2018高中英语课时讲练通配套课件 unit3《life in the future》period 3 新人教版必修5

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1、,过去分词作状语和定语是中学英语的一项重点内容,也是高考常考的内容之一。学习时应注意以下几点:一、明确句子的主语与分词之间的逻辑关系(主动关系还是被动关系)。二、能够与定语从句及省略句式进行形式的互相转换。 三、分词作状语时与独立主格的区别。,观察下列句子,注意黑体部分在句子中的成分及作用。 Worried about the journey , I was unsettled for the first few days. (P17) 我很担心这次旅行,所以头几天心里总是不踏实。 Some of the people invited to the party did not come. 有些

2、被邀请参加派对的人没有来。,1. 句中的Worried about the journey为过去分词(短语)作状语,在此作原因状语。 2. 句中的invited to the party为过去分词(短语)作定语,修饰some of the people。,. 过去分词(短语)作状语 1. 作时间状语 Once published (= Once it is published ), the dictionary will be very popular. 一旦出版,这本词典将大受欢迎。,2. 作条件状语 United, we stand; divided, we fall. If we are

3、 united , we stand; if we are divided , we fall. 团结则存,分裂则亡。,3. 作原因状语 Scolded by the teacher, the girl sat there without lifting her head. As/Because she was scolded by the teacher, the girl sat there without lifting her head. 由于被老师批评了,那个女孩低着头坐在那儿。,4. 作伴随或方式状语 The old man got on the bus, supported by

4、 a girl (and was supported by a girl). 在一位姑娘的搀扶下,老人上了公共汽车。 5. 作让步状语 Beaten by the opposite team ( Though we were beaten by the opposite team), we didnt lose heart and encouraged each other. 虽然被对方的球队打败了,但我们并没有灰心而是相互鼓 励。,. 过去分词作状语的注意事项 1. 过去分词作状语时,其前面可以有相应的连词,如: when, though, although, as if, as thoug

5、h, if, unless, until, once等,表示时间、让步、条件、方式等。 If ( I am ) invited , I will attend the wedding of my friend. 如果受到邀请,我会参加我朋友的婚礼。,2. 过去分词与句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,即 表被动;而现在分词与句子的主语之间存在逻辑上的主谓 关系,即表主动。 Asked (ask) why she was late, she cried. 被问到为什么迟到时,她哭了。 Looking out of (look out of) the window, I saw some stud

6、ents playing there. 我朝窗外望去,看见几个学生在那边玩耍。,3. 过去分词(短语)作状语时,分词的逻辑主语与句子的主 语要保持一致。 If ( he is ) caught (catch), the thief will be punished by the police. 小偷如果被抓,会受到警方的处罚。,4. 有些过去分词已形容词化了,作状语时常表示人的状 态。常见的此类词有:satisfied, surprised, interested, moved, worried, pleased, disappointed等 Disappointed (disappointe

7、d)at the examination results, the girl stood there without saying a word. 因为对考试结果很失望,小女孩站在那儿一句话也没说。,. 过去分词(短语)作定语 1. 意义:过去分词(短语)作定语时,表示“完成”和“被动” 双层意义。但不及物动词的过去分词通常只表示“完成”而 不表示“被动”。如: fallen leaves 落叶,2. 位置:单独的过去分词作定语,通常放在被修饰词之前, 但有时为了强调,也可置于被修饰词之后,此时往往可以 用定语从句代替。但如果被修饰的词是由every/some/any/ no +thing/b

8、ody/one构成的不定代词或指示代词those时,单 独的过去分词也要放在被修饰词之后。 快点,时间不多了。(leave) Hurry up, there is only a little time left . 如果你希望改变一切,请说明。(change) If you wish everything changed , please say so.,1. 用所给词的适当形式填空 Attracted (attract) by the beauty of nature,the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the

9、farm. When first introduced (introduce) to the market,these new products enjoyed great success. Greatly moved (move) by the story,all the students began to cry., Told (tell) many times,she still cant remember it. The color TV set produced (produce) by that factory sells well. With their homework fin

10、ished (finish),the students went home. Praised (praise) warmly for his work,he was too excited to fall asleep. Following (follow) the guide,we started to explore the wild forest.,2. 单项填空 _ an important role in a new movie, Andy has got a chance to become famous. 2011四川高考 A. Offer B. Offering C. Offe

11、red D. To offer 【解析】选C。句意:Andy在一部新影片中扮演重要角色,这就有了成名的机会。offer sb. sth. (主动)提供某人某物。句中Andy与offer之间存在着被动关系,故选C。, _ by a greater demand for green products,the food company has set higher standards to ensure the quality. 2012杭州高二检测 ADriven BBeing driven CTo drive DHaving driven 【解析】选A。句意:绿色食品的巨大需求使食品公司制订了更

12、高的标准以保证质量。动词drive与其逻辑主语the food company 存在动宾关系,因此应该使用过去分词。, _ a written permission,he had to write another letter to the president of the university. 2012北京高二检测 ANot giving BNot having been given CHaving not given DHaving not been given 【解析】选B。give与其逻辑主语he之间是被动关系,且其动作在谓语动词动作之前已经发生,故用完成被动式,其否定形式为not

13、having been done, 故选B。, _ rapidly by the body, sugar provides a quick energy source. A. Digested B. Digesting C. To digest D. Having digesting 【解析】选A。本句中的主语sugar与非谓语动词digest(消化)之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以要用过去分词。,Tsinghua University, _ in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures. 2011福建高考 A. found B

14、. founding C. founded D. to be founded 【解析】选C。句意:建于1911年的清华大学培养了一大批杰出的人士。Tsinghua University与found之间存在着被动关系,to be founded不定式表将来。founded过去分词表被动,也表动作已完成,故选C。,Oh, look! Heres a photo _ in my classroom at primary school. Can you recognize me in it? Ataking Bwas taken Ctaken Dbeen taken 【解析】选C。题干中的take与其

15、逻辑主语构成动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动和完成。,The county,_ in the north of Shanxi,has a history of more than 1, 400 years. 2012南通高二检测 Alocated Bto be located Cbeing located Dlocating 【解析】选A。此处应用过去分词短语作定语,修饰The county,故选A。, It was reported that 115 miners _ in the flooded mine for eight days were pulled out alive at last. 2012北京高二检测 Atrapped Bbeing trapped Cwere trapped Dhad trapped 【解析】选A。考查非谓语动词。所填词作后置定语,逻辑主语是miners,而非谓语动词与逻辑主语是被动关系,且表示的动作发生在过去,故用过去分词,选A。,



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