高中英语 unit1 building the future-language points精品课件 牛津版选修10

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1、Give a man a fish,Language Points,1.组织慈善音乐会 organize a charity concert 2.为饥荒受难者募集资金 raise money for famine victims 3.提高公众对饥荒的意识 raise public awareness of the famine 4.受到全世界的极大关注 receive much attention aroune the world 5.给施加巨大压力 put great pressure on 6.除此以外 on top of this 7.饥饿和营养不良 hunger and malnutr

2、ition 8.夺走一千万人的生命 claim ten million lives,9. 全球头号健康威胁 the number one globle health risk 10.为了设法与全球范围的饥荒作斗争 in trying to fight worldwide hunger 11.紧急粮食救援 emergency food aid 12.在危急时刻 during / in times of crisis 13.以处于危险中的人为目标 target people at risk/in danger 14.帮助失业的人养活自己 help unemployed people support

3、 themselves 15.毫无疑问 without doubt 16.惊人的成就 an amazing achievement,17.处于关键时刻 stand at a crossroads 18.远远落后于发达国家 fall further behind developed countries 19.一个长期问题的短期解决办法 a short-term solution to a long-term problem 20.有一句谚语说. There is a saying that (goes) . 21.从进口粮食过渡到生产粮食 switch from importing food t

4、o producing it 22.通过与贫困的根源作斗争来消灭贫困 stop poverty by fighting the causes of it 23.改善基础设施 improve the infrastructure 24.让一切平稳运作 make everything run smoothly,25.使他们自助而不是依赖他人 allow them to help themselves instead of being dependent on other people 26.在的手中 lie in the hands of 27.发展他们的解决问题和沟通的技能 develop th

5、eir problem solving and communication skills 28.社区计划 a community programme 29.用金属丝制作艺术品 make works of art from wire 30.传统商业 conventional business 31.迅速增长的产量 a rapidly growing output 32.通向更美好未来的良好开端 a good start towards a better future,33.填饱肚子 fill ones belly 34.这个问题没有快而简单的解决方法(p.5) There is no quick

6、 and easy solution to this problem. 35.开发的资源(p.5) develop the resources of . 36.维护尊严(p.5) maintain ones dignity,根据汉语提示填词,活动二:合作探究如何运用重要的语言点,词性(形)转换/变换,词汇研究 1.In 1985, there was little rainfall in Ethiopia, which led to destroyed harvests and killed cattle.(lines1-2) 1985年,埃塞俄比亚几乎没有降雨,这导致收成损毁,牛畜死亡. w

7、hich harvets and cattle 分词destroyed 和killed 表示动作被动完成的。 cattle n.:用作为复数的集体名词,是“牛”或“牲畜”的总称,本 身是复数形式,当它作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。用head 作 量词时,用head的原形,如“10头牛”可以说ten head of cattle或ten cattle. 以下这些名词单复数同形: fish鱼,deer鹿,sheep绵羊,works(工厂),means手段 Swiss瑞士人,Chinese中国人 crossroads(十字路口),caused/led/made,destroyed,killed,le

8、ad to All roads lead to Rome.( ) Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.( ) The waiter led us to our table. ( ) What led you to believe this? (lead sb.to do= ) 实战演练 It took me ten years to build up my business, and it almost killed me. Well, you know what they say,_. A. There

9、 is no smoke without fire B. Practice makes perfect C. All roads lead to Rome D. No pains, no gains There is no smoke without fire.意为“无风不起浪。” Practice makes perfect.意为“熟能生巧。 Once a decision has been made , all of us should it . A.direct to B.stick to C.lead to D.refer to,导致,通向,带领去某地,cause to do 导致做,

10、2. Geldof intended the concert to raise money for and public awareness of the famine.(lines6-7) Geldof 想通过音乐会为饥荒筹钱,并提高对饥荒的意识。 本句中有部分省略,完整的表达可以是 Geldof intended the concert to raise money for the famine and to raise public awareness of the famine. 学生们利用假期为希望工程募捐。 The students use their holidays to ra

11、ise money for Project Hope. 注:raise还有 “举起;提高;养育,种植,饲养; 提出; 举起某人的杯子 raise ones glass 提高公众的意识 raise public awareness 抚养孩子 raise a baby 提出反对意见 raise an objection,3. The concert also received so much attention around the world that it put great pressure on politicians and malnutrition.(lines8-10) 音乐会还受到

12、了全世界的极大关注,这给政客们施加了巨大压力,迫使他们为这次饥荒做一些事情。 put pressure on 给施加压力 工业的发展给环境带来了巨大的压力。 Industrial development has put great pressure on the environment. 在压力之下 under pressure 给施加压力去做某事 put /bring pressure on sb to do 给减少压力 relieve/reduce pressure on sb / sth,4.On top of this, according to the United Nations,

13、 hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives every year.(lines 14-15) 除此之外,根据联合国的资料,饥饿和营养不良每年夺走一千万人的生命。 on top of 除之外(通常指不愉快的事情) 他不但失去了妻子,而且自己也病了。 He lost his wife and on top of that he got ill. 复习:除外(还包括):besides,in addtion to,apart from 对比下句中的together with Clearly, development aid together wit

14、h food aid is the long-term solution to the problem of poverty.(lines41-43) 很显然,发展援助和食品援助结合起来才是贫困问题的长期解决办法。 on top of其它意义 That high hill has a tower on top of it. on top of mountain=at the top of the mountain at the top of ones voice 声嘶力竭 on top of the world =extremely happy,实战演练 See the flags on to

15、p of the building? That was_ we did this morning. A. when B. which C. where D. what Put the _ of your tongue against your upper teeth when you pronounce the sound. A. tip B. top C. peak D. pole tip“尖”(舌尖),top顶端,peak最高峰,顶峰,pole极。,claim vt.要求,认领,声称,索赔,获得,导致死亡 印尼的海啸夺走了很多人的生命。 The tsunami in Indonesia h

16、as claimed many lives. 钱包已找到,可到经理办公室认领。 A wallet has been found and can be claimed at the managers office. Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer. 科学家们宣称治疗癌症已有重大突破。 She claims damages from the company for the injury she had suffered. 她因受伤向公司索要损害赔偿金。 She has finally claimed a place on the team.她终于成了那个队的队员。 n.声明,合


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