2018届高三英语一轮复习 unit 21body language课件 大纲人教版

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1、Unit 21 Body language,.重要单词聚焦 1 adj. 不公正的;不公平的 2 vt. 避免;消除 3 adj.& adv. 在前;向前;提前 4 vt. 折叠;合拢;抱住 5 adj. 疯狂的;狂热的;(建筑等)不安全的 6 vt.& vi. 分开;分离 7 n. 握手,unfair,avoid,ahead,fold,crazy,part,handshake,8 n. 怒;愤怒 9 vi. 发生;出现 10 adj. 具体的;特有的 11 n. 顾客;主顾 12 vt.& vi. 做成(某事);管理;经营 13 vt. 改变;使多样化 vi. 变化;不同 14 adj. (

2、指动作)稳定而有力的;牢固的,anger,occur,specific,customer,manage,vary,firm,15 vt.& vi. 弯曲;专心于;屈服 16 adv. 轻轻地;温柔地 17. adj. 无用的,无效的 18 n. (兴趣活动等的)中心;焦点,bend,gently,useless,focus,.重点短语扫描 1 在之前;胜过;超过 2 给某人帮助 3 通过;度过;到达 4 弄倒某物;拆除某物 5 举起;拿起;举出 6 按顺序;整齐,ahead of,give sb.a hand,get through,tear down,hold up,in order,7 与

3、交流 8 摇头 9 至于,关于 10 停放,依靠,寄托,communicate with,shake ones head,as to,rest on,.课文原句突破 1然而在巴西和德国,这种手势是粗鲁的。 In Brazil and Germany,_,the gesture is rude. 答案: however 2尽管对于身势语的解释五花八门,但某些手势似乎是全球通用的。 _there are many different interpretations of our body language,some gestures seem to be universal. 答案: while,

4、3双手合十,把头贴在手背上,同时闭上双眼好像睡着的样子,意思是“我累了”。 Pressing ones palms together and resting ones head on the back of ones hand while closing the eyes_ _sleeping means “I am tired” 答案: as if 4如果我们情绪低落或感到孤独,那么没有比看到好友的笑脸更好的了。 And if we are feeling down or lonely,there is_ _ _to see the smiling face of a good friend

5、. 答案: nothing better than,5在哪些场合我们需要非常注意我们的身势语和姿势? What are some situations _ we need to be very careful about our body language and gestures? 答案: where,avoid vt.逃避;避免;回避 教材原句P58:avoiding eye contact,In order to avoid the heavy traffic on the roads,I set out ten minutes earlier every morning. 为了避免遇到

6、交通高峰期,我每天早上早出发十分钟。 Children quickly learned how to avoid punishment/being punished.孩子们很快就学会了如何逃避惩罚。 I tried to avoid answering his questions. 我设法避免回答他的问题。,后跟动名词作宾语的动词很多,可用下列方式记忆: 避免 错过 少延期(avoid miss put off/postpone) 建议 完成 多练习(suggest finish practise) 喜欢 想像 禁不住(enjoy imagine cant help) 承认 否定 与嫉妒(ad

7、mit deny envy) 逃避 冒险 莫原谅(escape risk excuse) 忍受 保持 不介意(stand keep mind) Faced with the financial crisis,none of us are willing to risk losing our jobs. 面临这场金融危机,我们没有一个愿意去冒失去工作的危险。,1.David stole into the classroom by the back door to avoid_by our teacher standing by the window. Ato see Bseeing Chavin

8、g seen Dbeing seen 解析: avoid doing避免,根据题意“他避免被老师看见”,所以应用v.ing形式的被动语态。 答案: D,2(2011杭州检测二)If your car isnt insured,you may_losing everything when it hits something solid. Adelay Bdeny Cavoid Drisk 解析: 该题考查动词。A.耽搁;B.否认;C.避免;D.冒险。如果你不给你的车入保险,那么,当你的车发生碰撞后,你可能会冒失去一切的危险。 答案: D,manage vt.& vi.做成(某事);管理;经营 教

9、材原句P58:No,thanks.I can manage it myself.,(1)manage a school/factory/company经营一所学校/工厂/公司 manage to do sth.设法做成某事 be badly managed经营不善 (2)management n管理,经营 manager n负责人,经理,In spite of her anger,she managed not to lose her temper. 她尽管很生气,还是忍着没有发脾气。 It is not easy to manage such a large hotel. 管理这么一家大旅馆

10、可不容易。 You need to learn to manage your time more effectively. 你需要学会如何有效地利用时间。 But for your help,they couldnt have managed it. 没有你们的帮助,他们是干不成的。,辨析:manage to do sth.与try to do sth. (1)manage to do sth.意为“设法完成”,表示经过努力达到了目的。 Though we left home very late,we managed to catch the last bus. 尽管我们出门很晚,但我们赶上了

11、末班车。 (2)try to do sth.表示“尽力去做某事”,不包含是否成功的意思。 He tried to stop a car but he failed. 他设法要拦一辆车,但没拦住。,3.He_to escape from the prison,but he couldnt find anybody to help him. Asucceeded Battempted Cadvised Dmanaged 解析: succeed 后不接不定式作宾语,advise doing sth.建议做某事;manage to do sth.成功做成某事,与题意不符。 答案: B,4The ear

12、thquake survivor,who was an old lady of more than eighty,_to live without food and water for nearly two weeks and was helped out in the end. Akept Btried CManaged Dsucceeded 答案: C 5Can I help you with that heavy box? No,thanks._. AI can do it myself BI can make it myself CI can manage it myself DI c

13、an carry it myself 答案: C,6Though he was badly hurt,the driver_to get out of the car and_help. Amanaged;got Bmanaged;get Ctried;got Dtried;get 解析: 由连词though可知,司机应该是从车中爬出来,强调结果用manage to do sth.;第二空与第一空是用and连接的并列结构,时态要一致,用过去时。 答案: A,crazy adj.疯狂的,着迷的 教材原句P59:The “crazy” gesture,moving the index finger

14、 in a circle in front of the ear,means “you have a phone call” in Brazil.,The boy has grown crazy about football. 那孩子越来越痴迷于足球。 The young man worked like crazy so that he could forget the sadness of losing his close friend. 这年轻人发疯似地工作,以此来忘记失去密友的痛苦。 It is crazy of you to buy the car at such a high pri

15、ce. 居然花那么高的价钱去买这辆车,你真是疯了。 He went crazy with fear.他因害怕而变得疯狂。,7.The girl is_about dancing.She believes she can become a good dancer some day. Acrazy Bfond Cinterested Ddevoted 解析: be crazy about对狂热,热爱,迷上。 答案: A,occur vi.发生;出现;(某事)被想到;(某种想法)浮现在脑海中 教材原句P63:Put numbers next to all the things in the order they occur.,The possibility



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