2018届高三英语一轮复习 unit 10 american literature课件 大纲人教版

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1、Unit 10 American literature,.重要单词聚焦 1 n 结果,效果 2 vi. 哭,哭泣 3 adj. 破旧的,寒酸的 4 n. 破布;碎布 5 vt. 为提供家具;用家具布置 6 adj. 稀有的;罕见的 7 adj. 破烂的;损坏的,outcome,weep,shabby,rag,furnish,rare,worn,8 n. 行李 9 adv. 无论如何,至少 10 n. 剃;刮;vt.& vi.刮(胡须等) 11 vi. 闪光;闪烁 12 vt. 批准;通过 vi. 赞成;认可;满意,baggage,anyhow,shave,flash,approve,.重点短语

2、扫描 1 处理;照顾;关照 2 感到自豪 3 打扮;梳妆 4 习惯于 5 担负;负重 6 全神贯注于;凝视,attend to,take pride in,do up,get accustomed to,be burdened with,fix sth.on/upon sb./sth,7 突然大哭起来 8 终于;最后;详细地 9 不支持;使失望 10 度过;活过,break out in/into tears and cries,at length,let down,live through,.课文原句突破 1明天就是圣诞节了,可她只有1.87美元来给吉姆买份礼物。 Tomorrow woul

3、d be Christmas Day,and she had only $1.87_ _ _ _ _ _ _. 答案: with which to buy Jim a present,2这条表链若装在吉姆的表上,他无论在哪家公司里上班都会很关注时间的。 _ _ _ _ _ _Jim might be properly_ _the time in any company. 答案: With that chain on his watch;anxious about,3他双眼盯着戴拉,里面有一种她无法读懂的表情。 His eyes_ _ _Della,and there was an expres

4、sion in them_ _ _ _ _. 答案: were fixed upon;that she would not read,4咱们不谈这事了,现在吃饭好吗? So_ forget about it now and have our dinner,_ _? 答案: lets;shall we,furnish vt.为提供家具;用家具布置 教材原句P84:They lived in a furnished flat at $8 per week.,They furnished blankets and food to the refugees. 他们为难民供应毯子和食物。 Luckily

5、,they have furnished us with a car and all the necessary maps.幸运的是他们为我们提供了一辆汽车和所有必要的地图。 Ninas room was plainly furnished with a bed and a desk. 尼娜的房间简单地摆放了一张床和一张写字台。,1.The house in which they lived was badly_,with only some old tables,a blackboard and an old stove. Aprovided Bsupplied Cfilled Dfurni

6、shed 解析: 考查动词词义辨析。句意为:他们住的房子布置很简单,仅带有 一些老式的桌子,一面黑板和一个旧炉子。be furnished with用家具布置;provide.with.为提供;be supplied with提供;be filled with充 满。 答案: D,approve vt.批准;通过;vi.赞成;认可;满意 教材原句P88:It was not anger,nor surprise,nor a look showing that he did not approve,nor horror,nor any of the feelings that she had b

7、een prepared for.,I approve of your trying to earn some money,but please dont neglect your studies.我同意你去挣一些钱,可是不要误了功课。 She would never do anything that was not approved of by her parents.她从来不会做父母不赞成的事情。 Nobody would approve your ideal plans for reforming the system of government. 没有人会赞成你的关于改革政体的不切实际

8、的计划。 He showed his approval by smiling. 他用微笑表示赞成。,2.用approve的适当形式填空: (1)Our plan for building a new library_(政府还没有批准) yet. 答案: hasnt been approved by the government (2)She kept nodding,which _(表示赞同) to our arrangement. 答案: showed her approval (3)Last month we_(收到官方的赞同) to go ahead with the project.

9、答案: received official approval,flash vi.闪现;掠过;突然发生;n.闪光,闪烁;手电筒 教材原句P89:The dull precious metal seemed to flash,as if reflecting her bright spirit.,A terrible thought flashed through my mind. 一个可怕的想法闪过我的脑海。 A look of terror flashed across his face. 他脸上掠过惊恐的神色。 It flashed on me that he was the man Id

10、seen in the hotel. 我顿时认出他就是我在饭店里看到的那个人。 The computer can sort and edit a mailing list in a flash. 电脑可以快速分类编辑邮寄名单。,3.完成句子 Stories about what happened to him_ (他脑海里闪现出) 答案: flashed through his mind,focus on/upon集中注意力于 教材原句P88:His eyes were fixed upon Della,and there was an expression in them that she

11、could not read.,(1)focus attention/efforts/energy/thoughts/mind on (doing) sth.集中注意力/努力/精力/思想/心思于 (2)focus n中心,焦点,Please focus your attention on the following problem. 请集中精力考虑以下这个问题。 You must try to focus your mind on work and study. 你应该努力把思想集中在工作和学习上。 She was the focus of everyones attention at the

12、 party. 她是那次聚会时人人注意的焦点。,4.Public attention at the moment is focused_the problem of environment balance. Ainto Btowards Cabout Don 解析: focus.on为固定搭配,意为“把集中于”。 答案: D,5The program was so exciting that the children kept their eyes_on the screen. Ato fix Bto be fixed Cfixed Dfixing 解析: fix sth.on/upon sb

13、./sth.全神贯注于,凝视。keep their eyes fixed on the screen眼睛一动不动地盯着屏幕。 答案: C,attend to处理;照顾;注意(某事) 教材原句P84:Della finished crying and attends to her cheeks with the powder rag.,(1)attend to the matter处理事情 attend to what sb.says倾听某人说话 attend to the customer接待顾客 (2)attend tosee to/deal with/handle处理 attend tot

14、ake care of/look after照顾,I have a few other things to attend to at present. 目前我有几种其他的事要办理。 The nurses attended to the victims day and night during 512 Earthquake. 在512地震中,护士们日夜护理受灾群众。 Sometimes,when Ive read a book aloud often,I read it without really attending to it. 有时,当我朗诵书本时,注意力并未在书本上。,6.How about joining us in the game? Im sorry.I have an urgent matter to_. Arelate to Bappeal to Cattend to Drefer to 解析: attend to处理,符合题意。relate to关联;appeal to呼吁,吸引;refer to谈到,提及,参考。 答案: C,put away把收起来(放回原处),储存备用


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