高中英语 unit22 lesson1 global warming课件 北师大版选修8

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1、Unit 22,Environmental Protection,Lesson 1,Global Warming,warm-up,Exercise 1,How much do you know about environental problems?use the key words to complete the sentences:,1.Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are examples of . 2.The giant panda and the Bengal tiger are . 3.Because of ,the earth is war

2、med by gases trapped in the atmosphere. is an increase over time of the average temperature of the Earth. is harmful to the ecology of the sea. 6.Thousands of people in Africa continue to die because of war and . 7.The water level rose so high in several places that many homes are at risk from .,1.E

3、arthquakes and volcanic eruptions are examples of natural disasters . 2.The giant panda and the Bengal tiger are endangered species . 3.Because of the greenhouse effect ,the earth is warmed by gases trapped in the atmosphere. 4. Global warming is an increase over time of the average temperature of t

4、he Earth. 5. Overfishing is harmful to the ecology of the sea. 6.Thousands of people in Africa continue to die because of war and poverty . 7.The water level rose so high in several places that many homes are at risk from flooding .,Answers,Exercise 2,Listen to the news report. Which of the statemen

5、ts are true or false? Write T for true and F for false.,1.The news reporter is working in Antarctica. 2.The news report is about penguins. 3.Penguins have only one partner for life. 4.Fishing boats do not affect the deaths of penguions. 5.Most penguin species outside of Antarctica are safe from envi

6、ronmental changes. 6.Experts call for immediate international conservation efforts,F,T,T,F,F,T,Exercise 3,In pairs,discuss which animals you think are among the top 5 endangered species in China?,物种代码010670001 中文名白暨豚 拉丁学名Lipotes vexillifer 俗名白暨豚 商品名英文名Yangtze River Dolphin CITES公约附录附录I IUCN等级濒危 红皮书等

7、级濒危 国家保护等级一级 濒危原因回游被切断,过度捕猎,环境污染 保护措施迁地保护,物种代码011050011 中文名藏羚 拉丁学名Pantholops hodgsoni 俗名羚羊,藏羚羊 商品名英文名Chiru, Tibetan antelope 红皮书等级渐危 国家保护等级一级 濒危原因栖息地破坏,作为食物被捕猎,因为贸易被捕猎,白唇鹿的角很大 别名 岩鹿、白鼻鹿、黄鹿 学名 Cervus albirostris 英文名 white-lipped deer 鹿科 Cervidae 分布 青海、甘肃及四川西部、西藏东部 国家一级保护动物,白唇鹿的体型大小与水鹿、马鹿相似。头骨泪窝大而深。唇的

8、周围和下颌为白色, 故名“白唇鹿”,为我国特产动物。成年雄鹿角的直线长可达1米,有4-6个分叉, 雌性无角。蹄较宽大。通体呈黄褐色,臀斑淡棕色,没有黑色背线和白斑。 栖息在海拔3500-5000米的高寒灌丛或草原上。白天常隐于林缘或其他灌木丛中, 也构件登流石滩和裸岩峭壁,善于爬山奔跑。喜欢集群生活。主要采食禾本科、 蓼科、景天科植物,也吃多种树叶,有食盐的习性。发情交配多在9-11月份, 雄性间有激烈的争偶格斗,孕期8个月左右,每胎1仔,幼鹿身上有白斑。鹿茸产 量较高,是名贵中药材。,物种代码011050018 中文名赛加羚羊 拉丁学名Saiga tatarica 俗名高鼻羚羊,大鼻羚羊 商

9、品名英文名Saiga Antelope CITES公约附录附录II IUCN 等级濒危 红皮书等级国内绝迹 国家保护等级一级 濒危原因栖息地破坏,过度捕猎,作为食物被捕猎,作为医药成分被捕猎, 因为贸易被捕猎,物种代码011050007 中文名喜马拉雅塔尔羊 拉丁学名Hemitragus jemlahicus 俗名喜马拉雅塔尔羊,毛羊,山羊 商品名英文名Himalayan Tahr CITES公约附录未列入 IUCN等级资料不足 红皮书等级稀有 国家保护等级一级 濒危原因过度捕猎,物种代码011050003 中文名北山羊 拉丁学名Capra ibex 俗名亚洲 羊,红羊,悬羊 商品名英文名Ib

10、ex CITES公约附录未列入 IUCN等级未列入 红皮书等级濒危 国家保护等级一级 濒危原因作为食物被捕猎, 栖息地破坏,物种代码010530009 中文名云豹 拉丁学名Neofelis nebulosa 俗名乌云豹,龟纹豹,荷叶豹,艾叶豹,樟豹 商品名英文名Clouded Leopard CITES公约附录附录I IUCN等级易危 红皮书等级濒危 国家保护等级一级 濒危原因因为贸易被捕猎,作为医药成分 被捕猎,作为食物被捕猎,栖息地破坏,物种代码011030010 中文名麋鹿 拉丁学名Elaphurus davidianus 俗名四不象 商品名英文名Pere Davids Deer CIT

11、ES公约附录未列入 IUCN等级濒危 红皮书等级野生绝灭 国家保护等级一级 濒危原因栖息地破坏,过度捕猎,物种代码011050008 中文名红斑羚 拉丁学名Naemorhedus cranbrooki 俗名红斑羚,红山羊,赤斑羚 商品名英文名S.China Goral CITES公约附录未列入 IUCN等级未列入 红皮书等级稀有 国家保护等级一级 濒危原因栖息地破坏,作为食物被捕猎,过度捕猎,物种代码011030017 中文名黑麂 拉丁学名Muntiacus crinifrons 俗名红头麂,蓬头麂 商品名麝香 英文名Black fronted Muntjac CITES公约附录附录I IUC

12、N等级易危 红皮书等级渐危 国家保护等级一级 濒危原因种内生物学特点,栖息地破坏, 作为食物被捕猎,因为贸易被捕猎,Exercise 4,What can you do to help save them? Write down your suggestions, then present your ideas to the class.,reading,Exercise 1,In groups discuss what you know about global warming. Look at the pictures to get ideas.,Exercise 2,Which coun

13、tries do you think contribute more to global warming: developed countries like America, or undeveloped countries like many in Africa. Why?,Exercise 3,Scan the text below for these words and work out their meanings: environmentalist: line 1, people who are concerned with protecting the environment ra

14、diate: line 22,send out in all directions atmospheric concentration: line 35,the amount of such gases in the atmosphere release: line 33,allow to come out insignificant: line 43,too small or unimportant to consider or worry about consequence: line 44, something that happens as a result of a direct a

15、ction or set of conditions dramatic: line 48,great and sudden energy-efficient: line 65, that helps to save energy,Exercise 4,Read the text and answer these questions,1.What is global warming? 2.What human activities are causing global warming? 3.By how much has the global average temperature increa

16、sed in the last 100 years? 4.Are greenhouse gases necessary for life on Earth? 5.How can individuals help solve the problem of global warming?,Global warming is an average increase in the Earth;s atmosphere.,In dustry, agriculture, transportation, deforestation and the burning of fuels are causing global warming.,By 1F,Yes,they are.b


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