些话 in words 用语言 word for word 逐字地 word came that .有消息

10、传来(word 在此为不可数名词,相当于information“消息”) Word came that Chinas third manned spacecraft, Shenzhou fulfilled its historic mission: spacewalk. 消息传来,中国第三次发射的载人飞船“神舟七号”完成了其历史性任务:太空行走。 I cant express my feeling in words. 我无法用语言来描述我的感受。,6. look forward to 期望,盼望,期待 注意:此处to为介词,后面跟名词、代词或v.ing形式作宾语。 Im really look

11、ing forward to our vacation. 我真心盼望着我们假期的到来。 Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. 我盼望着早点收到你的来信。 联想拓展 常用的类似“动词+介词to”结构的短语还有: pay attention to .注意; turn to求助于;be/get used/accustomed to习惯于;refer to参考;涉及;指的是;get down to 着手做/开始认真做;stick to坚持;devote .to .献身于;lead to导致; 通向;object to反对;prefer . to .喜

12、欢而不喜欢;contribute to 促使。,重点句型 7. I/We dont think/suppose/believe/expect/guess/imagine+that从句 这是否定前移句型。使用否定前移句型时,主句主语多是第一人称,主句谓语通常是以上六个词之一,并为一般现在时,否则一般不用否定转移。这种否定前移句型用在反意疑问句中时,疑问部分应与从句中的主语和谓语保持一致,且用肯定形式。 I dont think theyll refuse, will they? 我认为他们不会拒绝,是吗? I dont believe there is a ghost, is there? 我认

13、为没有鬼,是吗? I dont suppose I could have a look at your newspaper, could I? 我想我不能看你的报纸,是吗?,8. three times as .as .意为“三倍于”,是倍数表达法之一。 times在句中的意思是“倍数”,表示三倍或三倍以上的数。表示两倍通常用twice或double,表示一倍用once,半倍用half。 常用的四种倍数表达法: (1)A+谓语+倍数+as+形容词(+名词)/副词原级+as+B (2)A+谓语+倍数+形容词/副词比较级+than+B (3)A+谓语+倍数+the+名词(size/length/h

14、eight/width/depth等)+of+B (4)The+名词(size/length/height/width/depth等)+that+of+A+be+倍数+of+B The newly broadened square is four times as big as the previous one. =The newly broadened square is four times the size of the previous one. =The size of the newly broadened square is four times that of the prev

15、ious one. =The newly broadened square is three times bigger than the previous one. 新扩建的广场是以前的四倍大。 (新扩建的广场比以前大三倍。),9. “so+系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”意为“也一样”。表示前句内容(肯定性的)也适合于另一个人(后者)。 You can speak English, so can he. 你能讲英语,他也能讲。 You seem to like tea, so do I. 你好像喜欢喝茶,我也喜欢。 联想拓展 “Neither/Nor+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语”是本句型

16、的否定形式,意思是“也不”,表示前句内容(否定性的)也适合于另一个人(后者)。 “It is the same with+名词/代词”/“So it is with+名词/代词”用于前句内容肯定和否定混合或动词不一致的情况下,意思是“也如此”。,“So+主语+助动词/情态动词/系动词”表示对前面或对方所说的情况的赞同或证实,语气较强,意思是“的确,如此”。 I have never been to Nanjing.我从未去过南京。 Neither has Tom.汤姆也没去过。 Mary likes playing the piano, but she cant play it well. 玛丽喜欢弹钢琴,但是她弹不好。 So it is with her brother.她的哥哥也是这样。 He said that he would come. 他说他要来。 So he did.他确实来了。,派生法(



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