高中英语 unit1《living well》课件31 新人教版选修7

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1、Unit 1 Living well,Do you know anyone with a mental or physical disability? What have they tried to do to overcome these difficulties?,Warming up ( 5m),?,Do you know them?,21位舞者是生活在无声世界的聋哑人,他们平均年龄17岁,最小的只有13岁。,邰丽华: 我感觉残疾不是缺陷,而是人类多元化的一个特点,残疾不是不幸,只是不便,其实每个人的人生都是一样的,有圆,有缺,有满,有空,这是你没有办法选择的,但是你可以去选择看人生的角

2、度,然后带着一颗快乐而感恩的心态去面对人生的不圆满。这就是我对生活的感悟。,Have you ever seen the well-known dance led by Tai Lihua? What inspire you?,Kwan-yin of 1,000 hands,Goddess of Mercy of a thousand hands,San Lan, who once was a gymnastic player, was Injured in an accident in the competition.,Zhou Zhou, who was mentally deficien

3、t from his childhood, now has become a famous conductor in China.,舟舟,Zhang Haidi, who recovered from a severe disease and became paralyzed, now is a marvellous writer and translator in our country.,Stephen Hawking , who was suffered from a severe disease, speaking and hearing problem, as well as wal

4、king difficulty, is one of the greatest scientist in Cambridge University.,Helen Keller,海伦凯勒 美国盲聋女作家教育家,Ma Li & Zhai Xiao wei,dumb and deaf,blind,loss of an arm or leg,Paralyzed (瘫痪),Paralympic Games http:/ http:/ spirits and characteristics make the disabled successful?,a strong will determination

5、perseverance challenge live a meaningful life be optimistic ,Welcome to the Family Village!,There is a website called “Family Village” on the internet. Lets see what can we see in it.,Pre-reading,Martys Story,1. Marty is _ person. A. a healthy B. an ill C. a disabled D. a rich 2. Marty has _disease.

6、 A. a mental B. a muscle C. an eye D. a leg 3. Whats Martys dream? A. Being a doctor. B. Being a famous football player and representing his country in the World Cup. C. Being a college student. D. Being a basketball player.,Read the text quickly and answer:,Whats the main idea of the text?,Though h

7、e is a _ person, Marty never feels sorry for himself and he enjoys his life.,disabled,Read carefully again and answer: Why did the doctors cut out a piece of muscle from Martys leg? Because they could cure the disease by cutting it out. Because they wanted to use it as a specimen(标本). Because they w

8、ould transplant(移植) the new muscle. Because they wanted to find out the cause of the disease.,Scanning,2. Which of the following is True according to the text ? A. While at high school, not all Martys classmates accept him. B. A big company bought the computer game from Marty. C. The doctors know Ma

9、rtys disease well but they hide the truth. D. Marty looks quite different from other because of his disease.,3. Which of the following is false? Although there are a few students who look down upon him, Marty never gets annoyed. B. Marty leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disa

10、bled. C. Marty only spends time with his pets and never with his friends. D. Marty disability has made him more independent.,4. According to Martys opinion, what should we do to the disabled?,a. Dont feel sorry for them b. Dont make fun of them c. Dont ignore them d. Accept them for who they are e.

11、Encourage them to live as rich and full a life as you do,5. When Marty says “ I am one in a million”, he really means_ A. He is unique B. He has a rare disease C. He has a muscle disease D. He lives a hard but happy life 6.What is the tone of the text? A. Sad. B. Happy . C. Positive. D. Negative.,Pa

12、ra1: A _to Marty and his muscle disease.,Para 2: How the disease_.,introduction,developed/started,Para3: Marty met a lot of _at school.,difficulties,Para 4: How his life has become_.,easier,Para 5: The _of his disease.,advantages,Martys story,Skimming: Sum up the main idea of each paragraph.,While r

13、eading,clumsy and often drop things or bump into furniture,cant play football and can only enjoy football matches from a bench at a stadium,feels stupid because of being behind the others,invented a computer football game,looks after pets,Disability has made him grow stronger and more independent.,h

14、as missed a lot of school,difficulties,_ _ _ that makes him very weak.,_and cant _ or _ stairs as quickly as other people.,A muscle disease,disease,Clumsy,run,climb,motto,To live one day _ _ _.,at a time,Scanning:,What does “live one day at a time” mean?,Live a rich and full life every day.,Para1:,d

15、ifficulties,_ _ _ that makes him very weak,_and cant _ or _ stairs as quickly as other people,To work in the _ _,A muscle disease,disease,ambition,achievement,Clumsy,run,climb,computer industry,Invented a _ _,computer game,motto,To live one day _ _ _,Dont _ _ _the disabled or _ _ _them but _them and give them_ to live a full day.,hobby,advice,Going to the _and _



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