高中英语 专题二代词课件

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《高中英语 专题二代词课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 专题二代词课件(95页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、代词,高考对代词的考察呈现出两大特点: 1.旧的热点仍在,如对不定代词的考察,新的考察热点在逐步形成,如,对it的考察。 2.加强在特定的语境中对代词与其他相关语法的综合考察。 突破方法: 首先从整体上把握代词的知识,如代词种类的划分:(1)人称代词(2)物主代词:形容词性物主代词,名词性物主代词。(3)反身代词(4)指示代词(5)相互代词,(6)不定代词(7)疑问代词(8)连接代词,(名词性从句)(9)关系代词(定语从句) 其次,要重点掌握几组易混词,尤其是不定代词间的用法区别。 一、人称代词 1.当说话者不清楚或不必要知道说话对象的性别时,可以用it来表示。 Its a lovely ba

2、by. Is it a boy or a girl?,2.人称代词有时也可用作名词,Its not a she; its a he. 3.人称代词单独使用时,一般不用主格而用宾格。 -Glad to meet you. -Me,too. 4.代词they(不分性别)代表已提到过的一些人或事物。 The browns phoned. Theyre coming round this evening.,-Susan ,go and join your sister cleaning the yard. -Why me? John is sitting there doing nothing.,物主

3、代词,1.形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,,只能做名词或动名词的定语。 This is our classroom. His father is an engineer. Would you mind my opening the window? Our country is a developing country. 2.名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,可单独做主语、宾语、表语。此外,名词性物主代词还可与名词及of连用,,构成双重所有格,即:,a/an/this/that/these/those/some/any/several/no/each/every/such/anoth

4、er/which+名词+ of+名词性物主代词。 This is her coat. Mine is over there. Some friends of mine will attend my birthday party. That car of hers is always breaking down. I know each brother of his.,三、反身代词,1.反身代词基本用法: 1)宾语 Tom taught himself Chinese.(动宾) The boy is old enough to take care of himself.(介宾) 2)表语 She

5、 is not quite herself today. 3)同位语 I myself can repair the bike.,2.含有反身代词的惯用语,(1)与介词连用 Youll have to see if he has gone to the school for yourself.(亲自) The computer can shut off of itself. (=naturally自动地) Jim is not bad in himself, but he is a little shy. (本质地),One would rather have a bedroom,to one

6、self.(=for ones own private use; not to be shared独自享用) One cant play tennis by oneself.(=alone, without help单独地、独自地) He was beside himself with joy when he heard he had passed the exam. (=almost mad with anger/excitement,etc. 由于气愤、激动等而发狂、忘形),(2)与代词连用,enjoy yourself! (=Have a good time!) behave yours

7、elf.(=be polite; show good manners) 使举止良好 absent oneself 缺课、缺勤 devote oneself to 专心于;献身于 apply oneself to 专心致志于 adapt oneself to 适应于 make oneself at home 不要客气,seat oneself(=sit) 坐,say/talk/tell/think to oneself 暗自(在心中),自言自语 He is always boasting himself.(自夸) A moment later, he came to himself. (=reg

8、ain self-control or consciousness,恢复自制力、知觉;苏醒过来) When he woke up, he found himself in hospital.(find oneself 发现自己不知不觉来到) help oneself to 别客气,请自便,随便取用,四、疑问代词,who(ever), whom(ever), whose(ever), which(ever), what(ever),四、疑问代词,1.what,who的区别 what 问职业、地位; who问姓名或身份。 -Who is that man? -He is her husband.

9、-What was the man over there? -He was a doctor.,2.what,which的区别,which 是在已知范围内进行选择,后面可跟 of短语;what是在未知范围内进行选择,后面不可跟of短语。 Which (of the animals) is bigger, an elephant or a horse?(有范围) What do you want to read?(无范围),3.whatever,whichever,whoever,Whatever,whichever,whoever分别为what, which,who的强调形式,相当于what/

10、which/ who on earth (in the world) 到底(究竟)什么/哪一个/谁 Whatever do you want? Whoever gave you the book?,4.What的习惯用法,what is the population/the distance /the price of the book/ your address / your attitude/the height/weight/the depth/length/width/size?,不定代词,一、both,all, either,any, neither,none 的用法,both,ei

11、ther,neither,all,any,none,-Youre always working. Come on,lets go shopping. All you ever want to do is going shopping. -Theres coffee and tea; You can have either. I had to buy all these books because I didnt know which one was the best.,二、none, nothing, nobody (no one)的用法区别,1.none既可指人,也可指物,且表特指概念,常回

12、答how many, how much引导的疑问句。no one只能指人,且表泛指概念,常回答who引导的疑问句;nothing只能指物,且表泛指概念,常回答what引导的疑问句。 -How much money do you have? -None. -What are you doing now? -Nothing.,2.none往往与前面的some/any/,every+名词连用; nothing往往与前面的something/anything/everything连用;no one/nobody往往与前面someone/ somebody/everyone/everybody/anyo

13、ne/anybody连用。 If I had some money, I would lend him some, but unfortunately, I had none.,3.none后面可跟of短语,而something/anything/everything/,nothing和someone/anyone/everyone/no one 却不能。 As we were asleep, none of us heard the sound. None of them knew about the plan because it was kept a secret. 三、any, eve

14、ry的区别,any+名词表示“(三个或三个以上)”,即:这个或那个或那个;every+名词表示 “三个或三个以上中的)每一个”,即:这个和那个和那个。not any表示全部否定,而not every+名词表部分否定。 I have many books here, and you can take any one. Every student has to take the examination. =All the students have to take the examination.,四、every, each的区别,each强调“个体”,可做代词和形容词,指“两个或两个以上中的每一

15、个”;every强调“全体”,只能做定语,指“三个或三个以上”。each做同位语时,不影响谓语动词的数,不可用not each表部分否定。 Each of my children goes to a different school. He had a cut on each foot.,主语,定语,each可做主、宾、定、同,Each of the tickets costs 10 dollars. =The tickets cost 10 dollars each. =The tickets each cost 10 dollars. 五、全部否定和部分否定 all ,both, ever

16、yone,everybody,everything以及every+名词都表示全部肯定;no one, none, nobody, nothing, notany以及no+名词都表示全部否定;但当not出现在含有全部肯定的不定代词的句子中,不管not在它们之前还是在它们之后都表示部分否定。此外not与总括性副词,主语,同位语,同位语,如everywhere,always,wholly,altogether等连用时也表示部分否定。 -One weeks time has been wasted. -I cant believe we did all that work for nothing.,六、one, another, the other, some, others, the others,one,some,another,others,the other,the others,注意下列句子,Would you please make it some other day



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